William Cardinal Goh @williamcardinalgoh Channel on Telegram

William Cardinal Goh


This is the official Telegram channel of William Cardinal Goh, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore. It features his personal messages, reflections and homilies.

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William Cardinal Goh Telegram Channel (English)

Are you interested in the spiritual teachings of the Roman Catholic faith? Look no further than the official Telegram channel of William Cardinal Goh, the esteemed Archbishop of Singapore. This channel, with the username @williamcardinalgoh, provides followers with a unique opportunity to access Cardinal Goh's personal messages, reflections, and homilies directly from the source. Gain insight into his wisdom and guidance as he shares his thoughts on various aspects of faith, life, and spirituality.

Whether you are a devout Catholic seeking inspiration or simply curious about the teachings of the Church, this channel offers a wealth of valuable content for individuals of all backgrounds. Stay updated on the latest messages from Cardinal Goh and deepen your understanding of the Roman Catholic faith through his insightful reflections.

To learn more about other channels related to the Catholic faith, visit https://www.catholic.sg/our-channels and explore the diverse range of resources available. Join the William Cardinal Goh Telegram channel today and embark on a journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment with one of the most respected figures in the Catholic Church.

William Cardinal Goh

13 Feb, 23:00

14 February 2025, Friday, Dedication of the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd

It is the desire of God to bring all men and women into His Kingdom. However, it is one thing to be inclusive and another thing to allow sinners to remain in their sins. Jesus was inclusive of all, including tax-collectors, prostitutes and sinners, but He was also adamant that unconditional acceptance of them must be matched with unconditional repentance of heart and a change of life.

So it must be made clear that whilst welcome is extended to all, it does not mean that the Church or gospel must change her teachings to suit their preferences and lifestyles; rather, they must change their lifestyles to suit the gospel.

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Feb, 12:00


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I be more fruitful in living out the call to love?

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William Cardinal Goh

12 Feb, 23:01

13 February 2025, Thursday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time

We are created social creatures. We need relationships and friendships. Most of all, we need someone like us and yet not exactly a replica of ourselves to share our life with and enjoy each otherโ€™s company. Man and woman fulfil each other and make each other complete. Understanding that man and woman complete each other leads us to understand that in Godโ€™s plan, the highest form of human relationship is marriage. It completes the physical, emotional, relational, spiritual and sexual needs of a person.

But what about the place of singles? In truth, whether we are married or single, divorced or bereaved, we can find the richness and joy in the fellowship of the community. We are called to be in communion with each other, man or woman, and in a deeper way in marriage, or those who choose a celibate life by giving themselves to the community. In this way we find completion and fulfilment in life.

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William Cardinal Goh

11 Feb, 23:04

12 February 2025, Wednesday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time

The freedom of human life and for human life is found in God alone. God is the one who dictates our freedom and our happiness. Today, the world seeks freedom in itself instead of in God. When freedom is exercised without self-control, it leads to licentiousness. Instead of liberating us, we become slaves to our desires.

When human beings try to be God and establish his own boundaries, he makes a mess of his own life and destroys his happiness. We must found our fulfilment in our relationship with God by caring for His garden and protecting the beauty of creation and human relationships. This is where we are called today to exercise our freedom responsibly.

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William Cardinal Goh

11 Feb, 10:37


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Am I living a life of repentance and penance to allow His will to be done in my life? How is the Lord using my woundedness to touch and heal others?

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William Cardinal Goh

10 Feb, 23:01

11 February 2025, Tuesday, Our Lady of Lourdes

Sickness has much to do with our sins, although such sins might not be committed by us directly. Sin is basically the failure to love ourselves authentically by not loving God and others. When our lives are not in order, we cannot but experience disorder within ourselves. This will affect us emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and our relationships as well.

The purpose of miraculous healings at Lourdes is to teach us to live a life without sin, to live a life of grace, a life of intimate relationship with God by doing His will. This is the only true antidote to sicknesses which are caused by our failure to live an integral life.

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William Cardinal Goh

09 Feb, 23:00

10 February 2025, Monday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time

When we think of the universe with so many galaxies, more than 200 billion galaxies and still counting, we cannot but conclude that there must be an Ultimate Mind or Being. It is immaterial whether we call this Ultimate Ground of life โ€œGodโ€ or by any other name. The truth is that if the universe and the galaxies could be arranged in such a manner, then there must be someone who ordered the universe as such.

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William Cardinal Goh

08 Feb, 23:02

09 February 2025, Sunday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time

As Christians, we have an obligation to evangelize and proclaim the gospel to all nations. It is not enough that we become another Christ by the way we live, by our words and actions; we must also seek to announce Christ to the world. However, many of us either completely ignore the obligation to announce the gospel, or are afraid to do so. Then there are those who go about announcing the Good News in such a way that the Good News becomes bad news.

If we find being a Catholic a chore, and witnessing a reluctant obligation to meet, and we are lacking joy in service and outreach to others, it means that we are driving this whole mission using our human strength. The person who has fallen in love with the Lord cannot stop sharing Jesus and His Good News.

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William Cardinal Goh

07 Feb, 23:03

08 February 2025, Saturday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time

We are called not only to be spectators of Christโ€™s death on the cross but to make His sacrifice ours. This is the true objective of the sacrificial celebration of the Mass; that we join Jesus in offering Himself to the Heavenly Father. How do we share in the sacrifice of Christ?

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William Cardinal Goh

07 Feb, 11:06


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Who do I turn to when my relationships fail? Is Jesus the centre of my relationships, especially in my marriage?

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William Cardinal Goh

06 Feb, 23:00

07 February 2025, Friday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time


What does it mean to say that โ€œJesus Christ is the same as he was yesterday and as he will be for everโ€? Simply put, it means that our faith in Jesus Christ is constant. All that Jesus was, He is for us today and forever. Jesus is constant in Himself, in His thoughts, His Life, His love and mercy for us. In other words, the same Jesus we know today is the same Jesus that our forefathers knew.

Jesus Christ is therefore reliable and constant in His love. We who claim to be His disciples and love Him, must also live a life that reflects His. What kind of Christian life must we live?

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William Cardinal Goh

06 Feb, 12:07


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I overcome the fear of death and embrace the promise of eternal life with trust and joy in God's mercy?

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William Cardinal Goh

05 Feb, 23:04

06 February 2025, Thursday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time

Heaven is a beautiful place where we all should desire to go. It is a place of communion, of love already experienced as a foretaste when we walk with Jesus, the Church and our fellowmen in love and compassion. This is our eternal home.

If we are fearful of meeting the Lord, it is not because He is fearful but because we are fearful inside us. Perhaps we are fearful of meeting the Lord because we feel we are unworthy. We feel that we are sinful and not good enough. It is those who reject Him, refuse to repent, and who do not know Him, who will avoid meeting the Lord because He will expose their sinfulness and their arrogance.

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William Cardinal Goh

05 Feb, 10:30


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I cultivate greater perseverance in my faith life?

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William Cardinal Goh

04 Feb, 23:00

05 February 2025, Wednesday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time

The path to holiness requires training. We cannot take the grace of holiness for granted. God wants us to be holy but we must also cooperate with the grace that He has given us. Holiness is a gift and also a task. To grow in holiness, we must fight against sin. So long as we tolerate sin in our lives, we will be defeated. But how can we find strength to resist the temptations of the evil one, of the world, and our human weaknesses, especially of the flesh?

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William Cardinal Goh

03 Feb, 23:03

04 February 2025, Tuesday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time

It is only when tragedy strikes in our lives that we come to realize that we are not so powerful and almighty after all. Money and power cannot give us life. Consequently, in our desperation, we are either driven to despair or to God.

Today, we are called not just to be desperate for our physical well-being and human life, but more importantly, to be desperate for our spiritual-wellbeing and life hereafter. Will we follow the martyrs in fighting against sin even to the point of death?

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William Cardinal Goh

02 Feb, 23:02

03 February 2025, Monday, 4th Week in Ordinary Time


When we reflect on the faith of the Old Testament Fathers, we cannot but be inspired by their faith and vision. All suffered for God, for their faith, and for the people. In our time, we have missionaries who came from Europe to share their faith with people in the East.

Having received the gift of faith from them and the blessings of their service in nurturing our faith, good education and material and physical needs, we too must now ask ourselves how we should in turn become heroes of faith as well. It is with gratitude that we should continue the good works that our forefathers had done for us.

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William Cardinal Goh

01 Feb, 23:00

02 February 2025, Sunday, The Presentation of the Lord


Relationship and discipleship spell out the primary demands of our commitment to the Lord. There can be no real ministry without first walking closely with Jesus. Surrendering our will in faith and in obedience is perhaps one of the greatest acts of self-offering to the Lord. When we want to insist on our ways, we are making ourselves the ultimate voice of the Lord.

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William Cardinal Goh

31 Jan, 23:00

01 February 2025, Saturday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time


Today, we are asked to place our trust in God who cares for us more than we think. Jesus might have appeared to be sleeping in the boat but He was aware that the storm would not overcome them. He had complete confidence in His Father and that was why He did not panic. He knew that His Father was in charge and in control.

