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World 100x calls


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Are you looking for the hottest investment opportunities in the world? Do you want to make 100x returns on your investments? Look no further than 'World 100x calls' Telegram channel!
Who are we? We are a group of experienced investors and analysts who specialize in identifying high-potential investment opportunities across various markets. With our expertise and knowledge, we have successfully helped our members achieve incredible returns on their investments

What is 'World 100x calls'? It is a Telegram channel that provides exclusive investment calls that have the potential to generate 100x returns. Our team conducts in-depth research and analysis to identify the most promising investment opportunities and shares them with our members. Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the investment world, our channel is the perfect platform for you to stay updated on the latest market trends and make informed investment decisions

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and maximize your investment returns, then 'World 100x calls' is the channel for you. Join us today and start your journey towards financial success!
Don't miss out on the opportunity to make 100x returns on your investments. Follow us on Twitter at and join our private Telegram group at @world987c. For any promotional inquiries, you can contact @Kate_kate56. Let's conquer the investment world together and make 100x calls a reality!

World 100x calls

04 Jan, 13:42

游荡了一圈sol 被ai agent折磨死了 eth的meme风好像又要吹回来了? 现在sol上面没有meme了 全是ai agent

World 100x calls

06 Dec, 15:18

4000!!!!!! 马上ath lol 忠实地e卫兵 享受胜利的果实 哈哈哈哈哈

World 100x calls

05 Dec, 02:35


World 100x calls

29 Nov, 12:54


World 100x calls

29 Nov, 12:51

我感觉这个产品他要是好好做 去个2-5m 没啥问题 尼玛的 玩sol就是一分钟天上 一秒钟地下 lmao

World 100x calls

29 Nov, 12:47


World 100x calls

29 Nov, 12:47


World 100x calls

29 Nov, 12:46


World 100x calls

29 Nov, 12:46

感觉挺有意思的 推特上面可以语音聊天的ai 可以ama跟你聊天 比传统的文字对答好玩一些

World 100x calls

29 Nov, 12:45


World 100x calls

27 Nov, 08:38

ath 2.5M 3X

World 100x calls

23 Nov, 09:16

This narrative is similar to Strategic Bitcoin Reserve ($SBR) that's at $40M and hit $90M, and expect Trump and Elon Tweet about the Crypto Czar soon.

It's already trending on Twitter and will pick up momentum.

ATH 1.4M 2x

World 100x calls

22 Nov, 12:33

我朋友告诉我老外正在发送它 要跟sbr对比 不晓得能不能成 我看概念还不错

World 100x calls

22 Nov, 12:31

It's been announced that for the first time ever there will be a position in the White House fully focused on Crypto.

He role be called the Crypto Czar, similar to the Border Czar and others who are being nominated. The entire crypto space is already flooded with tweets about suggestions who would be best to represent crypto in the white house.

World 100x calls

22 Nov, 12:30


World 100x calls

21 Nov, 05:01

btc 30k eth 3k
btc 40k eth 2.8k
btc 50k eth 3k
btc 60k eth 2.8k
btc 70k eth 3.1k
btc 80k eth 2.8k
btc 90k eth 3k
btc 94k eth 3.1k

World 100x calls

20 Nov, 06:31

我自己体验过小飞碟跟gmgn 我还是更喜欢小飞碟一些 资金完全跟你的大钱包隔离 没有被盗的风险 并且可以直接买内盘不需要借助bot gmgn虽然也可以但是gmgn不能在网站上面直接购买内盘(需要你输入你钱包地址密码 我觉得太麻烦了 我要网站端的就是要速度快 让我再输入密码我觉得太慢了)

World 100x calls

20 Nov, 06:16

World 100x calls pinned «我现在准备degen一些sol的盘子发一发 在以太以前都有不错的成绩 希望在sol也可以 看盘交易我觉得用小飞碟最好 这个发盘子的小孩也是用的小飞碟 交易 打内盘 买卖都很丝滑 一目了然»

