Welcome to MILKOVSKYI, the Telegram channel created by the talented individual known as @zhenyamilkovskyi. This channel is dedicated to sharing the creative works, inspirations, and insights of Zhenya Milkovskyi, an artist with a unique vision and a passion for all things artistic. From stunning illustrations to thought-provoking photography, Zhenya's work is sure to captivate and inspire all who follow this channel. Whether you're an art enthusiast, a creative soul looking for inspiration, or simply a fan of beautiful and meaningful visuals, MILKOVSKYI is the perfect place for you. Join us on this artistic journey and immerse yourself in the world of Zhenya Milkovskyi's creativity and talent.
07 Dec, 03:21
07 Dec, 03:20
12 Oct, 14:22
28 Aug, 08:23
07 Aug, 12:17