But this faith must go beyond trusting in God to perform miracles in our lives. Otherwise, our faith in God will remain infantile. Faith ultimately is our hope to be with God. This is our real hope in life. This is what faith does for us. Faith is to be sure that what we hope for, even if we cannot see clearly with our eyes now, will be given to us. How, then, can we acquire this kind of faith that enables us to overcome all fears and trials in life?

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William Cardinal Goh

31 Jan, 13:40


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I grow in my trust in Godโ€™s hand in my life?

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William Cardinal Goh

30 Jan, 23:01

31 January 2025, Friday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

The real danger of the Church today is that she is trying to be popular in the world by making herself acceptable to society. We fear repercussion, rejection and losing our place in the world. We want to be part of the mainstream.

When Christianity adopts the worldly values and individualistic trends, we lose our status as a force in the world. We no longer offer anything that is different from what the world espouses. What is required for us to remain faithful to the faith and what the scriptures have taught us?

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William Cardinal Goh

29 Jan, 23:02

30 January 2025, Thursday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

As Christians, we are called to live by the three theological values of faith, hope and love. Otherwise, baptism remains just a ritual.

We cannot take our faith for granted. We must hold fast to our faith by reaffirming what we believe. We need to intentionally grow in our faith both intellectually and spiritually. To grow in Christian life, we must also grow in hope. Hope holds up faith and charity. So long as we have hope, we will continue to put our faith in Him and continue to show charity towards our fellowmen because we know that they can change and become better.

Thirdly, faith must be seen in practical terms. For faith to grow, we must spur each other to holiness of life seen in faith and charity. We need to set good examples to others. Most of all, we must be sympathetic and encouraging, and not judge those who are weak or have strayed.

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William Cardinal Goh

29 Jan, 02:33

29 January 2025, Wednesday, Lunar New Year

Celebrating the New Year is an occasion for us to begin anew the way we want to live our life. It means letting go of the past, forgiving those who have offended us and forgiving ourselves for the mistakes we have made. Forgiveness is central to the celebration of the New Year. Without forgiveness, there is no way for us to have a fresh start for the New Year. The old year will continue to haunt us and prevent us from receiving the blessings of the New Year.

We must keep our eyes on the Lord so that we will always walk in the ways of truth and love. Seeing the face of God in Jesus will give us the strength to continue loving difficult people in our life. Seeing His face will give us the grace to persevere because we know that He is with us in our life journey.

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William Cardinal Goh

27 Jan, 23:04

28 January 2025, Tuesday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

All of us are called to service in Christ. In a special way, we are called to serve the family of God, which is the whole of humanity but in a special way, the relatives of Jesus.

How can we serve Jesus best? The truth is that many people want to serve in church ministry but they want to choose how they like to serve and not where God wants them to serve. If we truly wish to serve the Lord, then His true relatives are those who do the will of God. How, then, do we know the will of God?

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William Cardinal Goh

26 Jan, 23:05

27 January 2025, Monday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

Jealousy, fear and competition are the cause of much division at our workplace and even in the Church. So what do we do in the face of un-Christian responses to our good intentions?

We must proactively help those who misperceived us to understand us. We do this not simply to defend ourselves. We must try to understand that perhaps our opponents need to be enlightened and more often than not, are blinded by their fear, jealousy and pride.

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William Cardinal Goh

26 Jan, 04:04

26 January 2025, Sunday, 3rd Week in Ordinary Time

It is important that in all we do in life, we seek the will of God for us through His word and His prophets. When we accept the Word of God as it really is, then His words become for us Spirit and Life. Above all, we must listen to the Word of God with faith. We should not try to rationalize too much the Word of God. We should be receptive to the Word of God even if we cannot agree with it. But we should not just hear the Word of God, we must put it into action.

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Jan, 23:01

25 January 2025, Saturday, Conversion of St Paul, Apostle

In the work of the New Evangelization to counter the spread of secularism and its effects seen in relativism, materialism and individualism, it is necessary to work together as Christians for the conversion of humanity.

Working against each other is not only counterproductive but it hinders the spread of the Good News. Most of all, it goes against the last wish of Jesus that we be one so that others will know His Father.

How, then, can we work together with all Christians for the spread of the gospel?

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Jan, 00:06

24 January 2025, Friday, 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

The New Covenant brought by our Lord is rooted in grace, not good works. This grace of God is received through faith in Him as the Son of God who died for us and saved us.

The observance of the commandments is no longer through human effort and discipline alone. It is through the work of the Holy Spirit given to us after His resurrection. The Holy Spirit, which is the love of God poured into our hearts, leads us to know Jesus intimately in our hearts and fills us with the same spirit, so that we, too, proclaim the gospel in His power.

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William Cardinal Goh

23 Jan, 14:04


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I embrace my full humanityโ€”being faithful to my identity, my calling, and my purpose in lifeโ€”while living an integrated and authentic life?

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William Cardinal Goh

22 Jan, 23:04

23 January 2025, Thursday, 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

The priest is a mediator between God and man. The task of a priest is to help his fellowmen to be in contact with God. But we know that as man, priests are weak and human. He can be a scandal to his community as well. For this reason, we need to have a perfect priest.

Jesus is that perfect high priest because he was not just a man but a perfect man. He was innocent and uncontaminated. He had no guilt and He did not hurt anyone. His desire was to love and to heal. There was nothing but goodness in Him. He had a good heart and was sincere in His motives. He was beyond the influence of the world and the temptations of the evil one. Consequently, Jesus is the perfect High priest because He is identified with us except in sin. This explains why in the gospel, we read that in Him, people felt the touch of God. He came to give life and to heal us all.

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William Cardinal Goh

22 Jan, 11:05


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What barriers prevent me from having true peace in my heart?

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William Cardinal Goh

21 Jan, 23:00

22 January 2025, Wednesday, 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

For Christians, peace is a fruit of love which goes beyond what justice can provide. This peace of Christ comes from God the Father. Jesus is the prince of Peace that reconciles men with God. Jesus restores all men to the unity of one people and one body. With the love of God in our hearts, comes respect for others and their dignity. Love will never use violence to defend oneโ€™s rights. We will avoid all kinds of discrimination.

Peace can happen only when we promote the common good of humanity. Hence, it is our duty as Christians to act in love and truth and join with all true peacemakers to work for peace, which is an on-going work because the human will is wounded by sin.

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William Cardinal Goh

20 Jan, 23:01

21 January 2025, Tuesday, 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

We should not get discouraged when we find that we are still far from our dreams. Rather, that should challenge and motivate us further in seeking to make the dream a reality. Instead of succumbing to pessimistic voices, we must be courageous, hopeful and patient, allowing Godโ€™s grace to work in its own time.

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William Cardinal Goh

19 Jan, 23:02

20 January 2025, Monday, 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

Quite often people fail to realize that a priest is not a god. He is a human being taken from among the people of God. He is weak and prone to temptations and sins like the rest of humanity.

Consequently, instead of complaining about the imperfections and mistakes of our priests, the people of God must support them in their growth in holiness and passion for their ministry.

What they must not do is to be the devilโ€™s advocate or his accomplice in tempting our priests to sin. Woe is the one who tempts the priest to sin and then condemns the priest for sinning.

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William Cardinal Goh

18 Jan, 23:05

19 January 2025, Sunday, 2nd Week in Ordinary Time


As Christians born again in Christ through baptism, we have huge potentials before us to live the fullness of life, here and hereafter. The Lord wants to do great things for us, if only we are receptive to Him and His grace.

When a gift is given, there is also a task assigned. These gifts we receive are not for ourselves but for the service of others. Most of all, the gifts are given to the Church for the building of His body, the Church.

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William Cardinal Goh

17 Jan, 23:00

18 January 2025, Saturday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time

As we reach out to the suffering, the poor and those who have turned away from God, coming to them as sincere friends, not as a judge and never in a condescending way, we too will win them over by our empathy and compassion. This was the way of our Lord and this should also be the path we take as well.

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William Cardinal Goh

16 Jan, 23:00

17 January 2025, Friday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time

When we experience freedom in loving, in serving and in living out our dignity as the children of God, we know that we are redeemed. When we are no longer ashamed of our past but can give thanks to God for all that we went through, our sins and our mistakes; and seeing them as grace at work in our moments of disgrace, then we know we are healed and forgiven.

If we think we are forgiven but lack the courage to speak about our past, or when we think of the past and we are still grieving and not celebrating, it means that we have not experienced real forgiveness from the Lord simply because we cannot forgive ourselves or do not truly claim His forgiveness for us.

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William Cardinal Goh

16 Jan, 11:33


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What is standing in the way of my total trust in God?

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William Cardinal Goh

15 Jan, 23:01

16 January 2025, Thursday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time

If we harden our hearts and refuse to render Him obedience and trust, we will have to face the terrible consequences of our decision. So long as we are still alive, we can be saved. No one is condemned if he repents.

