Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች


የስራ ቅጥር ማስታወቂያዎን በነፃ እንድንለቅልዎ በ @HalalJobsEthbot በኩል ይላኩልን

ሐልል የሆኑ የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች የሚያገኙበት ቻናል ነው። ይወዳጁን! ይከታተሉን! ወዳጅዎንም ይጋብዙ! ያተርፉበታል!

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

22 Oct, 17:35

Happy Coffee / ሃፒ ኮፊ

1. የስራ መደብ፦ ባሬሰታ

※ ተፈላጊ ችሎታ፦ በባሬስታነት 2 ዓመት እና ከዛ በላይ በታወቀ ድርጅት የሰራ እና ተገቢውን ማስረጃ ማምጣት የሚችል::
※ የስራ ቦታ፦ ፒያሳ
※ ደመውዝ፦ በስምምነት
※ ብዛት፦ 1
※ ፆታ፦ ወንድ

2. የስራ መደብ፦ አስተናጋጅ

※ ብዛት፦ 2
※ ደመወዝ፦ በስምምነት
※ ፆታ፦ ወንድ

ከላይ የተዘረዘሩትን መስፈርቶች የሚያሟሉ አመልካቾች ማስረጃቸውን ባፋጣኝ በቴሌግራም በ0911991297 / 0970888883
በመላክ ወይም በመደወል መመዝገብ ይችላሉ።


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

22 Oct, 17:34

ዓል-ዒምራን መድረሳ ሴት ዑስታዛ ይፈልጋል

አለም-ገና ኬንቴሪ ሶስና ት/ቤት አካባቢ የሚገኘው ዓል-ኢምራን ኢስላማዊ መድረሳ  ከታች ያለውን መስፈርት የምታሟላ ሴት ዑስታዛ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል

1. ቁርዓን በተጅዊድ ማስቀራት እና ልጆችን ማስያዝ የምትችል
2. መሰረታዊ የሆኑ የአቂዳ,የሀዲስ እና የተረቢያ ኪታቦችን ማስተማር የምትችል .
3. አረብኛ ኸጥን የምትችል
4. በአቂዳና በመንሀጇ በኩል ሱን-ኒያ የሆነች  ለሌሎችም ተምሳሌት የምትሆን
ተጨማሪ ግዴታ ያልሆኑ መሰፈርቶቾ
4. አለማዊ ት/ት የተማረች
5. የሃፈዘች
6. ከዚህ በፊት የልጆች ተርቢያና ማስቀራት ላይ ልምድ ያላት

የስራ ቀንና ሰዓት
ቅዳሜ እና እሁድ ጠዋት ከ2:00 ጀምሮ እስከ 6:00
ከሰኞ እስከ ሀሙስ  ከአስር ሰላት (10:00) እስከ 12:10 ድረስ

ደሞዝ ጥሩ ይከፈላል።.  ,ፍላጎቱ ያለሽ እና መሰፈርቱን ምታሟዪ ከታች ባለው ድራሻ ታገኚናለሽ



Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

22 Oct, 17:34

ቤሮ ሸረፋ መስጅና መድረሳ የወንድ ኡስታዝ እንፈልጋለን!

1. ቁርኣን በጅዊድ ያከተመ እና ማስቀራት የምችል
2. ቃኢደቱ ኑራንያ በደንብ ማስቀራት የምችል
3. አረበኛ ጽሁፍ ቦርድ ላይ መጻፍ የምችል
4. አጫጭር ኪታቦች ማስቀራት የምችል
5. ለመድረሳው አቅራቢያ ሰፈር መሆን

※ አድራሻ፦ ላይ ቤሮ ከሪልስቴት ዝቅ ቢሎ
※ የቂርኣት ሠዓት፦ 10:00—መግሪብ
※ የቂርኣት ቀናቶች፦ ከሰኞ—ቅዳሜ ጁሙኣን ጨምሮ

※ ደመወዝ፦ በስምምነት

ለማመልከት፦ 0917101433


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

22 Oct, 08:27

አዲስ ሙሀመድና ጓደኞቿ የጥብቅና ድርጅት

ድርጅቱ ግራፊክ ዲዛይነርና ሶሻል ሚዲያ ማናጀር አወዳድሮ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል!

