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Zuletzt aktualisiert 01.03.2025 01:52

Der neueste Inhalt, der von CS EXECUTIVE STUDY GROUP ✌️ auf Telegram geteilt wurde.

Thodi si koshih aaj fir karni hogi, and ek raat Or CS ke naam karni hogi
Mahobbat jab degree se ho jaayegi sayad raato ki neende bhi kam pyari ho jaayegi... 😌😌

Company law section

21. Section 19:- Subsidiary Company not to hold shares in its holding Company
22. Section 20:- Service of Documents
23. Section 21:- Authentication of Documents , Proceedings and contracts
24. Section 22:- Execution of Bills of Exchange etc
25. Section 23:- Public offer and Private Placement
26. Section 24:- Power of Securities and Exchange Board to regulate issue and transfer of securities Etc
27. Section 25:- Document Containing offer of securities for sale to be deemed prospectus
28. Section 26:- Matters to be stated in Prospectus
29. Section 27:- Variation in terms of Contract or objects in prospectus

30. Section 28:- Offer of Sale of Shares by certain members of Company:-
31. Section 29:- Public Offer of Securities to be in dematerialized form:-
32. Section 30:- Advertisement of Prospectus
33. Section 31:- Shelf Prospectus
34. Section 32:- Red-herring Prospectus
35. Section 33:- Issue of Application forms for securities
36. Section 34:- Criminal Liability for Mis-Statements in Prospectus
37. Section 35:- Civil Liability for Mis-Statements in Prospectus
38. Section 36:- Punishment for Fraudulently inducing persons to invest money



Today's company law target is:-

Company Law SECTION

Section 64:- Notice to be given to Registrar for Alteration of Share Capital
Section 65:- Unlimited Company to provide for reserve share capital on conversion into Limited Company
Section 66:- Reduction of Share Capital
Section 67:- Restrictions on Purchase by the Company or giving of loans by it for purchase of its shares
Section 68:- Power of the Company to purchase its own security
Section 69:- Transfer of certain sums to Capital Redemption Reserve Accounts
Section 70:- Prohibition for buy back in certain circumstances
Section 71:- Debentures
Section 72:- Power to Nominate

Wishing all a prosperous and successful New Year 🥳filled with growth and achievements! Remember to face all situations with a smiley face🤩

Best of luck 🤞

Don't take any stress. You have worked hard for the exam; believe in yourself and trust your efforts.

Wishing you all the best for the exam☺️👍

💰 Short Overview About IPO 💰

As per SEBI guidelines, every applicant needs to invest a minimum amount in the IPO of a company.

This minimum amount can range from *INR 10,000 to 15,000.*

Based on the lot size, people can invest only that amount or in multiples of it.

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Dormant Company handwritten notes by Shashi

You can get 4-5 marks in Exam

SBEC handwritten notes by Shashi

It will help you to score 25-30 marks in Exam

Best of luck 👍 for your result