To obtain Godโ€™s blessings, all we need is to cling to His promises and believe that what God says is true. We must be willing to trust Him with all our heart. But trust must be demonstrated by obedience. If we trust Him and believe that He is our Lord, then we will listen to all that He tells us to do. We will obey His instructions.

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William Cardinal Goh

15 Jan, 11:14


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Have I grown complacent in the serving of Godโ€™s Kingdom? How else can I contribute to the mission field?

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William Cardinal Goh

14 Jan, 23:01

15 January 2025, Wednesday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time

We are all called to be healers in life, reaching out to those who are weak, sick, forlorn, downtrodden, depressed, or even possessed. To effectively reach out to them, it is essential we feel with them in their pains. We can only save those whom we identify with.

Jesus felt with His disciples in their need. He did not just make use of them to help Him in His mission. When they needed help, Jesus was there for them.

If we are to gain loyalty from those who help us in our work, we must also be there for them when they need our support and assistance. We should never take our supporters for granted.

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William Cardinal Goh

14 Jan, 13:03


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I embrace Jesusโ€™ example to live a life of ultimate purpose?

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Jan, 23:01

14 January 2025, Tuesday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time

If we seek to be credible leaders and good stewards of Godโ€™s creation and people, then we must come to Jesus, reflect on Him so that we too will learn the true meaning of sonship, leadership and stewardship in the world.

We must know ourselves more and more, examine our motives, our focus and our purpose in life. Only then can we be like Jesus in leading our brothers and sisters into glory so that they can find fulfilment and happiness in life.

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Jan, 02:36

13 January 2025, Monday, 1st Week in Ordinary Time

The time of fulfilment is when God sent His Son to reveal to us our true dignity as Godโ€™s adopted children, when we are no longer reigned by sin or by the law but by the grace and love of God. Christ is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. (cf 1 Cor 1:30f)

Jesus is the answer to the mystery of God. He is the ultimate goal of man for He reveals to us who the Father is and by so doing also reveals to us our identity, purpose and goal in life. Jesus who is truly God, reveals God to us, and because He is truly man, He reveals to us our innermost truth about ourselves. Only in this revelation of God and of ourselves, can man find the deepest longing of his heart fulfilled.

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William Cardinal Goh

11 Jan, 23:04

12 January 2025, Sunday, Baptism of the Lord

Being baptized is not just for our own salvation. Baptism also means that we are given a mission as well to bring others to Christ.

Necessarily, baptism obliges us to live out our sonship and daughtership seriously so that others will come to see the human face of God in us and the divine face in man. This mission is possible only when we become conscious of the dignity of our sonship and daughtership in Christ.

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William Cardinal Goh

10 Jan, 23:02

11 January 2025, Saturday After Epiphany

Our role as Catholic parents is to help our children to find their vocation in life. But this presupposes that we bring our children closer to the Lord, helping them to know Him and to discover His love and mercy for them.

As married couples and parents, we must also help each other and our children to grow in holiness. As members of our own domestic family and also members of the larger family of God, we are responsible for the holiness of our brothers and sisters.

Like John the Baptist, our role is to lead and prepare the people to receive Christ, the Bridegroom.

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William Cardinal Goh

09 Jan, 23:03

10 January 2025, Friday After Epiphany

In the early Church, and even today, with so much confusion over the necessity of Jesus for our salvation, especially in the light of inter-religious dialogue, it is necessary to return to the heart of our Christian belief, which is the nature of Christ and His salvific role in the redemption of humanity.

Who, then, is Jesus? What does confession of faith in Jesus entail? What reasons do we have to establish that Jesus is the Son of God? What witnesses do we have for us to believe in His divine sonship when we have not seen Him?

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William Cardinal Goh

09 Jan, 12:04


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How do I love others, and in what ways can I grow to love them as God loves?

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William Cardinal Goh

09 Jan, 00:02

09 January 2025, Thursday After Epiphany

True love means not just loving the person whom we are attracted or attached to. It also means sharing in his or her love for others and personal interests, even if we are not personally interested. We must be happy for him or for her.

Similarly, in our love for God, the concrete sign that we love God for Himself and not ourselves is in how we love our brothers and sisters. We are called to love our fellowmen since they are all created in His image and likeness. God loves us all, saints and sinners. He wants us to share in His life and love. Because God loves us all, we must love all those whom God loves as well, especially the lost sheep.

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William Cardinal Goh

07 Jan, 23:03

08 January 2025, Wednesday After Epiphany

If we fail to recognize the presence of God in our lives and in times of trials, it is because we have not understood the events in our lives and read them in the light of faith.

Indeed, when we consider how we have managed to pull through all those difficult times and challenging situations in our lives, we will come to know that it is not on our own strength and ingenuity but solely by His grace.

If we have the eyes of faith, not only will we be able to see God at work in our lives, and feel His presence, but we can also feel Him living in us as well. When we are driven by Godโ€™s love in us, we experience the love of God when we reach out to others because we see how God works in and through us in spite of our limitations and constraints.

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William Cardinal Goh

06 Jan, 23:04

07 January 2025, Tuesday After Epiphany

Anyone who is capable of selfless unconditional love for others is begotten by God. Whenever we meet someone of humble and selfless love, we know that Jesus has incarnated Himself in him or her.

The love of God transcends religions, cultures, races and languages. Anyone who truly loves has known God. Indeed, the capacity to love comes from the love of God alone. This is the heart of Christian love.

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William Cardinal Goh

06 Jan, 10:07


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How does a clearer understanding of Jesusโ€™ identity inspire me to live out my faith more authentically?

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William Cardinal Goh

05 Jan, 23:02

06 January 2025, Monday After Epiphany

We should not be afraid to vouch for the truth of our faith in Christ. This does not mean that we need to denigrate the faith beliefs of others. But in truth and charity, we should simply state what we believe, and at the same time respect the faith of others.

It is a different thing to say that all religions are the same. This would not just be a lie but it also denies that all religions are unique and not the same.

In the final analysis, the test of truth is not just our confession of faith in Him as the Son of God; it must lead to action. Those of us who profess to know Christ but act uncharitably towards others should reflect on the sincerity of our profession in Christ. Salvation means that we have been transformed in Christ and be another Christ to others by our humble service, compassion, love and forgiveness.

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William Cardinal Goh

05 Jan, 04:04


Like St Paul and the Magi, we are called to reveal Christ as our Saviour and Lord to the world. Catechesis is to give a reason for our hope in Christ. The means by which we give hope to the world is by giving them Christ. He is our only hope and the basis for hope. Our hope for a better world and a future life beyond this world is founded on the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord.

We must show that our hope in Jesus has transformed our lives. Witnessing faith in life is critical. Just as St Paul and the wise menโ€™s lives were transformed after adoring the Lord Jesus, we should be able to manifest a change of life in our attitudes towards worldly things and our relationships with others.

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William Cardinal Goh

04 Jan, 09:59

Facing My Mortality

Since the passing of the late Archbishop Emeritus Nicholas Chia, I have become more conscious of my own mortality. It is not that I have never thought of it, but until then, it was mere contemplation. But since his death, I have begun to ponder on my own end and how little time I have left on earth.

This was amplified by my recent experiences of deteriorating health; issues associated with an aging body, which left me unable to perform things that used to come naturally to me. I began to think of my time on earth. Have I given up everything for the sake of the gospel entrusted to me as the chief shepherd of the archdiocese? I asked myself if there was anything I have held back from giving Him.

What the Lord said is really true.  It is only in giving our lives for the service of others that we find ourselves. Only the knowledge that we have made a difference in the lives of others, in giving hope, joy and life to others, can give us real and enduring joy.

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William Cardinal Goh

04 Jan, 02:00

04 January 2025, Saturday

What do we want from following Jesus?  What do we hope to gain by following Him? If we follow Jesus simply for the things of this world, then we do so to serve ourselves and not out of love for Him.  We are His followers only so long as Jesus is of use to us.

Jesus is not interested in having followers but in making disciples. The call to discipleship entails sacrifice and total commitment.    Like the call of the apostles, we are called to drop everything to follow Him. In other words, as St John tells us, we are called to holiness of life.  To seek baptism is to seek holiness that we belong to Jesus not just in name but in fact.   To belong to Jesus is to allow Jesus to take control of our life and to walk the path He has shown us.  It implies living a life of truth and love for only such a life distinguishes us as children of God.

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William Cardinal Goh

03 Jan, 11:05


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
In what areas of my life do I need to rely more fully on the grace of the Holy Spirit?

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William Cardinal Goh

03 Jan, 07:15

03 January 2025, Friday

Holiness requires the cooperation of man, even though ultimately it is the work of the Holy Spirit in us.  It is not just our decision and our will to choose holiness because we are weak and will succumb to temptations.  Even with the best intentions, we would fall again into sin.  So we need to pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength to resist the temptations of the Evil One.  It is God who makes it possible for us to live a life of righteousness.

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William Cardinal Goh

02 Jan, 11:19


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What are some dreams that you once had, that youโ€™ve overlooked over time? How can we be more like St. John the Baptist who was always focused on his personal call?