የስራ መደብ፦ ግራፊክ ዲዛይነርና ሶሻል ሚዲያ ማናጀር

※ በአይ ሲቲ ወይም መሰል ሙያ ዲፕሎማ ወይም ዲግሪ ኖሮት ግራፊክስ መስራት የሚችል/የምትችል
※ ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ የመጠቀም ልምድ ያለው/ያላት
※ የስራ ቦታ፦ ልደታ ባልቻ ሆስፒታል ጀርባ
ደመወዝ፦ በስምምነት

ሴት አመልካቾች ይበረታታሉ

ከላይ የተዘረዘሩትን መስፈርቶች የሚያሟሉ አመልካቾች በ5 ተከታታይ ቀናት ማስረጃቸውን በቴሌግራም በ0910014537 በመላክ ብቻ መመዝገብ ይችላሉ።


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 17:31

ሀሩን ሚድያ / Harun Media

ሀሩን ሚድያ በህዝበ ሙስሊሙ ማህበራዊ ፤ መንፈሳዊ እና ሃገራዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ አካታችነትንና እኩልነትን እንዲሁም አብሮ መኖርን እና ሰላም መቻቻልን መሰረት አድርጎ የሚሰራ ሚድያ ነው።  ሀሩን ሚዲያ የመጀመሪያ ስቱዲዮ አሜሪካ ሀገር በመጀመር በማስቀጠልም በአዲስ አበባና በደቡብ ክልል ሀላባ ላይ ስቱዲዮችን ከፍቶ በሚዲያ ዘርፍ ማህበረሰቡን እያገለገለ ይገኛል።

ሚዲያችን  ከታች በተጠቀሰው የስራ ዘርፍ ሰራተኞችን አወዳድሮ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል

መሟላት ያለባቸው ነገሮች፦

1. በኤዲቲንግ ስልጠና የወሰደች/የወሰደ ወይም የተወሰነ ልምድ ያለው/ያላት

2. ስራዎችን ቶሎ የመረዳት፣ የመገንዘብና የመፍጠር ችሎታ ያለው/ያላት
3.ተጨማሪ ስልጠናዎች ለመውሰድ ፍቃደኛ የሆነ
4, መሰረታዊ ኢስላማዊ እዉቀት ያለው/ያላት

መስፈርቱን ካሟሉ  በቴሌግራም ( @abasnur) ማመልከት ትችላላችሁ!  ሲያመለክቱ የትምህርት ማስረጃ  ወይም ከዚህ ቀደም የሰሯቸው  video  ማያያዝ እንዳይረሱ!

※ የስራ ቦታ፦ ጀሞ2
※ ብዛት፦ 2(1ወንድ እና 1ሴት)
※ ደሞዝ፦ በስምምነት

ከሚከተሉት ቋንቋዎች ሁለት ወይም ከዚያ በላይ ለሚችል ቅድሚያ እንሰጣለን
  1. አማርኛ
  2. Afan Oromo
  3. እንግሊዘኛ
  4. አረበኛ

ማስታወሻ፦ መኖሪያ ቦታ ለስራ ቅርብ የሆነ ቢሆን ይመረጣል

ማመልከት የሚቻለው፦ እስከ ጥቅምት 16,2017 ብቻ ነው


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 17:25

ቦርከና ሽፎን

የስራ መደብ፦ ስፌት

※ የስራ ልምድ፦ በደምብ የሚችል
※ አድራሻ፦ አሸዋ ሜዳ ቀበሌ
※ ደመወዝ፦ በስምምነት
※ ፆታ፦ ወንድ

0908585878 ወይም


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 17:24

Scholar Tutor / ስኮላር ቲቶር

ድርጅታችን ስኮላር ቲቶር  ከ 100 በላይ በቁርአን ቡቁ የሆኑ ኡሱታዞች መቅጠር ይፈልጋል !!!

