Spoken English with Aj


Admin @MMAjff

Spoken English with Aj

17 Sep, 13:36

Common mistakes people often make

1,Using "I" or "Me" incorrectly
Don't Use "Me" as a subject
Example Me and Sarah are going shopping

Use "I" as a subject

Correction:- Sarah and I are going shopping.

2 Don't say "Free gift"
Correction "Gift"
Gift is inherently free.

3, "Good" and "Well"
Mistake "She sings good"

Correction She sings Well"
Good is an adjective while Well is an adverb used to describe how an action is performed.
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Spoken English with Aj

17 Sep, 12:19

Most common mistake


People is   👈አይባልም
People are  👈ይባላል

I'm agree
I agree

I'm waiting you
I'm waiting for you

I lost the bus
I missed my bus

Everyone are happy
Everyone is happy

I need to go to home
I need to go home

He's afraid from dogs
He's afraid of dogs

How we call this word?
What do we call this word?

He speak English good.
He speaks English well.

I prefer tea than coffee
I prefer tea to coffee

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Spoken English with Aj

16 Sep, 04:04

Don't say "I like it"
         Say It's pleasent.

Don't say "goodbye."
         Say See you.

Don't say "You first."
         Say After you.

Don't say "You're welcome."
        Say My pleasure.

Don't say "Tell me."
        Say I'm listening.

Don't say "Shut up."
        Say   "Be quiet.'

Don't say " I don't know."
         Say "Let me find out."

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Spoken English with Aj

16 Sep, 04:01


I am going to home.
I am going home.

She is listening a song.
She is listening to a song.

I am agree with you.
I agree with you.

He did a mistake.
He made a mistake.

My birthday is on march.
My birthday is in March.

I saw a dream last night.
I had a dream last night.

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Spoken English with Aj

16 Sep, 03:58

ጓደኛችንን ከረጅም ጊዜ በኋላ ሥናገኝ

I haven't seen you for along time.
    ለረጅም ጊዜ አይቸህ አላውቅም

I haven't seen you for ages.
    ለዓመታት አይቼህ አላውቅም

Long time no see you.
ለረጅም ጊዜ አይቸህ አላውቅም

Where have you been?

#Responses ምላሾች

I have been to Gondar.
      ጎንደር ነበርኩ

I have been busy.
      ስራ በዝቶብኝ (ቢዚ) ነበርኩ

I have been out of the city.
     ከከተማ ወጣ ብዬ ነበር

I have been ill.
      አሞኝ ነበር

I have been Hawassa for vacation.
   ለእረፍት ሐዋሳ ነበርኩ
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Spoken English with Aj

16 Sep, 03:52


            #Lesson 1⃣0⃣

                  FUTURE TENSE

The future tense is the verb form you use to talk about things that haven't happened yet. Whenever you write or talk about things that you expect to happen later, you use the future tense.
👆Future tense ገና ያልተከሰቱትን ነገሮች ለመናገር የምትጠቀምበት የግሥ ቅጽ ነው። በኋላ ይከሰታሉ ብለን ስለምትጠብቃቸው ነገሮች ስንጽፍ ወይም ስንናገር Future Tense እንጠቀማለን።

There are four future verb tenses in English.

1⃣ Simple future tense.

2⃣ Future continuous tense.

3⃣ Future perfect tense.

4⃣ Future perfect continuous tense.

1⃣. Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense is used to refer to actions or states that begin and end in the future. These events have not happened yet, but will happen sometime in the future:
👆Simple Future ወደፊት የሚጀምሩ እና የሚያልቁ ድርጊቶችን ወይም ሁነቶችን ለማመልከት ያገለግላል። እነዚህ ክስተቶች ገና አልተከሰቱም, ነገር ግን ወደፊት የሆነ ጊዜ ይሆናል፡፡

Form Of Simple Futuer👇

S + shall/will + Verb

👉 I/we shall play.
👉 You/he/she/they will play.

Negative form👇

👉 I/we shall not play.
👉 You/he/she/they will not play.

Question form👇

👉 Shall I/we play?
👉 Will you/he/she/they play?

