1. Word: Circuitous (चक्करदार)
Pronunciation: ser-kyoo-i-tuhs/सर्क्यूइटस
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. (of a route or journey) longer than the most direct way.
Synonyms: roundabout, indirect, meandering
Antonyms: direct, straight, candid, honest
Use in a Sentence: The took us on a circuitous route to the hotel.
2. Word: Squarely (उचित रूप से)
Pronunciation: skwair-lee/स्क्वेर्ली
Part of Speech: Adverb
a. directly, without deviating to one side.
b. in a direct and uncompromising manner.
Synonyms: precisely, exactly
Antonyms: deceitful, indirectly
Use in a Sentence: This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.
3. Word: Coercive (बलपूर्वक)
Pronunciation: co-ar-cive/कोअर्सिव
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. relating to or using force or threats.
Synonyms: authoritarian, imperious, high-handed.
Antonyms: conditional ,constitutional ,discretionary
Use in a Sentence: The president relied on the coercive powers of the military.
4. Word: Abeyance (विलंब)
Pronunciation: uh-bey-uh ns/अबैअन्स
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a state of temporary disuse or suspension.
Synonyms: delay, interruption
Antonyms: revival, continuation
Use in a Sentence: This practice has fallen into abeyance now.
5. Word: Moot (विचार करना)
Part of Speech: Verb, Adjective
a. subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty. [Adjective]
b. having little or no practical relevance. [Adjective]
c. raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility). [Verb]
Pronunciation: moot/मूट
Synonyms: debatable, disputable, arguable, uncertain
Antonyms: definite, certain, irrefutable
Use in a Sentence: It's a moot point whether Rohan or Sohan is a better player.
6. Word: Draconian (कठोर)
Pronunciation: drey-koh-nee-uh n/ड्रकोनीअन
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: (of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe.
Synonyms: extreme, drastic
Antonyms: pliable, ductile
Use in a Sentence: The man criticized the draconian measures taken by the police in controlling the illustrators.
7. Word: Subvert (विकृत करना)
Pronunciation: suhb-vurt/सब्वर्ट
Part of Speech: Verb
a. undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).
Synonyms: destabilize, unsettle, overthrow, overturn
Antonyms: bolster, enhance, comply
Use in Sentence: The man was sentenced to 10 years for plotting to subvert the government.
8. Word: Mockery (बिडंबना)
Pronunciation: mok-uh-ree/माकरी
Part of Speech: Noun
a. teasing and contemptuous language or behaviour directed at a particular person or thing.
b. ludicrously futile action.
c. an absurd misrepresentation or imitation of something.
Synonyms: ridicule, derision, travesty, charade, farce, parody
Antonyms: praise, repect, gratitude
Use in a Sentence: The performance was an utter mockery.
9. Word: Flaw (त्रुटि)
Pronunciation: flaw/फ्लॉ
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. a mark, blemish, or other imperfection which mars a substance or object. [Noun]
b. mar, weaken, or invalidate (something). [Verb]
Synonyms: defect, fault
Antonyms: strength, virtue
Use in a Sentence: There is a basic flaw in the selection procedure.
10. Word: Plainly (प्रत्यक्ष रूप से)
Pronunciation: pleyn-ly/प्लैन्ली
Part of Speech: Adverb
a. able to be perceived easily.
b. in a style that is not elaborate or luxurious; simply.
Synonyms: obviously, clearly, candidly, manifestly
Antonyms: ambiguously, barely, incoherently
Use in a Sentence: The sea was plainly visible in the distance.
11. Word: Exempt (छूट देना)
Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
Pronunciation: ig-zempt/इग्ज़ेम्प्ट
a. free from an obligation or liability imposed on others. [Adjective]
b. free (a person or organization) from an obligation or liability imposed on others. [Verb]
Synonyms: liberate, dispense
Antonyms: liable, enforce
Sentence: The interest on the money is exempt from tax.
12. Word: Thrust (जोर)
Pronunciation: thra-us