ለልጆች እንዲሁም ለእናቶች ኢስላማዊ ትምሀርት ወይም ቁርኣን  ቤት ለቤት አስቀሪ መሆን ይፈልጋሉ ??


ጠንካራ አካዳሚክ እውቀት በተዛማጅ ትምህርቶች (ኢስላማዊ ጥናት፣ ቁርአን፣ አረብኛ፣ የመሳሰሉት)

※ በጣም ጥሩ የግንኙነት እና የመግባባት ችሎታ

※ የተማሪዎችን ሰዓት እና የመማር ዘይቤዎችን ለማስተናገድ ዝግጅነት

※ ለቁርአን አስተማሪዎች በድርጅታችን የሚሰጠውን ፈተና ለመውሰድ ፍቃደኛ መሆን

※ አመልካች ማስታወቂያወ ከወጣበት ጀምሮ ለተከታታይ 10 ቀናት ብቻ ነው መመዝገብ የሚችለው።

ለማመልከት፣ እባክዎን የእርስዎን ሪዝሜ እና አጭር የሽፋን ደብዳቤ ወደ https://scholarstutor.net/quran-registration/ ያስገቡ።

ለተጨማሪ መረጃ
0904118170/  0712343404
አሊያ ዌብሳይታችን ይጎብኙ


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 15:12

ሐምብራ ቢዝነስ ግሩፕ አ.ማ ቀጥሎ በተጠቀሱት የስራ መደቦች አመልካቾችን አወዳድሮ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል!

በድጋሚ የወጣ ማስታወቂያ

1. ከፍተኛ የማርኬቲንግ ባለሙያ
የትምህርት ደረጃ እና የስራ ልምድ፡- በማርኬቲንግ ማኔጅመንት፣ በማኔጅመንት፣ በሴልስ ወይም ተዛማጅ በሆነ የትምህርት ዘርፍ ማስተርስ ዲግሪ ወይም የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ እና በዘርፉ 3 ዓመት ለማስተርስ እና 5 ዓመት ለመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ ቀጥተኛ የስራ ልምድ ያለው/ያላት፣ በሪል ስቴት ዘርፍ ላይ የሰራ/የሰራች እና በዲጂታል ማርኬቲንግ ልምድ ያለው
※ ብዛት፡- 2
※ ደመወዝ ፡- በስምምነት
※ የስራ ቦታ፡- አዲስ አበባ

2. የሽያጭ ባለሙያ
የትምህርት ደረጃ እና የስራ ልምድ፡- በማርኬቲንግ ማኔጅመንት፣ በማኔጅመንት፣ በሴልስ ወይም ተዛማጅ በሆነ የትምህርት የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ እና በዘርፉ 3 ዓመት ቀጥተኛ የስራ ልምድ ያለው/ያላት፣ በሪል ስቴት ዘርፍ ላይ የሰራ/የሰራች እና በዲጂታል ማርኬቲንግ ልምድ ያለው/ያላት
※ ብዛት፡- 2
※ ደመወዝ ፡- በስምምነት
※ የስራ ቦታ፡- አዲስ አበባ

3.  ሪሴፕሽን
የትምህርት ደረጃ እና የስራ ልምድ፡- በማርኬቲንግ ማኔጅመንት፣ በአካውንቲንግ፣ በማኔጅመንት፣ በሴልስ ወይም ተዛማጅ በሆነ የትምህርት የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ እና በዘርፉ 2 ዓመት ቀጥተኛ የስራ ልምድ ያላት፣ በሪል ስቴት ዘርፍ ላይ የሰራች
※ ብዛት፡- 2
※ ፆታ፡- ሴት
※ ደመወዝ ፡- በስምምነት
※ የስራ ቦታ፡- አዲስ አበባ

ከላይ የተጠቀሰውን መስፈርት የምታሟሉ አመልካቾች በድርጅቱ ቢሮ ፒያሳ ተክለሃይማኖት ሆስፒታል ፊት ለፊት ግሎባል ህንፃ 2ኛ ፎቅ ወይም በድርጅቱ ኢሜይል አድራሻ [email protected] ይህ ማስታወቂያ ከወጣበት ቀን ጅምሮ ባሉት 5 ተከታታይ ቀናት ማስገባት ትችላላችሁ፡፡

