Are you a lover of long texts and meaningful messages? Then look no further than the 'longtextt mutiaa' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to sharing long and insightful texts that will inspire, motivate, and challenge you. Whether you're looking for words of wisdom, thought-provoking quotes, or deep reflections on life, you'll find it all here. Follow 'longtextt mutiaa' for your daily dose of inspiration and enlightenment. Connect with like-minded individuals and join in on the discussions. Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your mind and perspective. Join 'longtextt mutiaa' today and let the words speak to your soul. Connect with the channel admin @vkalinlongtext for permissions or to report any issues. Remember, reposting without giving credit or deleting credits will result in penalties as determined by the channel owner. Embrace the beauty of long texts and join the 'longtextt mutiaa' community now!
15 Feb, 16:09
15 Feb, 15:41
25 Jan, 11:34
25 Jan, 11:33
29 Dec, 08:30
28 Dec, 10:25
28 Dec, 10:23
24 Dec, 14:41
24 Dec, 14:41
13 Dec, 14:35
13 Dec, 13:42
10 Dec, 00:50
10 Dec, 00:50
08 Dec, 03:31
08 Dec, 01:58
08 Dec, 01:58
08 Dec, 01:57
07 Dec, 08:07
07 Dec, 08:06
03 Dec, 09:08
03 Dec, 08:28
03 Dec, 08:26
03 Dec, 08:25
29 Nov, 05:49
26 Nov, 23:37
24 Nov, 00:15
24 Nov, 00:14
24 Nov, 00:14
24 Nov, 00:13
23 Nov, 03:11
20 Nov, 10:15
15 Nov, 11:33
15 Nov, 11:31
21 Oct, 10:54
21 Oct, 10:50
21 Oct, 10:45
21 Oct, 08:22
13 Oct, 12:36
13 Oct, 12:35
13 Oct, 12:35
13 Oct, 12:35
11 Oct, 14:22
11 Oct, 14:22
11 Oct, 14:22
07 Oct, 22:05