Welcome to Jᥔnbumiz, a Telegram channel created for those who believe that it's okay if things go wrong sometimes. This channel, managed by the user @yungeu, is a safe space where you can find support and encouragement during difficult times. The title of the channel, Jᥔnbumiz, represents the idea that even when things don't go as planned, there is always someone there to hold your hand and help you through it. Whether you're looking for positive affirmations, motivational quotes, or just a listening ear, Jᥔnbumiz is the place for you. Join us at @moateamm and let's navigate life's ups and downs together. Remember, it's okay if things go wrong - we'll get through it together.
15 Feb, 10:39
15 Feb, 10:05
15 Feb, 09:59
15 Feb, 09:54
13 Feb, 19:00
13 Feb, 18:56
13 Feb, 18:52
13 Feb, 18:43
13 Feb, 18:35
13 Feb, 18:24
07 Feb, 15:05
02 Sep, 13:38