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William Cardinal Goh

02 Jan, 04:05

02 January 2025, Thursday

We are at the start of the New Year.  It is not enough to begin the year well, but we must ensure that we end it well.  To ensure that we stay on track, we must go back to the beginnings of our faith.

If we are to walk in truth and love, we must recognize Jesus as the Christ. Our confession of faith must concretely be seen in the way we accept His Words as truth and not compromise the Word of God or dilute it to suit the world. We need to build our lives on the Word of God, and to live in Christ through the Word and the Sacraments given to the Church. 

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William Cardinal Goh

31 Dec, 23:05

01 January 2025, Wednesday, Mary, Mother of God

The root cause of division is that we have lost our sense of identity of who we truly are. We forget that every family takes its name from God who is the Father of us all.

To bring peace to humanity, we must safeguard not just our interests but the interests of everyone. In and through Christ, we come to share in Christโ€™s sonship.

If we come to realize that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, we will treat even those who do not know Him with respect and dignity, compassion and with justice.

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William Cardinal Goh

30 Dec, 23:00

31 December 2024, Tuesday, 7th Day Within the Octave of Christmas

There are three kinds of pseudo-Catholics. Firstly, there are those who call themselves Catholic but never practise the faith.

Secondly, there are those who are selective of the biblical and Church teachings. They pick and choose what they like and ignore what they do not like.

Thirdly, there are those who twist and turn the teachings of the bible and the Church to fit their lifestyle.

If we want to be true Catholic Christians, we must first and foremost accept Jesus as the Word of God in person. If we accept Jesus as the Son of God, then we will accept all that the bible says and what the Church teaches because He has handed over the Word to the apostles and to the Church.

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William Cardinal Goh

30 Dec, 12:03


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What does it mean, for me, to live in the world but not be of the world?

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William Cardinal Goh

29 Dec, 23:00

30 December 2024, Monday, 6th Day Within the Octave of Christmas


How should a Christian relate with the world? How should one live like a disciple of Christ? In other words, how can a Christian live in the world but not be part of the world?

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William Cardinal Goh

29 Dec, 04:03

29 December 2024, Sunday, The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

The Church sees the call to family life as a universal call to share in the life and love of God. It is a call to be life-giving. It is within the family that an individual learns how to share and give, how to live with others, be patient, forgiving and tolerant. In this way, we give hope to each other.

Our task as parents is to help our children to become Godโ€™s children. We are not to impose our wishes or our unfulfilled ambitions in life on them. Rather, we must help them to search for their vocation in life.

What should we do to help our young people and married couples to rediscover their role or vocation in life in the world?

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William Cardinal Goh

27 Dec, 23:02

28 December 2024, Saturday, The Holy Innocents

Silent witnessing is more than just actively doing good, living a life of charity and service, it entails innocent suffering.

The infants in todayโ€™s liturgy died innocently for Christ even though they did nothing wrong. Christian love requires us to suffer innocently on account of Christ as well.

We can take courage from St Peter who said, โ€œFor it is a credit to you if, being aware of God, you endure pain while suffering unjustly.โ€ (1 Pt 2:19) God will vindicate us in the end.

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William Cardinal Goh

27 Dec, 11:00


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What is preventing us from experiencing and reciprocating Godโ€™s love?

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William Cardinal Goh

27 Dec, 00:02

27 December 2024, Friday, St John, Apostle, Evangelist

At Christmas, we celebrate Godโ€™s love for us in Christ. But Christmas is not just about receiving love. It is also about reciprocating that love for God. Christmas is a celebration of joy and unending love of God in our hearts. When we are deeply in love with God and in love with our fellowmen, our joy is complete.

Joy is the fruit of love, peace and unity. Christian joy is Christmas joy, the joy of sharing and caring. And if Christmas is a time for us to share this joy with others, it is not an obligatory demand on us. Rather, it is a joy that is born from encountering the love of God in Christ Jesus. If we speak about Jesus, it is to help others to experience the joy of fellowship with God and with each other.

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William Cardinal Goh

26 Dec, 10:53


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
In what areas of my life do I need to invite Jesus to be born anew, so that I can surrender more fully and trust in Godโ€™s plan?

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William Cardinal Goh

26 Dec, 03:30

26 December 2024, Thursday, St Stephen, the First Martyr

Stephen taught us how to commend everything into the hands of God. When we trust God, we will be able to bear everything graciously, using them as moments for personal growth and the building of relationships.

To witness to the Lord does not mean that we are always happy because life is without difficulties or trials, but that we are happy and at peace in accepting everything that comes our way with gratitude because we abandon ourselves into the hands of the Lord.

We, too, must learn from Stephen that forgiveness is the way to win hearts for our Lord. Using the law and punitive actions do not necessarily change lives, but often we make them more bitter, resentful and angry with the world. Forgiveness is the way to peace, to allay anger, and reconciliation. Forgiveness is the way to soften harden hearts.

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Dec, 23:02

25 December 2024, Wednesday, Nativity of the Lord

To be a gift to others requires us to give more than mere external gifts. For God, He gave us Himself, holding nothing back. He gave us His only Son so that Jesus in turn might give up His life for us. Jesus came to give us nothing less than Himself so that we can become sons in the Son.

This is why He asks us to give Him a place in our hearts so that we too can be given the grace to share our life and love like Him, and therefore truly experience the joy of living as Godโ€™s sons and daughters. Becoming His children is the greatest gift of Jesus from His Father to us. No greater gift can we receive at Christmas than for Jesus to live in us!

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Dec, 10:31

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is the Churchโ€™s hope that Christmas will bring peace and joy to humanity, even while it lives in poverty and simplicity. Peace and joy come not from being born in a palace, but from love and generosity. The birth of Christ is Godโ€™s gift of Himself to us. He assumed our humanity to show us how to live a life of true freedom and joy. He came to teach us to live in peace by accepting our weaknesses and forgiving each other. He came to show us true joy is in giving and forgiving. He leads us to God, who is the ultimate fulfilment of our hope. Most of all, He assures us that our life will not end in desolation, but that we will rise with Him to eternal life and share in the glory of His Father. Christ is the reason for our hope (1 Peter 3:15).

Have a Holy and Blessed Christmas!

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Dec, 03:02

24 December 2024, Tuesday, 4th Week in Advent


If God grants us good health and peace, it is in order that we can serve Him in holiness through our service to others. God gives us His blessings, not for ourselves but for the service of our fellowmen. So it is important that we have the right motive when we pray for our health and well-being.

Are we ready to use our wealth and health for the glory of God?

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William Cardinal Goh

22 Dec, 23:02

23 December 2024, Monday, 4th Week in Advent

We are called to remind ourselves that God works in unusual ways, not always in line with manโ€™s thinking and customs. When God puts His hand on the person, He can do wonders. For God, nothing is impossible. We must not delimit the ways God wants to work in our lives. This is why doing Godโ€™s work requires courage and faith, to believe in the impossible.

The ways of God are not always agreeable with the ways of the world. We too must be careful that we do not allow peer pressure and the world to force us to accept their customs and judgments on what is right.

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William Cardinal Goh

21 Dec, 23:00

22 December 2024, Sunday, 4th Week in Advent

Christmas joy and our material and social celebrations must come from a deeper source, which is to encounter the Lord, to encounter His presence and know that the Lord is with us. Only when we encounter the Lord who is the Emmanuel, God who is with us, can we find lasting peace and joy.

How can we encounter Christ so that we can find true peace and joy?

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William Cardinal Goh

20 Dec, 23:02

21 December 2024, Saturday, 3rd Week in Advent

To be chosen by God often means at the same time receiving both a crown of joy and a crown of sorrow.

Consequently, as we prepare to welcome the Lord, let us accept all difficulties with joy in our hearts, especially in service and in witnessing to the Lord. We show God to others when we accept everything with gratitude and with joy.

This is only possible when we have a joyful heart that is filled with gratitude and love for the Lord.

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William Cardinal Goh

20 Dec, 10:01


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How do I approach the decisions in my life? What can I learn from Mother Maryโ€™s example?

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William Cardinal Goh

19 Dec, 23:00

20 December 2024, Friday, 3rd Week in Advent

Today, we are called to put our faith in God. Trusting God does not mean that we will not have to suffer along the way. It just means that God will not allow us to be overcome by the trials of life. He will ensure that His divine plan is unfolded accordingly.

We will, on our part, walk by faith and not by sight. Mary in faith trusted that God would help her along. She remained calm and composed after saying โ€œYesโ€ to the Lord.

What about us? Do we take things in stride and allow God to work His ways in our lives?

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William Cardinal Goh

19 Dec, 12:02


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Which area of my life feels impossible, and how can I surrender it to the Lord?

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William Cardinal Goh

18 Dec, 23:01

19 December 2024, Thursday, 3rd Week in Advent

God is patient with us in our growth. He recognizes our lack of perception to live a life of wisdom. Our wisdom and understanding grows through many trials and errors. But God never gives up on us. He continues to give us one chance after another. His one desire is to save us all so that we can be one with Him in joy and happiness.