0118547211 ወይም


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 11:55

Zehara Drug Store

Position: Dipenser

※ Experience: 3 years and above
※ Location of the company: Kality Maseltegna
※ Salary: Negosable
※ Sex: Both

How to apply: 
call us: 0909349094
or @zeyndin


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 11:54

Transcend International school

Job Vacancy: Art Teacher

※ Category: Art Teacher 
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:
Develop and implement lesson plans that meet curriculum standards.
Teach students the fundamentals of drawing, painting, sculpture, and other art forms.
Assess and evaluate students' progress through projects and assignments.
Provide constructive feedback to help students improve their artistic skills.
Create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.
Prepare and organize art materials and supplies for lessons.
Stay up-to-date with new art techniques and teaching methods.
Organize and participate in school art exhibitions and events.
Job Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, Art Education, or a related field.
Prior teaching experience in art. International school experience will be considered a plus.
Proficiency in digital art and graphic design software.
Strong understanding of art history and contemporary art trends.
State teaching certification or licensure.
Strong portfolio demonstrating artistic ability.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Passion for teaching and inspiring creativity in students.

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply the telegram using +251911463517
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio.
Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517
Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 11:54

Transcend International School

Job Vacancy: HPE Teacher      

※ Category: HPE Teacher
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:

Teach knowledge and skills in physical fitness, rhythms and dance, health education, and individual, dual and team sports
Supervising practical PE lessons, including both indoor and outdoor classes
Motivating school children to take up new sports or athletic pursuits
Ensuring that children compete to their ability level and aren’t exposed to unnecessary injury or illness through school sports
Training and coaching school sports teams

Job Requirements:

Experience as HPE teacher
Ability to motivate students and create interest
Strong interpersonal and instructional skills
Appropriate communication skills for elementary schools.
Good physical shape

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply through the telegram using +251911463517
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio.

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 11:53

Transcend International school

Job Vacancy: Procurement Agent       

※ Category: Procurement Agent   
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:
Develop profitable purchasing strategies
Assess supplier profiles and analyze offers
Prepare and implement effective negotiation tactics
Manage relationships with key suppliers to maintain quality of goods, timely delivery and compliance to terms of contracts
Review supplies to ensure quality
Monitor stock levels
Prepare and submit detailed reports (revenues, buying expenditures etc.)
Keep updated records

Job Requirements:
BSc/BA in business administration or relevant field. First degree in Procurement Management/ Supplies Management/ Purchasing Management/Management/Business Management/Business Administration/ Accounting/ Marketing Management and 4 years related work experience
Proven experience as a purchasing agent or relevant role
Demonstrable experience in negotiating prices and terms and conditions
Knowledge of market research, data analysis and purchasing best practices
Working knowledge of MS Office Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
A strong analytical mindset

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply through the telegram using +251911463517
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio.

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 11:48

Transcend International School

Job Vacancy: Admission Officer      

※ Category: Admission Officer  
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract 
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:
Manage the admissions process, including reviewing applications, conducting interviews, and making admission decisions
Play an instrumental role in managing and supporting the School’s admissions practices and procedures ensuring they are up to date, compliant with all relevant regulations and effectively implemented and that they are seen as dynamic systems that are continually kept under active review.
Work with the Finance Manager to ensure timely and accurate recording of registration and deposit fees.

Organize tours and visits for prospective parents with the Head of school/Principal/, conduct parent tours as required across the school
Prepare Admissions Meeting agenda for fortnightly meeting with the Head of school
Collaborate with other departments to develop and execute recruitment strategies to attract students to the institution
Provide support to prospective students and their families throughout the admissions process
Maintain accurate records and databases of applicant information
Keep up-to-date with changes in admission requirements, policies, and procedures

Job Requirements:
First degree in marketing management/ Business Management and related field. 4 years relevant working experience.
Experience in admissions, student recruitment, or related fields
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Strong organizational and time-management skills
Ability to work independently and as part of a team

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply through the telegram.
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio.

