Mahobbat jab degree se ho jaayegi sayad raato ki neende bhi kam pyari ho jaayegi... 😌😌
Company law section
21. Section 19:- Subsidiary Company not to hold shares in its holding Company
22. Section 20:- Service of Documents
23. Section 21:- Authentication of Documents , Proceedings and contracts
24. Section 22:- Execution of Bills of Exchange etc
25. Section 23:- Public offer and Private Placement
26. Section 24:- Power of Securities and Exchange Board to regulate issue and transfer of securities Etc
27. Section 25:- Document Containing offer of securities for sale to be deemed prospectus
28. Section 26:- Matters to be stated in Prospectus
29. Section 27:- Variation in terms of Contract or objects in prospectus
30. Section 28:- Offer of Sale of Shares by certain members of Company:-
31. Section 29:- Public Offer of Securities to be in dematerialized form:-
32. Section 30:- Advertisement of Prospectus
33. Section 31:- Shelf Prospectus
34. Section 32:- Red-herring Prospectus
35. Section 33:- Issue of Application forms for securities
36. Section 34:- Criminal Liability for Mis-Statements in Prospectus
37. Section 35:- Civil Liability for Mis-Statements in Prospectus
38. Section 36:- Punishment for Fraudulently inducing persons to invest money