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William Cardinal Goh

18 Dec, 14:01


I received a call from the nursing home that Archbishop Nicholas Chiaโ€™s condition was deteriorating quickly. Without delay, I went to pray for the late Archbishop Emeritus Nicholas Chia yesterday afternoon with his family members. Looking at his condition, I knew the Lord was calling him to return to his heavenly home. In a way, I was happy for him because I know that returning to the heavenly home would be his greatest joy. His entire life was to serve God faithfully. He was a man who was focused on living out his priesthood to the fullest.

He was also a man of integrity and he expected everyone to be transparent in what they did. He was pastoral-minded and tirelessly went about visiting organizations when they had programs. He had a preferential love for the poor and he was generous with them, and many came to knock at his door asking for help.

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William Cardinal Goh

18 Dec, 11:30


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I collaborate with the Lord and our leaders to build His kingdom here on earth?

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William Cardinal Goh

17 Dec, 23:01

18 December 2024, Wednesday, 3rd Week in Advent

How can we believe that God is a just God when our lives do not seem to be happening the way we planned? Our lives are fraught with so many challenges. How can we believe in the justice of God and that His promises would be fulfilled? How can we say with conviction that "in his days justice shall flourish, and peace until the moon fails."? Today, we are called to take courage from the faith of the prophets, especially from Mary and Joseph. What can we learn from them?

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William Cardinal Goh

17 Dec, 13:30

I am deeply grieved to announce the passing of His Grace, Archbishop Emeritus Nicholas Chia. He passed away peacefully this evening at St Theresaโ€™s Home. He was 86 years old.

Let us pray for the repose of his soul. May perpetual light shine upon him and may he rest in peace.

Arrangements for the public to pay respects and for the funeral proceedings will be announced later.

William Cardinal Goh

16 Dec, 23:00

17 December 2024, Tuesday, 3rd Week in Advent

God will continue to make use of us, as He did with Israel, inadequate and sinful as we are, for His purpose.  God will somehow not allow His plan to be derailed in spite of the sins and infidelities of humanity.  He will write straight in crooked lines. Instead of blaming and condemning ourselves, let us see how the Lord is helping us to grow through our sinful situations.  We must use the irregularities in our lives, in our family history, in our relationships to help us grow in understanding, in compassion, in solidarity with the struggles of our fellowmen.  We must see them as stepping stones for growth.

What is important is whether we have learned from our mistakes in life.  Have we learnt at all or are we just repeating history over and over again?   

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William Cardinal Goh

15 Dec, 23:01

16 December 2024, Monday, 3rd Week in Advent

The question of authority is an important means of verifying the truth of what is said and the legality of the personโ€™s actions. Jesusโ€™ authority came from God. Jesus justified His authority not with presumptuous claims but with actions. The authority of Jesus rested in the truth of what He taught, but most of all by His actions. God has given us the free will to accept Him or reject Him. He does not force us but leaves us free to accept or reject Him. Those who reject Him will be the losers in the end.

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William Cardinal Goh

14 Dec, 23:00

15 December 2024, Sunday, 3rd Week in Advent

Because of Christ, we know that God is near, because He has forgiven us our sins. We are Godโ€™s beloved. This is concretely experienced when the Holy Spirit, which is the love of God, is poured into our hearts. Knowing that He is with us gives us joy and strength to endure our sufferings and trials positively.

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Dec, 23:01

14 December 2024, Saturday, 2nd Week in Advent

The cause of our unhappiness is that we are not true to ourselves. We are supposedly believers of the Lord and His gospel. But when it comes to championing the Churchโ€™s moral and social teachings, we make compromises. We pick and choose those moral doctrines that we agree with, and reject those that we find unacceptable. By so doing, we are accepting the bible on our own terms and not on Jesusโ€™ terms.

Jesus made it clear that if we want to follow Him, we must do it on His terms. Repentance means to make Jesus the centre of our lives and to pledge full allegiance to Him. Even when we find it difficult to accept, we say with Peter, โ€œLord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.โ€ (Jn 6:68f)

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William Cardinal Goh

12 Dec, 23:01

13 December 2024, Friday, 2nd Week in Advent

When we look back on our past, the wrong decisions we have made, we cannot but be filled with deep regret and remorse. Because of our folly, we have caused much sufferings to our loved ones and our friends, created a mess of our lives and reaped the consequences of our mistakes. Alas, it is always too late to regret because we cannot undo what we had done.

However, there is still hope; we can try to salvage what is left and rebuild ourselves in wisdom and truth. All is not lost. God comes to lead us the way to fullness of life. He comes in a special way in Christ Jesus. He is the Word of God in person, the Wisdom of God. Jesus came to teach us wisdom so that we can live our lives freely, joyfully and meaningfully. All that is needed is for us to welcome the Lord and His word in our lives.

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William Cardinal Goh

04 Dec, 10:07


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Do I place my trust in Christ who has come to restore humanity?

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William Cardinal Goh

04 Dec, 00:40

04 December 2024, Wednesday, 1st Week in Advent

Christmas would be meaningless if we are not celebrating the birth of Christ, the Messiah and Son of God. With the first coming of Christ at Christmas, we are now assured of His second coming at the end of time, which began the moment we accepted Jesus into our lives. He is the One that can bring fulfilment in our lives.

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William Cardinal Goh

03 Dec, 11:31


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What is holding me back from being a powerful witness of the hope that can be found in Christ?

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William Cardinal Goh

02 Dec, 23:01

03 December 2024, Tuesday, St Francis Xavier

The only way to share in the blessings of the gospel is to share the gospel with others.  In giving the gospel to others, in giving hope, meaning, love and life to others, we, too, in the process partake of their joy and happiness.  As we give ourselves in service to others, we receive the same blessings as well. 

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William Cardinal Goh

01 Dec, 23:01

02 December 2024, Monday, 1st Week in Advent


If we feel like giving up in our pursuit for peace, then we must turn to the Lord for guidance and inspiration.  Like the Centurion, we must reach out to like-minded people to help us build peace in the world by promoting justice and compassion. 

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William Cardinal Goh

01 Dec, 02:49

01 December 2024, Sunday, 1st Week in Advent

If we celebrate Christmas every year, it is to remind ourselves that He is coming every day into our lives so that when He comes again the second time, we would be ready to receive Him fully.   In view of this all-important event, the liturgy today exhorts us to be prepared, to stay awake so that when the time comes for reckoning, we would have the strength to survive that day and be able to stand erect with confidence.

So how should we prepare ourselves for Christโ€™s coming now and at the end of time? Simply this:  to be docile and open to His grace at work in us. This is all that we have to do. 

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William Cardinal Goh

29 Nov, 23:01

30 November 2024, Saturday, St Andrew, Apostle

How many of us actually share the Good News with our loved ones?  More often than not, we do not mind sharing the Good News with friends and strangers but with our loved ones, especially our spouse, children, siblings or relatives, we hardly share what Christ has done for us.

Perhaps, we feel diffident that our own might not listen to us or are prejudiced against us.  Thus, it is significant to appreciate the way Andrew brought his brother Simon Peter to conversion.  He did not โ€œpreachโ€ about Jesus.  Rather, he simply brought him to Jesus to experience for himself what he had experienced with Jesus when he stayed with Him earlier.

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William Cardinal Goh

29 Nov, 01:20

29 November 2024, Friday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time

This new heaven and new earth must already be something of a reality in our lives, beginning in our homes, community, organization and our offices.  Are you seeking to make your home and community a place where friendship, fraternity, support and encouragement of each other a reality?  If we cannot make our little communities truly a place of fraternity, how are we to build fraternity in society and our place of work?

This is why it is important to take stock of our vision as we come to the end of the liturgical year.  The vision we have of the future must begin where we are already.  Otherwise, it would be a mere figment of our imagination.

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William Cardinal Goh

28 Nov, 11:36


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I remain vigilant and steadfast in my faith amid the challenges of our times?

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William Cardinal Goh

28 Nov, 00:13

28 November 2024, Thursday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time

Today, we are living in challenging times because the Church of the West is being challenged by secularism, a false sense of autonomy, liberal ideas and values that have caused not just humanity but even Christians to lose the gospel values of truth, love, the sacredness of life and fidelity in marriage.  Even the Church is so divided today.

We must remain faithful to the Word of God and the gospel entrusted to the Church.   Even when marginalized and persecuted, we must be ready to suffer for the truth and the gospel alongside those Christians and missionaries who were martyred for their faith.

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William Cardinal Goh

27 Nov, 11:32


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
In what areas of my life have I compromised my faith for the sake of acceptance, and how can I stand firm in living the Gospel?

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William Cardinal Goh

26 Nov, 23:01

27 November 2024, Wednesday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time

God will be with us in our struggles to be faithful to the gospel, provided we surrender our lives to Him in faith. Truly, as the Lord assures us, we will be victorious, as we read in todayโ€™s first reading. The early Christians fought against the beast and won the battle. So let strengthen our faith in Christ and His love.