World 100x calls

20 Nov, 06:11

大家都期盼主网eth的资金回笼 我体验过一个星期sol链以后 我再也没有抱有幻想了 我来中肯的分析一下 首先就是e链的gas太高一笔交易费能达到十几U或者几十U 而且极其的不公平 底部不是有捆绑就是税农 一个盘子税农几十E也没有玩家去抵触(不抵触的人都是老人老的degen玩家因为他们可以赚到钱还有kol)还有貔貅盘 rug盘 这几点对新人极其不友好 现在大部分的主网玩家都是老玩家 根本没有新玩家的一席之地 都是老玩家pvp割场内的存量资金 并且eth币价持续性低迷
sol就很丝滑 交易费低 没有大批量的阴谋集团跟kol还有极其烦人的税农 大家都是自发的去建设 慢慢的一个点覆盖一个面 虽然也有pvp但是可玩性更高 更容易吸引新人入场 并且sol的价格还在持续性的走高 这一轮牛市就是特朗普+马斯克+meme带来的空前盛世 如果你不去拥抱sol 不在热钱滋生的地方玩 那么这一轮你还是失败的 以前抵触sol是因为根本没有深度的去玩过 我现在是一点都不想回以太交易 一群恶心人的税农 恶心人的阴谋集团 真的就是非常非常恶心(还有一群人在推崇税农+捆绑 这些人大部分是kol 一些低级的kol 不利于项目以及生态的发展 只顾着自己能赚钱 一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅粥)

World 100x calls

20 Nov, 05:47

我现在准备degen一些sol的盘子发一发 在以太以前都有不错的成绩 希望在sol也可以 看盘交易我觉得用小飞碟最好 这个发盘子的小孩也是用的小飞碟 交易 打内盘 买卖都很丝滑 一目了然

World 100x calls

20 Nov, 05:33

用于追高 敢于追高 看到好的叙事就猛干

World 100x calls

20 Nov, 05:32

我已经全面转向sol了 xdm

World 100x calls

20 Nov, 05:32

这就是sol的魅力 这个就是很好的叙事 12岁的孩子开发了pump的盘子 然后他妈的自己卖了2wu 然后比中指嘲讽那些被噶的人 结果卖飞了 现在不卖价值1000w 已经升级成为memecoin supercycle symbol 从一个点扩散到一个面

World 100x calls

18 Nov, 10:59

这辈子还能不能重铸以太荣光了 lmao 尼玛的 不说跟sol比吧 他妈的 人家btc涨你好得涨一点啊 人家涨你跌 人家跌你更的更狠 上辈子真是造孽了 哎

World 100x calls

13 Nov, 15:34

我今年以太没有卖过一个 你呢?

World 100x calls

13 Nov, 15:31

2X 冲冲冲!!!

World 100x calls

13 Nov, 05:26

赌博一下dip 早上去了2.5M 马斯克的狗 刺猬已经100M了

World 100x calls

11 Nov, 19:46

我想知道你们sol是怎么赚的 为什么我买啥就给我浇给啥啊 买啥进去都是盖帽 操你妈的

World 100x calls

11 Nov, 18:40

以太都是畜生盘 操你妈的 连sol的一根毛都抵不上 他妈的 老子是以太亏完sol亏 sol亏完以太亏 总之就是我他妈的一直亏 操

World 100x calls

11 Nov, 18:31


World 100x calls

11 Nov, 18:30

感觉名字挺好的 人工智能发的币

World 100x calls

11 Nov, 18:30

World 100x calls

11 Nov, 18:30


World 100x calls

10 Nov, 05:26

JUST IN: $3,200 $ETH


World 100x calls

09 Nov, 05:42

坚定看多Eth! 能不能让链上行情好一点啊 日 我要赚以太

World 100x calls

06 Nov, 19:01

If $ETH has a trillion fans I am one of them. If $ETH has 10 fans I am one of them. If $ETH has no fans, that I means I am no longer on earth. If the universe is against $ETH, I am against the universe. I love $ETH until my last breath. 我爱以太!

World 100x calls

06 Nov, 06:33

BREAKING: 🇺🇸 Donald Trump officially elected President of the United States of America.


World 100x calls

06 Nov, 03:06

Wen eth ath ?

World 100x calls

06 Nov, 03:06

BREAKING: Bitcoin reaches new all-time high of $73,850.


World 100x calls

02 Nov, 17:20

不仅ETH价格低估 连他妈的eth上面的狗价格也是低估的 草你妈!

