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GDToT Bypasser got new looks

- Google Drive Direct Download Link
- GDrive DDL multiple server
- Cache optimization

GDToT Bypasser
Open Source:

GDToT Bypasser

Update: Added more default cookies and decreases failure rates. Also added option to "Try Again"

Open Source Code on GitHub

GDToT Bypasser

New URL:

New Feature: Custom Cookies
Now you can use your own Google Account at GDToT Bypasser, Login to GDToT official website - Copy the cookies - Paste on website and you are good to go. More information on website.

[In reply to 𝐯𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐧]
Recently some people is concerned about their GOOGLE Account's security. But you misunderstood, this bypasser uses your GDToT account's cookies and not GOOGLE account's cookies.
Your Google Account is 100% safe.

Here I written a short note about it

GDToT Bypasser 🔀

Generate Google Drive & Direct Download link from GDToT without logging in via your Google account

Just paste a GDToT link and it will generate a Google Drive & Direct Download link for you

Remove "forwarded from" tags form messages using @AnonymizerVBot

Not like the name? Want to customize it to yours ? Want a same bot for yourself?
Yes you can easily via an online bot generator tool, just generate a Bot Token from @BotFather and your bot is up without hosting it. After that you can customize your bot's name, bio or profile picture through @BotFather settings.

Re-Created Tiiny's UI

Also made a tutorial on how to deploy it on Deta

Wallpaper API
A wallpaper API which can use different wallpaper's indexing website to scrape wallpapers and serve you through FastAPI. It's have a random feature which can be used for setting daily wallpapers on a mobile device by combining it with an app such as IFTTT. Open source on GitHub as

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