English education, second stage @yuosif970 Channel on Telegram

English education, second stage


اي تبليغ بخصوص المرحله الاولى راح ينزل هنا 👈 متابعه للحساب وشكرا🥹👌😑

English education, second stage (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills and take them to the next level? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'English education, second stage' by user @yuosif970. This channel is dedicated to providing learners with valuable resources, tips, and lessons to help them excel in English language learning. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply someone who wants to enhance their language skills, this channel is for you. Who is it? The 'English education, second stage' channel is ideal for anyone who has a basic understanding of English and wants to deepen their knowledge and proficiency in the language. From grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and idiomatic expressions, this channel covers a wide range of topics to support learners in their language journey. What is it? This channel serves as a virtual classroom where members can access educational content, participate in discussions, and interact with other English learners. With regular updates and engaging activities, users can stay motivated and continue to make progress in their language skills. Whether you prefer reading articles, watching videos, or engaging in group exercises, there is something for everyone in this channel. Join 'English education, second stage' today and take your English skills to new heights. With the support of a dedicated community and valuable learning resources, you can achieve your language learning goals in no time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your English proficiency and become a confident, fluent speaker. See you in the channel!

English education, second stage

29 Jan, 15:30

صيغه اسئل الادب قصيده سبرنك

English education, second stage

29 Jan, 15:16

صيغه الاسئله نحو

English education, second stage

19 Jan, 17:04

أو اطلب الرقم: (US) ‏ +1 502-414-1984 ‏
رقم التعريف الشخصي: ‏ 125 448 889# ‏

English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

19 Jan, 15:40


English education, second stage

17 Jan, 19:23

هذا واجب مطلوب منك تكتب قصه قصيره وترسله

English education, second stage

11 Jan, 08:10


English education, second stage

29 Dec, 17:49

واحد اعرفه هيج صار بي 😂😂

English education, second stage

29 Dec, 16:28

الف الف الف مبروك 🥳
للطلبه الاوئل تستاهلون كل الخير ربي يوفقكم ويسهل عليكم حياتكم العلميه والعمليه
تستاهلون كل الحب والاحترام والتقدير

English education, second stage

29 Dec, 16:22

بس لتوضيح ترا درجتي جيد 😂😂 وشكرا

ثاني شي هذا مال مرحله اولى

English education, second stage

29 Dec, 09:38

English education, second stage pinned Deleted message

English education, second stage

29 Dec, 09:34

English education, second stage pinned Deleted message

English education, second stage

23 Dec, 11:56

الدباج الكردي مچه 😌

English education, second stage

22 Dec, 07:21

حل الدكتوره

English education, second stage

21 Dec, 21:11

سوال اشرح setting
سوال عدد الشخصيات
سوال ع Themes
بس هلكد اكو 😂

English education, second stage

17 Dec, 20:19

اتوقع راح يجيب سوال (اما mcq)او ( صح -خطا)
لان مابي اسئله بس اذا تقرون اقرو بالعربي افهمو فقط بدون حفض

English education, second stage

17 Dec, 20:18

اشياء مهمه والعلم عن الله ..!

English education, second stage

18 Nov, 17:53


English education, second stage

08 Nov, 13:47

تعريف المورفيم
انواع المورفيم
تعريف الفري مورفيم
تعريف باوند مورفيم
تعريف بيس مورفيم
تعرفين افيكسز
انواع افيكسز
تعرفين ان فيكسز
تعرفين پري افيكسز
تعريف وذ ان افيكسز
+التمارين المهمه

English education, second stage

07 Nov, 22:08

تمارين مهمه الي دكتور مأشر عليها
صفحه 92 /F

English education, second stage

04 Nov, 21:42


English education, second stage

04 Nov, 21:42


English education, second stage

01 Nov, 05:17

اشياء مهمه حسب رئي الطلاب

English education, second stage

28 Oct, 08:37

يوم السبت امتحان اكادمك رايتنك

English education, second stage

27 Oct, 17:05

نوع من المحادثه مال دكتور قصي

English education, second stage

27 Oct, 17:05

Freelancers are companies or individuals who have been hired for specific jobs, they only receive payment for their jobs, and because they are not considered employees, they do not receive benefits or compensation for workers Examples of independent workers are doctors, journalists, freelancers, lawyers and accountants who work for companies for themselves Sole proprietors are the sole owners of unregistered companies, while partnerships involve two or more self-employed persons who form a company together. Independent contractors, sole proprietorship and partnerships often employ a small number of employees to assist them in their work

English education, second stage

27 Oct, 17:00

كتاب شورت ستوري

English education, second stage

27 Oct, 16:59

راح تفيدكم

English education, second stage

26 Oct, 07:18

English education, second stage pinned Deleted message

English education, second stage

25 Oct, 04:13

قطعه ثانية

English education, second stage

25 Oct, 04:12

قطعه اولى

English education, second stage

23 Oct, 08:25

فقط هذا الي داخل بل امتحان مال ريدنك يوم السبت

The youngsters behind YouTube
When to use female nouns
س١ اسئلة من النص نفسه
س٢ معاني الكلمات اسفل الصفحة
س٣ ملاحظات الثقافة و اللغة في صفحة ١٤٥ و ما بعدها