YOUNINE ACADEMY Telegram Gönderileri

Welcome to Younine Academy! 🌟 We specialize in English language courses, including IELTS and CEFR preparation, as well as comprehensive IT training.
Our address:
Fergana city downtown,
Opposite the Restaurant "Taj-Mahal" 3 -floor.
☎️ +998 94 821 33 00
Our address:
Fergana city downtown,
Opposite the Restaurant "Taj-Mahal" 3 -floor.
☎️ +998 94 821 33 00
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Son Güncelleme 10.03.2025 12:16
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YOUNINE ACADEMY tarafından Telegram'da paylaşılan en son içerikler
🚨 IELTS result! #Result #hot
🎉 Tabriklaymiz Islombek!
🌱 Bundan keyingi ishlaringizda ham YOUNINE ACADEMY jamoasi nomidan Omad tilaymiz!⚡️
🎉 Tabriklaymiz Islombek!
🌱 Bundan keyingi ishlaringizda ham YOUNINE ACADEMY jamoasi nomidan Omad tilaymiz!⚡️
📚 Younine Kids O'quv Markazida dars jarayonlaridan lavhalar!
📚 Younine Kids O'quv Markazida dars jarayonlaridan lavhalar!
🕜 Time & Lesson Focus:
13:30 - 14:30
📖 Reading Headings (IELTS)
15:30 - 16:30
📖 Cefr Part 2
📍 Location: Younine Academy Hall
🔥 Why Join?
✅ Interactive, exam-focused lessons
✅ Effective strategies for IELTS exams
✅ Personalized feedback & guidance
📩 Take your English to the next level! 🚀✨
🕜 Time & Lesson Focus:
13:30 - 14:30
📖 Reading Headings (IELTS)
15:30 - 16:30
📖 Cefr Part 2
📍 Location: Younine Academy Hall
🔥 Why Join?
✅ Interactive, exam-focused lessons
✅ Effective strategies for IELTS exams
✅ Personalized feedback & guidance
📩 Take your English to the next level! 🚀✨
📅 Date: 20th of February
🌟Don’t forget to check the note below!🌟
📅 Date: 20th of February
🌟Don’t forget to check the note below!🌟
Koreyada o'qish imkoniyatini qo'ldan boy bermang! 🇰🇷🎓
Biz Younine Academy jamoasi Koreyaning eng nufuzli universitetlariga kirish uchun hujjatlarni yig'ishni boshladik. Agar siz ham Koreyada ta'lim olishni xohlasangiz, biz sizni qo'llab-quvvatlashga tayyormiz!😇
✅ Koreya universitetlariga qabul uchun hujjatlar
✅ Ariza topshirish jarayoni haqida batafsil ma'lumot
✅ Konsultatsiyalar va tayyorgarlik
Batafsil ma'lumot uchun biz bilan bog'laning! 🌟
📞 Kontakt: +998 77 207 7117
📩 Telegram: @younine_filial
Biz Younine Academy jamoasi Koreyaning eng nufuzli universitetlariga kirish uchun hujjatlarni yig'ishni boshladik. Agar siz ham Koreyada ta'lim olishni xohlasangiz, biz sizni qo'llab-quvvatlashga tayyormiz!😇
✅ Koreya universitetlariga qabul uchun hujjatlar
✅ Ariza topshirish jarayoni haqida batafsil ma'lumot
✅ Konsultatsiyalar va tayyorgarlik
Batafsil ma'lumot uchun biz bilan bog'laning! 🌟
📞 Kontakt: +998 77 207 7117
📩 Telegram: @younine_filial
🕜 Time & Lesson Focus:
11:00 - 12:00
📖 Writing Letter
15:30 - 16:30
📖 Speaking club
📍 Location: Younine Academy Hall
🔥 Why Join?
✅ Interactive, exam-focused lessons
✅ Effective strategies for IELTS exams
✅ Personalized feedback & guidance
📩 Take your English to the next level! 🚀✨
🕜 Time & Lesson Focus:
11:00 - 12:00
📖 Writing Letter
15:30 - 16:30
📖 Speaking club
📍 Location: Younine Academy Hall
🔥 Why Join?
✅ Interactive, exam-focused lessons
✅ Effective strategies for IELTS exams
✅ Personalized feedback & guidance
📩 Take your English to the next level! 🚀✨
📅 Date: 19th of February
🌟Don’t forget to check the note below!🌟
📅 Date: 19th of February
🌟Don’t forget to check the note below!🌟
🌟 Kompyuter Savodxonligi Biz bilan ancha oson! 🌟
💻 Hurmatli o'quvchilar!
YOUNINE ACADEMY o'quv markazimizda IT (ayti) kompyuter savodxonligi kurslarimizga QABUL davom etmoqda! 🎓
🎯 Kurs haqida:
📞 +998911235783
📞 +998948373300
📍 Manzil: Fargʻona shahar, Sayilgoh va Maʼrifat koʻchalari kesishmasida
🔗 Google Maps manziliga kirish
💻 Hurmatli o'quvchilar!
YOUNINE ACADEMY o'quv markazimizda IT (ayti) kompyuter savodxonligi kurslarimizga QABUL davom etmoqda! 🎓
🎯 Kurs haqida:
📞 +998911235783
📞 +998948373300
📍 Manzil: Fargʻona shahar, Sayilgoh va Maʼrifat koʻchalari kesishmasida
🔗 Google Maps manziliga kirish