Are you tired of the mainstream narrative? Are you looking for a platform that challenges the status quo and encourages critical thinking? Look no further than 'WE ARE THE RESISTANCE' Telegram channel, with the username @wearetheresistancee. This channel is not for the faint-hearted or those who blindly follow the herd. It is for individuals who question everything, who seek the truth behind the headlines, and who are not afraid to stand up against injustice. The channel's motto, 'When Injustice Becomes law Resistance Becomes Duty,' sets the tone for the thought-provoking content you can expect to find.
Delve into topics that are not covered by mainstream media, such as #vaccinesideeffects, #covidscam, #vaccinekills, #illuminati, #freemason, #ufo, #aliens, #technology, #transhumanism, #future, #ai, #Nanotechnology, #nanorobots, #pushingpropaganda, and #scriptures. Explore the unknown, challenge your beliefs, and engage in discussions that will broaden your perspective.
Join 'WE ARE THE RESISTANCE' channel today and become part of a community that values critical thinking, truth-seeking, and standing up against injustice. It is time to question everything and discover the power of resistance. Are you ready to join the resistance?
05 Oct, 12:39
24 Sep, 19:46
25 Jun, 02:21
22 Jun, 15:50
22 Jun, 07:37
22 Jun, 07:36
26 May, 05:30
26 May, 05:27
24 May, 14:21
24 May, 09:51
24 May, 09:51
24 May, 09:08
18 May, 14:04
18 May, 13:56
18 May, 13:45