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William Cardinal Goh

25 Nov, 23:00

26 November 2024, Tuesday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time

This earth is the place of our transformation in grace and love.  We are asking that God rules in our hearts.  As to the physical outcome of creation, it is beyond human imagination. All we know is that there is a continuity and yet a discontinuity.  Consequently, we must therefore work towards the establishment of Godโ€™s kingdom, โ€œโ€˜a kingdom eternal and universal, a kingdom of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of justice, love and peace.โ€™ On this earth that Kingdom is already present in mystery. When the Lord returns it will be brought into full flower.โ€  (GS 39.4)

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Nov, 23:01

25 November 2024, Monday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time

It is significant that God does not look at the amount we give but the heart that gives.  This is the greatness of Godโ€™s love and justice.  In the eyes of God, we are all equal in giving. All of us can give; even a beggar can give.  It does not matter how much we give.  It depends on the depth of the generosity of the heart.  A poor man can give even more than a rich man in Godโ€™s eyes. Hence, the quality of giving is not only dependent on the sacrifice but the depth of love.

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Nov, 03:08

24 November 2024, Sunday, Christ the King

Charity needs to be confirmed by the light of truth and guided by truth.  Only when charity is founded on truth, can it bring true love, unity and communion among men and women. 

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William Cardinal Goh

23 Nov, 03:46

23 November 2024, Saturday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

More and more, the Church would have to confront the powers of the world.  But the book of Revelation tells us not to fear.  That the beast overpowers or conquers the saints is merely temporal and from a human perspective.  In Godโ€™s eyes, the suffering and death of martyrs would bring about a restoration of the world.  We are given an assurance in the passion and death of our Lord.

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William Cardinal Goh

22 Nov, 10:32


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What does the Word of God truly mean to me? What concrete steps can I take to deepen my love and connection with His Word?

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William Cardinal Goh

22 Nov, 01:40

22 November 2024, Friday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

Do we look forward with joy to read the Word of God?  Those who love to read the Word of God are those who have fallen in love with God.  This is a pre-requisite for us to cherish the Word of God.  Unless we have had a deep encounter with God, the Word of God is merely human words to us.  It is not much different from reading any other book, whether for inspiration or for knowledge.  But for those of us who have encountered God and believe in Him, we take the Word of God seriously because we believe in faith, that the Bible is Godโ€™s Word addressed to us through His prophets, His apostles and evangelists.

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William Cardinal Goh

21 Nov, 10:03


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What is my role in Godโ€™s plan? Where in my life is the Lord inviting me to say 'yes' and cooperate more fully with His will?

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William Cardinal Goh

20 Nov, 23:01

21 November 2024, Thursday, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Doing Godโ€™s will in our life is what it means to present ourselves to the Lord.  This is the real meaning of the presentation of Mary at the Temple.  Mary teaches us that we must first allow the Word of God to be born in our hearts before we can bring Jesus to the world.  So, with Mary and with her parents, Joachim and Anne, we seek to present ourselves anew to the Lord by consecrating ourselves to God, consecrating our family, our children, and our community.  When we give ourselves to the Lord in the Temple, He will make us His temple.  We will know that we are His temple when we grow in holiness and when people see Jesus in us.

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William Cardinal Goh

20 Nov, 10:32


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
In what ways am I taking risks in my daily life to witness the faith and grow the Gospel?

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William Cardinal Goh

19 Nov, 23:20

20 November 2024, Wednesday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

To establish the Kingdom of God therefore simply means to make Him once again the Lord and God of this universe.  It is to give Him His rightful place in the world, His sovereignty over all which the world has supplanted because of greed, pride and self-sufficiency.

But this cannot happen unless we as servants of our Lord use all the resources given to us for this purpose of establishing Godโ€™s kingdom.

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William Cardinal Goh

19 Nov, 13:04


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What steps can I take to nurture my relationship with God and guard my heart against spiritual complacency?

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William Cardinal Goh

18 Nov, 23:00

19 November 2024, Tuesday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

We do not take the call to holiness seriously.  Our involvement in the affairs of the world has contaminated us.  We are tired, burnt-out and sometimes, disillusioned and helpless. 

If we are feeling this way, the Good News is that the Lord will come into our house if only we will invite Him.

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William Cardinal Goh

18 Nov, 01:22

18 November 2024, Monday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time


We must, in our works of mercy and service, constantly go back to the call when we first encountered His amazing love.  If we do not have this experience yet, then we need to contemplate on His love.

But in truth, no one can give Himself wholeheartedly unless he or she is overwhelmed by Godโ€™s love.   Otherwise, we will lack passion in our ministry, and if we appear to be hardworking and passionate, it is more for our self, our glory and our need to be recognized and loved.  If we have been given this encounter, then let us relive it again and again so that we will never forget that without Him, we will not be where we are today, and all that we do cannot outdo His generosity and mercy for us.

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William Cardinal Goh

16 Nov, 23:00

17 November 2024, Sunday, 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

The real battle that is being fought today as in the days of old is the battle between light and darkness, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.  The question confronting us today is, which side of the battle are you on?  Are you fighting for the Evil One and with him and his angels?   Or are you with Christ and His holy angels?   Are you in Christโ€™s army or Satanโ€™s army?  If you are with Christโ€™s army, then what must you do?

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William Cardinal Goh

16 Nov, 01:30

16 November 2024, Saturday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

Today, let us pray for more labourers in the vineyard of the Lord, whether they be priests, religious or full-time lay workers.  More and more we need the lay people to work alongside our priests and religious if we are to proclaim the gospel.   So, we must pray for them and we must pray for generous people who have encountered the Lord and received His blessings to be ready to share their abundance, whether in resources or expertise with the Church.

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William Cardinal Goh

14 Nov, 23:17

15 November 2024, Friday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

The Church must always speak the truth in love.  The truth is proclaimed not to put people down or to make life miserable for them, but it is done out of love.

The danger of the Church today is that because of the fear of offending people who do not agree with us, we do not speak the truth because we lack sincere love for our people, only a love for oneself.  Failing to speak the truth is to do a disservice to our people.  Difficult as it may be, unwelcoming it may be to the world, yet the truth must be spoken lest we be held responsible by God for the sins of our people. The Church as the watchman for society cannot neglect her role as moral spokesman.

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Nov, 23:03

14 November 2024, Thursday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

For us Christians, these values that we promote are not rooted in any ideological position but in Christ.  Without faith in Christ, these values have no foundation. Indeed, Christianity transforms all levels of inter-personal relationships simply because of our relationship with Christ.

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Nov, 11:00


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
What kind of transformation do I need to make in my life, so as to express genuine gratitude for all that God has done for me?

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Nov, 00:03

13 November 2024, Wednesday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

We show the utmost gratitude to Christ by living His life.  This is our greatest act of thanksgiving, by making ourselves the testament of His love and mercy for us.   When people see our lives changed because of Him, they will come to have faith in Him.  Otherwise, we can give all kinds of testimonies about how the Lord has healed us of our sickness and answered our petitions, but when there is no change in our lives, we end up as counter-witnesses. 

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William Cardinal Goh

12 Nov, 13:03


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I communicate the Gospel in a way that resonates with the modern world, without deviating from the Truth?

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William Cardinal Goh

11 Nov, 23:01

12 November 2024, Tuesday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

We need good mentors to show us how to live out what we believe.  Today, people are looking for witnesses, much less teachers.  Simply teaching our young what they should do without doing it ourselves will have very little impact on them.  They can easily sniff out the hypocrisy and double standards in how we apply the rules.

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William Cardinal Goh

10 Nov, 23:30

11 November 2024, Monday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

There is only one scandal, that is, the scandal of all scandals, namely, the lack of a reverential faith in God.  There is a lack of religious piety in our lives.  This is the real scandal that we must pay attention to.  All other scandals, whether it is competition, dishonesty, misuse of Church funds, division, backbiting, envy and unforgiveness, can be traced to the lack of faith we have in Christ.

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William Cardinal Goh

10 Nov, 09:03

Some of you may ask why did God not protect Fr Christopher? Is God not all-powerful? Could He not have prevented this incident? If not, why should we pray to Him?

Terrible things happen because of sin and its consequences. Indeed, such events show us that society is declining in its moral values; there is no sense of right or wrong, even in a sacred space. This shows us there are many troubled, confused, and hurting people in the world. However, we know that at the end of the day, evil will not triumph.

Our faith tells us that love is stronger than hatred, life is stronger than death. Most of all, He shows us the way of compassion and forgiveness by walking with us in our suffering. Therefore, we must pray, not only for Fr Christopher, but for his assailant, and for peace in our country and our wounded world.

We thank God for protecting Fr Christopher. He is now recovering in the hospital. We ask for your continued prayers for him and his parish community.

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William Cardinal Goh

10 Nov, 02:34

10 November 2024, Sunday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

Our identity as Catholics must be seen not simply through our worship in signs and symbols. We must go beyond symbols celebrated in our rituals, but we must make concrete the symbols we use for our faith.  Our greatest symbol and sign of course is the Eucharist, because the Lord is completely identical to the bread and wine consecrated during Mass as He offered Himself perfectly to the Father, bringing us to Him.  We too must therefore live out the Mass and the Eucharist we receive by being a sacrificial love and victim to save others, to glorify God and to restore life to wholeness.