Uses of Simple future tense

1. Shall/will is used with the first person and will is used with other persons to express simple future.
👆Shall/will ከመጀመሪያው ሰው ጋር ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል እና will ከሌሎች ሰዎች ጋር ቀላል የወደፊትን ለመግለጽ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል።

👉 I shall/will meet him tomorrow.
👉 He will go by bus.
👉 Shall we begin our work?

N.B In modern English shall is used with first person in interrogative sentences only. In affirmative and negative sentences it is possible to use either will or shall with the first person.
👆በዘመናዊ እንግሊዝኛ Shall ከመጀመሪያው ሰው ጋር በጥያቄ አረፍተ ነገሮች ውስጥ ብቻ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል። በአዎንታዊ እና አሉታዊ አረፍተ ነገሮች ከመጀመሪያው ሰው ጋር አንዱን will ወይም shall መጠቀም ይቻላል::

👉 Shall I do now?
👉 Shall we go there?

We don't say

👉 Will I do it?
👉 Will we go there?

2. The future tense is used to express habitual actions in the future.

👉 Plants will grow into trees.
👉 Boys will be boys.

3. It is also used in conditional sentences with clauses of condition or time.

👉  If there are rains, there will be a good crop.
👉 He will come if you invite him.
👉 I will talk to you when I am free.

To be continued..........

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Spoken English with Aj

15 Sep, 16:56

             #Lesson 1⃣

          What is Tense?

Tense : a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking.

Tense የምንለው በግስ ላይ (verb based) የተምሰረተ ሁኖ ጊዜንና አንዳንዴም የድርጊቱን ወይም የሁኔታውን ቀጣይነት ከጊዜ ጋር አገናኝተን ለመናገር የምንጠቀምበት ነው።

👉 The word tense comes from the Latin word  "tempus" which means "time".
👆 Tense የሚለው ቃል የመጣው Tempus ከሚል የላቲን ቃል ሲሆን Tempus ማለት Time (ጊዜ) ማለት ነው።

👉 The concept of tense in English is a method that we use to refer to time - past, present and future.
በእንግሊዘኛ የ Tense ጽንሰ ሃሳብ ጊዜን ለመግለጽ የምንጠቀምበት ሲሆን ያለፈውን (past)፧ የአሁኑና (present ) የወደፊቱን (future ) ጊዜ ለማመልከት የምንጠቀምበት ዘዴ ነው። 

👉  Many languages use tense to talk about time. Other languages have no concept of tense at all, but of course they can still talk about time, using different methods.

NB:- So, we talk about time in English with tense. 
ስለዚህ በእንግሊዘኛ ስለ Tense  ስናወራ ስለ ጊዜ እያወራን ነው ማለት ነው።

                Be focus 👇

We cannot talk of tenses without considering two components of many English.
👆 ስለ ሁለት የእንግሊዘኛ አካላት ሳናቅ ስለ Tenses ማውራት አንችልም።

እነዚህ ሁለት አካላትም የሚከተሉት ናቸው 👇
Time and aspect.

Time expresses:

👉 Past - before now
አላፊ -  ስላለፈ ( ከአሁን በፊት) ስለ ነበረ ድርጊት ስናወራ

👉 present - now, or any time that includes now
አሁን - አሁን ላይ ስላለ ድርጊት ስናወራ።

👉 future - after now
ወደፊት - ከአሁን በኋላ

Aspect (ሁኔታ) can be express
👉 progressive - uncompleted action  ተጀምሮ ስላልተጠናቀቀ ድርጊት የሚያወራ ነው።

👉 perfective - completed action or state ስለተጠናቀቀ ድርጊት ወይም ሁኔታ የሚያወራ።

👆 Join and share ሼር ማድርግ እንዳትረሱ

Spoken English with Aj

15 Sep, 16:42

Short Greeting👇👇

👉 Take care = ተጠንቀቅ

👉 Never mind = ግድ የለም

👉 Too good = በጣም ጥሩ

👉 Don't worry = አታስብ

👉 Just coming = እየመጣሁ ነው

👉 That's enough = ይበቃል

👉 Keep quite = ፀጥታ ዝምበል

👉 My pleasure = ደስብሎኛ


Spoken English with Aj

30 Aug, 08:12

These questions will help you find out more about people's likes and dislikes.

