- صلاة الفجر
صدقه جاريه لك ولي🫀 is a Telegram channel created by the user @yzeed12. This channel is dedicated to spreading positivity and kindness through charitable acts. The title translates to 'Ongoing charity for you and me🫀', highlighting the importance of giving back and helping those in need. The channel features updates on ongoing charity projects, inspirational stories, and ways for followers to get involved and make a difference in their communities. Whether it's supporting a local cause or contributing to a global initiative, صدقه جاريه لك ولي🫀 provides a platform for individuals to come together and create positive change. Join this channel today and be a part of the ongoing journey of giving and compassion.
10 Jan, 02:55
18 Oct, 19:28
15 Aug, 02:31
29 Jul, 01:35
16 Jul, 01:32
07 Jul, 04:02
07 Jul, 04:01
اللهمّ اُرزقني الخبر المفاجئ الذي أسجد فيه سجود شكر ، أبكي فيه من سعادتي ، ياربّ حقق لي ما ارجوه ، يامن لا يعجزك شي في الارض ولا في السماء 🌾🤍