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William Cardinal Goh

09 Nov, 14:08

I am shocked and deeply saddened that violence has been committed against one of our beloved priests in the house of God while he was celebrating Mass. I am also very concerned about the psychological impact this incident may have had on our children and all who witnessed this attack.

I ask the faithful to remain calm, not to speculate on the incident or pass judgment without knowing all the facts. We must allow the authorities to investigate the matter.

Let us pray for Fr Christopher Lee and those who were traumatised by the incident.

We trust in God who will see us through such painful moments. We also need to pray for all those who seek to create division through violence and fear, and that God will enlighten the assailant in His mercy so that he may find forgiveness and healing.

William Cardinal Goh

09 Nov, 04:28

09 November 2024, Saturday, Dedication of the Lateran Basilica

Whilst worshipping in spirit and truth is the fundamental principle of worship as taught by our Lord, we must not forget that firstly, we are not just individuals but we are social beings as well.  We need to find strength from each other.  True religion must lead to love and the gathering of a community of love.  The Church, accordingly, is called to be the sacrament of love and unity.  It is when Christians gather together that the Church is seen.

Hence, we must keep in tandem between private, individual worship of God and our collective worship of God as Church, as a community. 

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William Cardinal Goh

08 Nov, 11:02


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I creatively live out and share the Gospel in my everyday life, using the unique gifts and resources I have, to invite others to encounter Christ and reflect on the importance of eternal life?

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William Cardinal Goh

07 Nov, 23:00

08 November 2024, Friday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time

We have to find ways to attract people to the gospel.  We must first bring them to Jesus and come to experience Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Even if we are lacking resources and the modern tools of communication, we have the soft power, which is the way of mentoring and modelling. 

We are called to be good stewards of the gospel and good leaders.  Whilst we can learn creativity from the dishonest steward, we do not imitate his dishonest, opportunistic ways.   Indeed, bad shepherds will not only kill the weak and sick sheep in the flock but will weaken even the strong ones. 

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William Cardinal Goh

07 Nov, 13:04


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I cultivate a deeper sense of dependence on God's mercy and forgiveness, rather than relying solely on my own efforts?

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William Cardinal Goh

07 Nov, 00:37

07 November 2024, Thursday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time

Circumcision and the Law were means to guide the people to walk together in unity and love; and it was transitional.  With the coming of Christ, His passion, death and resurrection, we can belong to the People of God through baptism, because we share in His Spirit, and thus, received a spirit of adoption.

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William Cardinal Goh

06 Nov, 13:04


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
As a disciple of Christ, what holds me back from truly making Him the centre of my life?

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William Cardinal Goh

05 Nov, 23:01

06 November 2024, Wednesday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time

Salvation is the work of God, but not without manโ€™s response.  It is God who works in us and draws us to Him through His grace. Although we are justified by faith in Christ by grace, we have to cooperate with Him and bring the work of Godโ€™s salvation in us to its completion.  In other words, at every stage of the journey of salvation the grace of God is at work, but God wants to save us through our cooperation with His grace.  Without our cooperation and free consent, God cannot save us because He gives us freedom to freely accept His grace or reject it.

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William Cardinal Goh

04 Nov, 23:02

05 November 2024, Tuesday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time

What is really important?  It is to be focused on building the kingdom of God, which is a life of service and communion with everyone, beginning with God.

Unless we put God as the centre of our life, we will displace Him with all the other things we do and own.  Work will begin to consume us until we lose our health and loved ones.  Money will preoccupy us day and night and in all that we do.  Power and status will enslave us so that we lose our freedom to do the right thing.  Our loved ones will become the gods that we worship and seek to possess.  We will live in fear of losing them one day and become obsessed with controlling their lives.  Without God, everything we do will become the idols that we worship.

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William Cardinal Goh

03 Nov, 23:02

04 November 2024, Monday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time

We all must put on the mind and heart of Christ in service and in love.  We must do it out of love for Christ.  Instead of putting ourselves above others, we must put others before self.  Instead of competing and become self-conceited, we must learn to be self-effacing like our Lord.  

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William Cardinal Goh

03 Nov, 02:00

03 November 2024, Sunday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time


Indeed, there is only one law; it is the law of mutual love.  Loving our neighbours help us to encounter Godโ€™s love through them.  In loving them, they too will encounter Godโ€™s love in us.  So loving our neighbours can lead us to God, provided our love is pure, holy, sincere and unconditional. It is within this context that we can understand the teaching of our Lord when He reduced all the commandments to simply two, namely, love of God, self and neighbour. 

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William Cardinal Goh

02 Nov, 01:30

02 November 2024, Saturday, All Souls

The answer to the despair in the world and this state of atrophy is Christian Hope.  What is Christian Hope?  It is to have faith in the resurrection of the body because of Christโ€™s resurrection from the dead.  With this faith, we can overcome the fear of death because we know that death is the passage to life, the fullness of life.

So the most important question we need to ask ourselves today is this:  Do we really believe in Christโ€™s resurrection?  The answer to this question will determine everything else, the way we look at our life on this earth and the way we approach death. 

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William Cardinal Goh

01 Nov, 13:02


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Which โ€œattitudeโ€ of the Beatitudes am I invited to exercise more of?

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William Cardinal Goh

31 Oct, 23:01

01 November 2024, Friday, All Saints

We are called to live up to our dignity as saints of God.  If we believe that we are truly children of God, then we must live as such.  Otherwise, we are disowning the gift that God has given to us.  We are rejecting our identity as children of God.  To be blessed, we must live a life that is blessed.

How, then, can we retain this blessed life? The beatitudes provide us the guidelines for how one can preserve his or her blessedness.

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William Cardinal Goh

31 Oct, 01:10

Dear Hindu brothers and sisters,

Happy and blessed Deepavali! May you be filled with joy and happiness as you once again celebrate this festival of lights.

We thank God for your leaders who have worked tirelessly with us and those of other faiths to build bridges of trust here in Singapore. Indeed, Singaporeโ€™s success in building a united and cohesive society has always been based on the bonds of friendship, mutual respect and trust built over time across the different religions.

Let us continue to build a deeper understanding of each other and strengthen our trust in each other. May we, Christians and Hindus, join hands with the people of other religious traditions so that we can promote harmony โ€œwith a sense of responsibility and a spirit of inclusiveness and fraternity.โ€ (Pope Francis, Meeting with Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps, Singapore, 12 September 2024)

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William Cardinal Goh

30 Oct, 23:30

31 October 2024, Thursday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time

Truly, the mission of the Church primarily is a spiritual mission. Our enemies are not human beings but the forces of evil manifested in the current trends of society that are atheistic, secularist, materialistic and even anti-Christian.

If we are not spiritually strong, we will be defeated easily by the Evil One.  To strengthen our spiritual life, we must first grow in faith, in personal and doctrinal faith, in trust and in understanding.  We must surrender our lives to Him and our whole being to Him so that He can take control over us.  

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William Cardinal Goh

30 Oct, 13:01


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
How can I grow in living my life โ€œin the Lordโ€?

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William Cardinal Goh

30 Oct, 04:02

30 October 2024, Wednesday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time

We must recognize that those who have authority over us do so in the name of the Lord.  They have been entrusted with the task of guiding us and helping us to walk the way of truth and love.

On the other hand, those in authority, parents, guardians and superiors must never forget to guide their subordinates in the Lord.  The authority given to them is not to be exercised in a dictatorial manner, that is unreasonable, unfeeling, rigid and legalistic.  On the contrary, we must guide them in the way the Lord guides us, with compassion, with gentleness, with love and mercy.  Any correction must be done in a way that could truly help them to repent or be motivated to change, through enlightenment and encouragement; and most of all, inspiration.  The motive is never to control, to shame, to restrict, but to help them to attain their full potentials in life.

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William Cardinal Goh

28 Oct, 23:02

29 October 2024, Tuesday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time

Those in authority must be ready to sacrifice their lives selflessly and unconditionally for their subjects if we were to command their respect and obedience.  We need to show that all that we do is purely for their good; that we are on their side.  We are not their enemies or competitors.   We are for them; not against them.  If they see us as favouring them rather than ourselves, there should be no problem commanding their obedience.  If we know that our leaders have our interests at heart, then we are willing to obey even if we do not agree.

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William Cardinal Goh

27 Oct, 23:37

28 October 2024, Monday, Ss Simon and Jude, Apostles

Jesus must be the bond of our unity.  If we love Jesus enough, we will do anything for His Church.  If we love Jesus, we will obey the leaders He appointed to lead us.  If we love Jesus, we will read the Word of God daily.  If we love Jesus, we will spend time with Him in intimacy in prayer daily.  If we love Jesus, we will use all our resources to serve Him, glorify Him and make His name known.  If we love Jesus, we will love His Body the Church.  If we love Jesus, then we want to be one with each other so that the world will know that we are His disciples.