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 11:48

Transcend International School

Job Vacancy: Finance Officer     

※ Category: Finance Officer 
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Career Level:  Accountant or related 
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:
Keep accurate records for all daily transactions
Record accounts payable and accounts receivable
Update internal systems with financial data
Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports
Reconcile bank statements
Track bank deposits and payments
Assist with budget preparation
Review and implement financial policies

Job Requirements:
BSc degree in Finance, Accounting or Economics
Proven work experience as a Finance Officer or similar role
Solid knowledge of financial and accounting procedures
Advanced MS Excel skills
Knowledge of financial regulations
Excellent analytical and numerical skills

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply through the telegram.
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio using +251911463517 telegram.

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 11:48

Transcend International School

Job Vacancy: Executive Secretary

※ Category: General Services Division
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:
Performs all secretarial activities like typing letters, documents and the like by a computer drafting routine letters, sending and receiving e-mails and fax messages;

Classifies material for filing, keeps a variety of records, compiles and prepares statistical and other data from such records;

Opens, sorts and directs incoming mail and maintains control over incoming and outgoing correspondences;

Takes and transcribes oral dictation, transcribes letters and prepares correspondences for the the signatures;

Arranges and assembles materials for staff meetings;

Receives visitors to the Office and arranges appointments.

Handles petty cash fund as per the established financial procedures for miscellaneous expenses;

Answers and clarifies business inquiries of routine nature on her own;

Reminds appointments and gathers materials or information on the subjects under consideration;

Acts as a receptionist and explains to employees, visiting guests or representatives of the external organizations about the company’s policies, regulations and general business;

Operates Fax, Copy Machine, Telex and related office equipment;

Requests office supplies by checking the existing inventory records;

Maintains confidentiality in all matters of verbal and written information;

Job Requirements:
University /College/ TVET (10+3) diploma in Secretarial Science and Office Management/ Office Administration & Secretarial Technology and 5 years relevant working experience

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply through the telegram.
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio.

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 10:09

Transcend International School

※ Job Vacancy: General Service officer
※ Category: General Services Divis
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:
Prepares periodic & action plan of the Division;

Administers essential utility services of the school;

Plans and establishes security procedures for the company’s facilities;

Runs telecoms, reproduction, messengerial, furnishing, janitorial and other supporting office services;

Supervises security, gardening, compound cleaning as well as the maintenance and inventory  keeping of school assets;

Provides and runs transportation and recreational services;

Arranges for the installation, repair and maintenance of telephone lines, fax and other communication appliances;

Programs and follows up the timely maintenance of office equipment such as typewriters, photocopiers, furniture and other facilities;
Follows up the timely procurement of janitorial supplies, office supplies, uniforms and overalls for entitled employees and general service tools and accessories;

Supervises and coordinates the timely maintenance and repair of buildings, water and heat systems, toilets, sewerage pipes, office electrical appliances;

Job Requirements:
First degree in Public Administration/ Business Management/ Management/ Personnel Management/ Business Administration and 4 years relevant working experience, of which 2 years as division head/ section head or on other supervisory position (s) 
University/ College/TVET (10+3) diploma in Human Resource Management/ Management and 8 years related work experience, of which 3 as division head/ section head or on other supervisory position (s) 

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply to our company by telegram using +251911463517
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio.

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 10:04

Transcend International School

Job Vacancy: HR Officer      

※ Category: HR Officer  
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract 
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:
Support the development and implementation of HR initiatives and systems
Be actively involved in recruitment by preparing job descriptions, posting ads and managing the hiring process
Create and implement effective onboarding plans
Develop training and development programs

Assist in performance management processes
Support the management of disciplinary and grievance issues
Maintain employee records (attendance, EEO data etc.) according to policy and legal requirements

Job Requirements:

BSc BSc/BA in business administration, social studies or relevant field
Proven experience as HR officer, administrator or other HR position
Knowledge of HR functions (pay & benefits, recruitment, training & development etc.)
Understanding of labor laws and disciplinary procedures
Proficient in MS Office; knowledge of HRMS is a plus
Outstanding organizational and time-management abilities
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Problem-solving and decision-making aptitude