📖 What do you like doing in your free time?

📖 Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.?

📖 What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy?

📖 What do you do on weekends / Saturdays?

More Questions About Hobbies

These questions will help you ask for more detail once you've learned if someone does certain things.

📖 What do you like doing in your free time?

📖 How often do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.)?

📖 Where do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.) in this town?

📖 Why do you like (listening to music, eating out in restaurants, etc.) so much?

📖Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.?

📖 Do you enjoy playing tennis /golf /soccer /etc.?

📖 How long have you played tennis /golf /soccer /etc.?

📖Who do you play tennis /golf /soccer /etc. with?

📖What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy?

📖 What's the best place to see /eat / go on vacations?

📖 What's the best type of film /food / vacation, etc. in your opinion?

📖 How often do you watch films / eat out / go on vacation?

📖 What do you do on weekends / Saturdays?

📖 Where do you go to ...?

📖 Could you recommend a good place to (go shopping / take my children swimming / etc.)?

📖 How long have you done that? https://youtu.be/ze-pKTq0g2k

Spoken English with Aj

18 Aug, 14:33

⚜️ የተለመዱ የእንግሊዘኛ አባባሎች (expressions):

By and large: ከሞላ ጎደል
- By and large, I enjoyed my childhood.
/ከሞላ ጎደል ልጅነቴን አጣጥሜያለሁ/

Somehow: እንደምንም
- I somehow reached there.
/እንደምንም እዛ ደረስኩ/

A piece of cake: በጣም ቀላል
- The exam was a piece of cake
/ፈተናው በጣም ቀላል ነበር/

Over the moon: በጣም ደስተኛ
- She is over the moon.
/በጣም ደስ ብሏታል/

A night owl: ማታ ማታ ሚያመሽ ሰው
- I'm a night owl.
/ማታ ማታ አመሻለሁ።/

Couch potato: ረዥም ጊዜ TV እያየ ሚያሳልፍ ሰው
- You have been couch potato this week.
/ይህን ሳምንት በጣም TV ስታይ ነበር/

እንደጠቀማቹ ተስፋ እናደርጋለን።


Spoken English with Aj

10 Aug, 05:18

🔺Informal VS Formal🔹

🔺 Maybe ➡️ Perhaps 🔹          

🔺 Childish ➡️ Immature🔹

🔺 Give ➡️ Provide 🔹

🔺 Enough ➡️ Sufficient 🔹

🔺 Want ➡️ Desire 🔹

🔺 Say no ➡️ Reject 🔹

🔺 Put in ➡️ Insert🔹

🔺 Avoid ➡️ Evade🔹


Spoken English with Aj

06 Aug, 06:11

Proverbs • ምሳሌያዊ አነጋገሮች

A friend's eye is a good mirror.

የጓደኛ አይን እንደ መስታወት ነው / እውነተኛ ጓደኛህ እውነቱን ይነግርሃል

A good name is better than a good face.

ጥሩ ስም {በስራ} ከጥሩ መልክ ይበልጣል።

A lie begets a lie.

አንድ ውሸት መናገር ወደ ሌላ ውሸት መናገር ይወስድሃል።

Age before beauty.

ከቑንጅና እድሜ ይቅደም / ማክበር ያለብን ቅድሚያ ትልቆቹን እንጂ ቆንጆዎቹን አይደለም

All things are difficult before they are easy.

