Virus World Official (@virus_wrold_official) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Virus World Official टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Virus World Official
Virus World official channel
4,009 सदस्य
66 तस्वीरें
2 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 17:32

समान चैनल

Airdrop Sambil Rebahan 🚀 🧭
10,301 सदस्य
9,505 सदस्य

Virus World Official द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Virus World Official

01 Mar, 08:56


🔥1,000,000ZVT 7th Burn Completed🔥

Hello, Zombies.
We've completed the burn of 1,000,000ZVT from the liquidity supply.🔥

We're doing our best to achieve our goal of gradual decentralization.☣️
We've experimented with various innovative approaches to reach our objectives.

The Virus World community will continue to grow even more.

The owners of Virus World are all of you.👑
Virus World Official

01 Feb, 08:01


🔥6th 1,000,000ZVT Burning🔥

Hello Zombies!🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️
Burning of 1,000,000 ZVT of liquidity supply has been done!🔥

Virus World is continuing its efforts to gradually realize its goal of completing decentralization according to its initial plan.☣️
After our goal is complete, the Virus World community will grow up significantly.

All Zombies who participated in the Virus World community are the owners of Virus World.👑
Virus World Official

01 Jan, 07:06


🔥1,000,000 ZVT 5th Burning done!!🔥

Hello! Zombies! 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️
Burning of 1,000,000 ZVT of liquidity supply has been done. 🔥

Virus World has continued to conduct innovative experiments to realize the goal of complete decentralization.
Our community is growing as we planned.

We will continue to do our best to achieve our goals.☣️

You are the owner of Virus World.👑

🎁Announcing the Christmas event winners and rewards distribution will be finalized within this week after counting and review.
Virus World Official

15 Dec, 08:00


Virus World Christmas Airdrop Event

Hello, zombies!🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️
We've been doing a lot of challenging experiments,
Efforts to grow Virus World into a decentralized project will continue.😎
We're going to have an airdrop event for the first Christmas in the upcoming virus world.
Merry Christmas zombies!🎁

📌How to participate in the event
1️⃣Follow & Retweet on Twitter
2️⃣Tag 3 friends
3️⃣ in comment

1st: L2 Lv.0 NFT + L2 strange portion x 50 + L2 Guild NFT
2nd: L2 Lv.0 NFT + L2 strange portion x 10
3rd: L2 Lv.0 NFT + L2 strange portion x 5

50 random participants over 90 Points: L2 Lv.0 NFT

❗️L2 Guild NFT airdropped as prize are not available for secondary trade.

📅Event schedule: December 15, 2023 08:00 (UTC) ~ December 29, 2023 08:00 (UTC)
Virus World Official

03 Dec, 08:05


1,000,000 ZVT Airdrop Guild Special Event Ended

The total 1,000,000 ZVT airdrop event has ended.😄

VirusWorld will continue to host pleasant events and is committed to progressive decentralization.

It's just the beginning and will grow stronger.
Enjoy Virusworld, dear zombies! Thank you.☣️

📅Event rewards will be awarded for one year starting December 4, 2023 08:00 (UTC).
*If you leave the guild, you will not be eligible for rewards.
Virus World Official

01 Dec, 04:37


[VirusLab renewal update]

Hello Zombies!🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

As numerous features are added to the VirusLab website, we are continuing to think about ways to increase accessibility for zombies.
A renewal update will be carried out to increase the visibility and quality of the VirusLab page.😸
Through this renewal update, even zombies who are new to VirusWorld will have an easier understanding about the project.😄
In addition, the NFT selection function that zombies have been feeling the need for has also been updated.
We are doing our best to achieve our goals from the beginning and that has not changed at all.
We will continue to grow the project without sparing any effort to achieve our goals.☣️
We are currently working to accelerate the REAL DAO release schedule.😎
When we achieve our goal of complete decentralization, we think the Virus World community will have infinite value.
The owners of Virus World are all zombies. We hope that the project becomes a happy Virus World for all zombies.👑

Thank you!😁

📅VirusLab renewal update schedule: December 1, 2023 08:00 (UTC)
Virus World Official

01 Dec, 02:36


🔥1,000,000ZVT 4th Burn Completed🔥

Greetings, dear Zombies🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the burning of 1,000,000ZVT from the liquidity supply.🔥

VirusLab is currently undergoing a renewal update to make it more convenient and accessible for zombies.
You will be able to use VirusLab more comfortably after the update. The update schedule will be announced soon.