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply to our company through telegram.
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio through telegram using +251911463517

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 10:01

Transcend International school

Job Vacancy: Teaching Assistant

※ Category: Teaching Assistant
※ Location: Addis Ababa
※ Employment Type: Permanent contract
※ Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:

Helping Teachers with lesson preparation, including collecting materials and setting up equipment
Make sure classrooms are safe and tidy before classes start
Supervising students in class, between classes and during recreation periods and field trips.
Giving extra help to students who need special accommodations
Observing school and class rules and regulations
Collaborating with the Teacher to identify students’ issues and recommend solutions
Record Keeping
Job Requirements:
Familiarity with school administrative tasks and learning methods
Experience as a Teacher Assistant
Excellent communication and organizational skills
A love for teaching and the ability to build a trusting relationship with students, teachers and parents
BSc in a related field is preferred
How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply to our company
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio by telegram using +25191146351

Our Head Office address is around German square.
Tele. +251911463517

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

21 Oct, 09:41

Transcend International School.

About the Transcend International school:
Transcend International School, established by a group of dedicated visionaries in January 2024, inherits the legacy of its founders' success in educational ventures. With a collective wealth of experience and a commitment to progressive learning, the academy aims to provide an enriching educational experience that surpasses conventional norms.


Location: Addis Ababa
Career Level: 
Employment Type: Permanent contract
Salary: Attractive and as per the scale of the school

Roles and Responsibilities:

Planning and presenting lessons to facilitate students' understanding and application of mathematical concepts.
Preparing and distributing learning material such as notes, assignments, and quizzes. Sourcing the resources and supplies needed for lessons
Responsible for fostering positive self-esteem and supportive relationships for all pupils, founded upon respect and mutual trust. •
Responsible for maximizing the academic progress of the pupils they teach by delivering the very highest standards of teaching and learning. •
Promote a positive, purposeful and professional working atmosphere that encourages cooperation and challenge whilst valuing the contribution that individuals make to the success of the school.

Job Requirements:
Appropriate degree, with primary education teacher training (in Mathematics education)
Effective implementation of learning and teaching strategies to achieve appropriately set teaching objectives that are in line with curriculum goals.
Understanding of how children at the ages for primary schooling develop and learn.
Ability to work in a way that promotes the safety and wellbeing of children, in accordance with all relevant safeguarding polices and practice.
Knowledge and experience of how to use of IT effectively in promoting pupil learning.
Previous experience or knowledge of teaching in international school is a bonus.
Effective communication and engagement with parents.
Previous experience of teaching children is necessary.

How to Apply
Interested applicant is supposed to apply to our company
Please attach your CV, educational and job experience documents, and your work portfolio using +251911463517 telegram number.

Our Head Office address is around German square.

Deadline: After 5 consecutive days


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth

Halal Jobs - ሐላል የስራ ማስታወቂያዎች

20 Oct, 17:03

አምረን ፒ ኤል ሲ

ተቋሙ በሚከተሉት የስራ መደቦች ባለሙያዎችን አወዳድሮ መቅጠር ይፈልጋል።

1. ሜዲካል ሪሴፕሽኒስት
※ በህክምና ዲግሪና ጥሩ የመግባባት ችሎታ ያላት
※ የስራ ልምድ፦ አይጠይቅም

2. ካሸር
※ በአካውንቲንግ ወይም መሰል ሙያ ዲግሪ ወይም ዲፕሎማና
※ የስራ ልምድ፦ 2 ዓመት በካሸርነት

የስራ ቦታ፦ ቤተል ወደ ጦር ሀይሎች ታክሲ መያዣ አካባቢ
ደመወዝ፦ በስምምነት

መስፈርቱን የምታሟሉ አመልካቾች በ 0910014537 ቴሌግራም ላይ መረጃችሁን በመላክ ማመልከት ትችላላችሁ።


Halal Jobs

ቴሌግራም👉 t.me/HalalJobsEth