ነገሮች ከመቀለላቸው በፊት ከባድ ናቸው።


Spoken English with Aj

06 Aug, 05:58

😠 ANGER • ንዴት 😡

🔼 I can't stand him.
🔽 ልቋቋመው/ልታገሰው አልችልም።

🔼 I can't put up with him.
🔽 ከሱ ጋር መቀጠል አልችልም።

🔼 I can't tolerate him.
🔽 ልታገሰው አልችልም።

🔼 Don't take it out on me.
🔽 ንዴትህን እኔ ላይ አትወጣ።

🔼 Don't yell at me.
🔽 እኔ ላይ አትጩህ።

🔼 Don't push me too far.
🔽 ብዙ እንድናገር አትገፋፋኝ።

🔼 You are driving me crazy.
🔽 እያሳበድከኝ ነው።

🔼 I'm very upset.
🔽 በጣም ተበሳጭቻለሁ።

🔼 My head is going to explode.
🔽 ራሴ ሊፈነዳ ነው።

🔼 I can't resist her.
🔽 እሷን መቋቋም አልችልም።

🔼 He makes me too upset.
🔽 በጣም ያበሳጨኛል።


Admin @MMAjff


Spoken English with Aj

02 Aug, 04:29

💰Types of money • የገንዘብ አይነቶች

Donation • ዶውነይሽን = እርዳታ
Salary • ሳልርይ = የወር ደመወዝ
Fee • ፊ = ለአገልግሎት የሚከፈል ክፍያ
Debt • ደት = ዕዳ
Loan • ለውን = ብድር
Fine • ፋይን = መቀጫ
Tax • ታክስ = ቀረጥ ፣ ግብር
Dowry • ዳውሪ = ጥሎሽ ፣ ገዝሚ
Ransom • ራንሰም = ማስለቀቂያ ገንዘብ
Allowance • አልዋንስ =  አበል ፣ ለልጅ የሚሰጥ የኪስ ገንዘብ
Alimony • አሊመውኒ = ከፍቺ በኋላ ለልጅ ማሳደጊያ የሚከፈል

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Spoken English with Aj

02 Aug, 04:28

ንፅፅር ለመግለፅ የምንጠቀምባቸው

Comparatively - ከሌላ ጋር ሲነፃፀር

Eventhough - ቢሆንም

In contrast - በንፅፅር ፣ በተቃራኒው

Whereas - ሲሆን ፣ በተቃራኒው

On the contrary - በተቃራኒው

However - ነገር ግን

Instead - በሱ ፈንታ ፣ ከ ___ ይልቅ

On the other hand - በሌላ በኩል
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Spoken English with Aj

02 Aug, 04:26

Other ways to say "I'll do my best"   የምችለውን አደርጋለሁ ማለት ስትፈልጉ

I'll give it my all.

I'll put in my best effort.

I'll give it my utmost.

I'll do everything I can.

I'll strive to do my best.

I'll give it my maximum effort.

I'll exert my best effort.


Spoken English with Aj

26 Jul, 16:53

Some drinking-related phrases

Quench your thrist.🥛
         ጥምህን አርካ

Take a sip.🥤
        ፉት በል

Swig the wine.🍷
        ከ ወይኑ ተጎንጭ

Savour the coffee.☕️
        ቡናውን አጣጥመው

Gulp down the water.💦
        ውሀውን በፍጥነት ጠጣው (ጨልጠው)


Spoken English with Aj

26 Jul, 16:46

ምስጢር ላለመንገር ቃል ስንገባ

Your secret is safe with me.
ምስጢርህ እኔጋ የተጠበቀ ነው።

I'll take it to my grave.
ወደ መቃብሬ እወስደዋለሁ።

My lips are sealed.
ከንፈሮቼ ታትመዋል/ታሽገዋል።

It won't leave this room.
ይሄን ክፍል ለቆ አይወጣም (ምስጢሩ)

I won't tell a soul.
ለማንም አልነግርም።

I won't breathe a word of it.
ስለ ምስጢሩ አንድም ቃል ትንፍሽ አልልም።


Spoken English with Aj

26 Jul, 16:40

Put on - ልብስ መልበስ
Take off - ልብስ ማውለቅ

Run away - መሮጥ ፣ ማምለጥ
Run after - ማሳደድ

Carry on - መቀጠል
Call off - ማቋረጥ

Turn on - ማብራት
Turn off - ማጥፋት

Pick up - ማንሳት
Put down - ማስቀመጥ


Spoken English with Aj

26 Jul, 15:49

Short Greeting👇👇

👉 Take care = ተጠንቀቅ

👉 Never mind = ግድ የለም

👉 Too good = በጣም ጥሩ

👉 Don't worry = አታስብ

👉 Just coming = እየመጣሁ ነው

👉 That's enough = ይበቃል

👉 Keep quite = ፀጥታ ዝምበል

👉 My pleasure = ደስብሎኛ

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