Our project is an experiment in creating new community form using the blockchain. We are more sincere about decentralization than any other project. The project is already community-driven and will become even more progressively decentralized in the future.☣️

You, our valued community members, are the true owners of this project!👑
Virus World Official

03 Nov, 08:00


🎁1,000,000ZVT Guild Special Event🎁

NFT mining power bonus equivalent to 200,000 ZVT will be distributed differentially to each guild in proportion to the new mining power increased in the guild during the period.
NFT mining power bonus equivalent to 800,000 ZVT will be differentially distributed to users who successfully introduce a large amount of new mining power into the guild within the period.

If there is 200,000 ZVT, When A guild and B guild exist, and when A guild's mining power increases by 70 within a period, and B guild's mining power increases by 30, A guild receives 140,000 ZVT and B guild receives 60,000 ZVT respectively.
Allocated bonus mining power will be distributed differentially according to each individual's mining power share in each guild.

If you are accountable for Guild A's mining power for 20% of the total, a daily mining power bonus of (140,000/365) * 20% will be distributed.

800,000 ZVT will be shared with a daily mining power bonus equal to 800,000*(individual inflow performance/total inflow performance)/365 depending on the inflow performance to guild members who successfully inflow new mining power.

🌟Event Detail Condition🌟

1. Event rewards will be paid out for one year.
2. Only the guild to which my NFT belongs at the end of the event has the right to distribute it (prevention of abusing).
3. If you leave the guild during the compensation period, you will permanently lose your distribution rights. However, upon withdrawal, you will receive only the amount distributed.
4. When one guild master owns two L1 and L2 guild NFTs, they are considered one guild and participate in the event as one guild.
5. During the event period, regardless of the guild membership method set for the guild, when you join the guild through the guild member's invitation link, you will be automatically approved to join the guild.

🌟More details🌟
1. Maximum capacity of each guild +100
2. Added automatic approval level limit function
3. Guild member's guild invitation link

📸Guild Mining Power Snapshot Schedule
November 3, 2023 08:00 (UTC)

📌Event schedule
November 3, 2023 08:00 (UTC) ~ December 3, 2023 08:00 (UTC)
Virus World Official

03 Nov, 08:00


[Virus World Major Announcement]

We are continuing to expand the ecosystem with the goal of the initial supply of ZVT will be exhausted and as a result of that, the project value will become very high.
It seems that variables depending on the market condition and liquidity flow play a large role in this.

Considering this situation, we are attempting more active gradual decentralization policy.☣️

We are removing 6,550,000ZVT from the liquidity supply pool so that the value of ZVT can be created by enthusiastic participants.📤

And we are giving away 1,000,000ZVT for a guild special event.📥
We hope that this will further expand the guild-centered community.

Additionally, the remaining liquidity allocations will be used to promote gradual decentralization and community expansion, as in this event.☣️

⬇️The guild special event details are as follows.⬇️
Virus World Official

01 Nov, 09:07


🔥1,000,000ZVT 3rd Burn Completed🔥

Greetings, dear Zombies🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️
We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the burning of 1,000,000ZVT from the liquidity supply.🔥

Our project is an experiment in creating new community form using the blockchain. We are more sincere about decentralization than any other project.☣️

The project is already community-driven and will become even more progressively decentralized in the future.😸

We are currently preparing for a special event, which will be announced soon. Stay tuned...
You are the owners of Virus World!👑