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William Cardinal Goh

27 Oct, 01:36

27 October 2024, Sunday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time

The Good News is that God comes to give us a new vision and hope.  He does not seek our destruction or desire to punish us for our sins.  

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William Cardinal Goh

26 Oct, 01:43

26 October 2024, Saturday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

How do we know that we have arrived at spiritual maturity if not the fact that we are well grounded in our faith in Christ, a faith that firstly could withstand any onslaught of the world and the temptations of the Evil One? The best way to protect ourselves from being swayed by the world is to be inserted into the body of Christ.  When we live in union with the Church, and are joined together with our brothers and sisters, we will always remain strong and firm in times of temptation. 

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William Cardinal Goh

25 Oct, 12:03


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question: What is preventing me to see the goodness in others?

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William Cardinal Goh

25 Oct, 02:12

25 October 2024, Friday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

We must never think of ourselves as individuals but members of the one body of Christ. We have a responsibility towards every member of the community. We are called to live out our calling as Christโ€™s disciples and children of the same Father by the way we give ourselves in service to God and the community. If we love the Lord as we claim to, then we need to do all things to preserve the unity of the body of Christ.

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William Cardinal Goh

24 Oct, 11:03


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question: How can I be filled with the fullness of God and the love of Christ?

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William Cardinal Goh

23 Oct, 23:01

24 October 2024, Thursday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

When a person is filled with love, he is warm and full of life. He is completely fulfilled. His mind is enlightened by truth, and his heart is filled with love.

And this is what Jesus sought to bring to this earth. He wants to ignite this world with the love of His Father so that humanity is filled with the fire of Godโ€™s love.

How can one arrive at this state of being?

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William Cardinal Goh

23 Oct, 11:02


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question: When I work, am I accountable only to my superiors?

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William Cardinal Goh

22 Oct, 23:01

23 October 2024, Wednesday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

All of us are stewards in some sense, especially those of us who are leaders, or those who have people under their care. We will be judged according to how we exercise our stewardship.

The truth is that not many of us are conscious that we are exercising stewardship on behalf of God. We think we are only answerable to ourselves.

In the eyes of God, all that we have belong to Him. They are entrusted to us in different ways but all are required to be responsible for them. The gifts given to us are not for ourselves but ultimately for others.

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William Cardinal Goh

22 Oct, 11:00


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question: Which areas of my life are not aligned to the Gospel values and is preventing me from bringing unity and peace to the world?

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William Cardinal Goh

21 Oct, 23:01

22 October 2024, Tuesday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

The way to peace and unity is the way of forgiveness, compassion and love for others. Through unconditional love and mercy, man is reconciled with God.

In the same way, we can be reconciled with our fellowmen through a life of forgiveness, compassion and love.

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William Cardinal Goh

20 Oct, 23:01

21 October 2024, Monday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

There is this instinct in every man to seek justice. No one seems contented with what they have. The word โ€œjusticeโ€ is also relative. The truth is that the word โ€œenoughโ€ does not exist in our vocabulary.

Jesus warns us, โ€œWatch, and be on your guard against avarice of any kind, for a man's life is not made secure by what he owns, even when he has more than he needs.โ€

What are the principles of justice?

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William Cardinal Goh

20 Oct, 03:18

20 October 2024, Sunday, 29th Week in Ordinary Time

It is not enough to have a profession, but we must see our profession as our vocation. Once we see our profession as more of a vocation, then our orientation and motive become different. We feel empowered and our lives become very meaningful. It is no longer work, or simply a means to make money, but a means to give life to others, to share our love and joy.

Vocation, unlike ambition, is a call to serve God and humanity rather ourselves. God has planted the seed of our vocation even before we were born. We know it is our vocation when what we are called to do is also matched by the skills and talents the Lord has blessed us with. In responding to that call in us, we find peace and fulfilment.

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William Cardinal Goh

19 Oct, 03:04

19 October 2024, Saturday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time

If we love Christ, then we must also love the Church.  To stand up for the Church is to stand up for Christ because Christ is identified with His Church. It is not merely enough, however, to attend church regularly.  We must choose our Lord and stand up for the gospel.  If we do not Christianize the world, the world will secularize us as it is being done gradually and systematically by institutions seeking to remove Christianity and all the symbols from public life.

But let us take comfort that the Lord will be with us in our fidelity to Him.  He will give us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom and fortitude to defend the gospel. 

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William Cardinal Goh

18 Oct, 04:30

18 October 2024, Friday, St Luke, Evangelist

Let us learn from Luke who was a great companion and fellow worker with St Paul. He was supportive of St Paul throughout his second and third missionary journey. He must have given St Paul great strength to continue his ministry. Knowing that someone is supporting us gives us much consolation and strength in our discouragement, loneliness and sadness.

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William Cardinal Goh

17 Oct, 02:32

17 October 2024, Thursday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time

Our greatest challenge for the Church today is to capture the essence of our Faith and transmit them to the ordinary laity so that they will be inspired and be led closer to the Lord.  If we continue to use bombastic, archaic, technical theological terms to speak to our people, the real message of the gospel would not be heard.

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William Cardinal Goh

15 Oct, 23:01

16 October 2024, Wednesday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time

Ultimately, to live the life of the Spirit is to exhibit the wholeness and unity with the Lord and with His Church and with everyone.  

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William Cardinal Goh

14 Oct, 23:00

15 October 2024, Tuesday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time

True freedom for us Christians is to place our faith not on ourselves, not on obedience to the laws, not on our own efforts but on Christ.  But how does faith in Christ save us and help us to live a life of true freedom?

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William Cardinal Goh

13 Oct, 23:00

14 October 2024, Monday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time

There is no neutrality when it comes to faith in Jesus. We cannot stand on the sidelines.  Not to take a decision for or against Jesus is already a choice against Him.

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William Cardinal Goh

12 Oct, 23:39

13 October 2024, Sunday, 28th Week in Ordinary Time

The day we come to see that riches, honour, health, beauty, etc are just illusions and are transitory, then we know what true wisdom is.  We will then not hanker after such things and even if we have them, they are not possessions to be hoarded but to be shared and given away or used for love and for mercy. What can be even more lasting than the things of this world if not authentic love and lasting relationships?  But alas, even relationships today are so fragile.

So what is the secret?  It is to follow Jesus.

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William Cardinal Goh

12 Oct, 01:32

12 October 2024, Saturday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time

What will give us the capacity to fulfil the laws perfectly if not through faith in Christ?  The law reveals our hopelessness.  Faith in Christ gives us the capacity to live the laws perfectly because we transcend the laws by living a life of love and charity.  We go beyond obedience to the laws because we are motivated by love for Christ and His love, which is the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

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William Cardinal Goh

11 Oct, 10:06


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Do I truly have faith in Christ? What is standing in the way of my total trust in Him?

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William Cardinal Goh

10 Oct, 23:37

11 October 2024, Friday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time

We must stand together in the family of God and stand together with Christ.  We must be on the side of the Lord so that we too can share His blessings.  Only with Jesus, the strong man, can we overcome the temptations of the Evil One, which is to depend on ourselves, on our achievements and our efforts. 

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William Cardinal Goh

10 Oct, 12:02


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
For those of us who have encountered the Lord and received the Holy Spirit, have we gone back to our old way of life and forgotten our first love?

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William Cardinal Goh

09 Oct, 23:31

10 October 2024, Thursday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Truly, the beginning of Christian Faith lies in oneโ€™s faith in Christ and the reception of Godโ€™s Spirit.  No one can earn or buy the Holy Spirit through good works but faith alone in Christ.  Hence, observance of the laws is not the criterion to receive the Holy Spirit, but at most an expression of oneโ€™s faith and love for Christ.

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William Cardinal Goh

09 Oct, 10:35


๐Ÿค” Reflection Question:
Do I approach difficult conversations in a way that seeks to preserve unity?

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๐Ÿ“– Read today's Scripture Reflection

William Cardinal Goh

08 Oct, 23:30

09 October 2024, Wednesday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Paul spoke out for only one reason, namely, out of love.   Not only did he speak out of love but he spoke in charity too.  We, too, when we desire to speak out, we must search ourselves to make sure that we are not speaking out in anger, frustration, or worse still, with ulterior motives, or a personal agenda to put others down so that we can protect our selfish interests.  When we speak in love, it will always be done in a respectful way, not shouting or screaming or threatening the other party.  True respect for authority is rooted in love, never in fear or in anger.

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William Cardinal Goh

07 Oct, 23:00

08 October 2024, Tuesday, 27th Week in Ordinary Time

What matters at the end of the day is love and relationships.  Money, success and fame cannot make one happy even though one might have all the attention.  Only the love and attention of our loved ones can satisfy our hearts.  Those who love and make time for relationships are those who truly live a full life. What is needed is not what we can do for Jesus but what Jesus can do for us.  Or rather, what is needed in strengthening our relationships is not so much โ€˜doingโ€™, but โ€˜beingโ€™ with and for each other.

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