(a) Over-population refers to a situation where the number of people in a given area exceeds the sustainable capacity of the environment to support them. It is a condition where the population size exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment. On the other hand, population density refers to the number of people living in a specific area, usually measured as the number of people per unit of land area. It is a measure of how closely people are packed together in a given area.
(b) Four factors that influence population distribution in the world are:
1. Economic opportunities: People are often attracted to areas with better economic opportunities, such as higher paying jobs, more business opportunities, and a lower cost of living. This can lead to population growth in these areas.
2. Climate and environmental conditions: Certain regions may be more attractive to people due to their climate, natural resources, and environmental conditions. For example, people may be more likely to settle in areas with a mild climate, abundant water, and fertile land.
3. Political stability and governance: People may be more likely to settle in areas with a stable political environment, good governance, and protection of individual rights. On the other hand, areas with political instability, corruption, and weak governance may deter people from settling there.
4. Infrastructure and services: The availability of infrastructure, such as transportation networks, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions, can influence population distribution. Areas with well-developed infrastructure and services may attract more people, while areas with limited infrastructure may deter population growth.
(c) Four factors that promote population growth in the world are:
1. Improved healthcare: Advances in healthcare technology, sanitation, and disease prevention have led to increased life expectancy and reduced mortality rates. This has contributed to population growth by allowing more people to live longer and reproduce.
2. Increased access to education: Improved access to education, particularly for women and girls, has led to higher levels of fertility. Educated women are more likely to have smaller families, but the overall population growth rate has increased due to the larger number of educated women.
3. Economic development: Economic development and industrialization have created more job opportunities, particularly in developing countries. This has attracted more people to urban areas, leading to population growth in these areas.
4. Migration: Migration, both internal and international, has contributed to population growth in many countries. People moving to a new area can contribute to population growth by starting new families or by bringing their own children with them.
(a) Two locations:
The tropical rainforest in Ghana is primarily found in the southern part of the country, particularly in the regions of Ashanti, Western, and Eastern. These regions have a high level of rainfall and a warm climate, which are ideal conditions for the growth of a tropical rainforest.
(b) Four climatic conditions that favor the growth of the vegetation:
1. High rainfall: The tropical rainforest in Ghana receives an average of 2,000 mm of rainfall per year, with a consistent distribution throughout the year. This high level of rainfall, combined with the warm temperatures, creates a humid environment that is ideal for the growth of a diverse range of plant species.
2. Warm temperatures: The average temperature in the tropical rainforest of Ghana is around 27°C, with minimal seasonal variation. This consistent warmth, combined with the high humidity, creates an environment that is ideal for the growth of tropical plants.
3. High humidity: The high humidity in the tropical rainforest of Ghana, averaging around 80%, helps to maintain a consistent level of moisture in the soil, which is essential for the growth of the diverse range of plant species found in the region.