World 100x calls

02 Nov, 16:55

已经忍不住了 哥哥们 我追了

World 100x calls

02 Nov, 16:54

Had to have a go on $PNUT

Elon keeps talking about it and looks like gonna go viral

World 100x calls

27 Oct, 11:33

什么时候以太才能回来啊 我们要被时代抛弃了吗 这完全就跟赚不赚钱没关系啊 就是心里憋着一股气 坚守是不是只能换来天天焦虑 干你娘鸡掰eth

World 100x calls

26 Oct, 17:13

ath 3M hold lfgggg 7X

World 100x calls

26 Oct, 05:42

Grimace Buy!
💵 Spent: $4,907.2539 (1.994 WETH)
📥 Got: 1,186,964,420.4498 GRIMACE
👤0xca6..d8d2: New
💲Price: $0.0000041
💰MCap: $1,739,254

Maestro | Banana

🗒 Txn | 📣 Trending | 🐱 DexView | 🦅 DexS

🌉 Private Bridge


World 100x calls

26 Oct, 03:42

ath1.5M 3X lfgg

World 100x calls

25 Oct, 15:33

World 100x calls

25 Oct, 15:32


World 100x calls

25 Oct, 15:32


World 100x calls

23 Oct, 17:10

我操你妈的以太坊 老子把你妈杀了 操你妈的比 老子天天舔你 你天天让我痛不欲生 操你妈的比

World 100x calls

23 Oct, 17:09

BlockBeats 消息,10 月 24 日,据 HTX 行情数据显示,ETH/BTC 汇率跌至 0.0378,低于 2021 年 4 月平均水平。

World 100x calls

16 Oct, 13:35

每当你想卖出的时候问一问自己缺不缺这点钱 如果缺少这点钱那就卖了 如果不缺少这点钱或许hold一下能给你意外的惊喜! 卖飞远比踏空焦虑

World 100x calls

15 Oct, 06:21

World 100x calls

15 Oct, 06:17

ath1M lfgggg

World 100x calls

14 Oct, 15:17

eth一定会去到新高 hold住eth 我们会赢的!!!

World 100x calls

14 Oct, 15:15

Top 10 by Market Cap

1. BTC - $65,984.43 (+5.93%)
2. ETH - $2,629.83 (+7.38%)
3. USDT - $0.9997 (+0.01%)
4. BNB - $586.94 (+3.25%)
5. SOL - $155.50 (+6.62%)
6. USDC - $1.00 (+0.02%)
7. XRP - $0.543 (+2.62%)
8. DOGE - $0.1151 (+4.59%)
9. TRX - $0.1604 (-1.72%)
10. TON - $5.31 (+1.46%)

World 100x calls

14 Oct, 15:08

搞了点这个 怪物史塔克og 感觉还行

World 100x calls

14 Oct, 15:07


World 100x calls

10 Oct, 17:00


World 100x calls

10 Oct, 17:00

ath 10M LFGGG

World 100x calls

10 Oct, 06:49

正在慢慢爬坡 hold 也许下一个100M就是它

World 100x calls

10 Oct, 06:10


World 100x calls

09 Oct, 18:58

4X lfggg

World 100x calls

09 Oct, 18:05


World 100x calls

09 Oct, 14:36

冲冲冲 spx新高 1Msoon

World 100x calls

09 Oct, 14:35

NKY6900 Buy!

💵 0.26 ETH ($633.00)
🪙 1,547,696 NKY
🔷 0x3fc9…7fad | Txn
New Holder
🔼 Market Cap $417,239

📊 Chart 🔵 Trade 🔹 Trending

World 100x calls

09 Oct, 14:10

NKY6900 $NKY

The Nikkei 225-abbreviated as NKY, or the Nikkei Stock Average (Japanese: 日経平均株価) is a stock market index for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). It is a price-weighted index, operating in the Japanese Yen (JP¥). NKY6900 is a tribute to our beloved Japanese culture and its deep root in crypto, from Anime coins to dog coins, Japan provided the base for the majority of our meme culture.

NKY6900 is a movement to celebrate the love for japan becoming one of the greatest country again with its culture, anime, food and its endless influence shed on cryptocurrency market! Join the NYK6900 cult, we are sending NKY index to 69000. 日経平均株価、NKY6900の誕生とともに69,000に達し、日本経済を再び偉大にします!