Vayu port channel (@vayu_port) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Vayu port channel टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Vayu port channel
Port Rom for PocoX3Pro(vayu)
2,195 सदस्य
375 तस्वीरें
13 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 10.03.2025 23:08

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Vayu port channel द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Vayu port channel

21 Jan, 00:07


Upload in progress
Vayu port channel

20 Jan, 20:30


Hotfix ready
. Dpi fix
. Refresh rate dropping to 30hz
. Old refresh rate menu style
. Added necessary props
. Fixed theme install
. Fixed some weird font issues
. New system ui plugin and an app to customize it

ETA: 4 hours max

Sorry for that, no one's perfect, but with you guys reporting bugs that I don't see, really appreciate it :)❤️
Vayu port channel

20 Jan, 19:36


Hotfixxx on the calll
Vayu port channel

20 Jan, 19:23


Hard debloating betrayed me :)

Fix for everything has been added to the rom post
Vayu port channel

20 Jan, 12:54


#Miui #Vayu #Bhima #Stock #A13
MIUI14 | V14.0.3.0.TJUIDXM | Android 13.
Uploaded: 20/01/'25

▪️Download Hotfix Version
▪️Support: General | Arabic

. Multilinguage
. Debloated
. CN call/contacts apps by default
. Disable signature verification by default
. Disable flag secure by default
. Max fps for all apps by default
. Added Working AOD and bypass IPS LCD limitation
. To pass integrity, flash root and properly hide it
. Stock miui kernel (4.14.180)
Everything else can be found in the Full ROM changelog
• ROM changelog

• Based on stock V14.0.3.0.TJUIDXM (Indonesian) NOT PORTED!
• System R/W
• Decrypted
• clean flash is a MUST

• See all in changelog

By @Yooussefmohamed
Follow @vayu_port
Join @vayu_port_discussion
Vayu port channel

20 Jan, 05:24


Pray I pass the exam I have in the next 2 hours please, rom will be released after it, stay tuned
Vayu port channel

19 Jan, 05:28


Vayu port channel

18 Jan, 05:17


HyperOS2.0.102.0.VNKCNXM VAYU | Android 15.
Updated: 18/1/'25

▪️Download: MediaFire | Gdrive

. January Security Patch
. Base Vermeer
. Fixed bhima certification
. Fixed normal bugs
. Skyline kernel by default
. Many more I can't remember
. Fix camera

. 120hz after reboot
. BT audio issue like every other port
. To fix it Don't turn off BT simple
. Need root and hide root properly for pass play integrity
. Need corepatch to bypass signature verification
. Report bugs you find in the support group
. If u don't like this rom it's simple change rom
. Last Port Bye

• In first boot u will encounter blink and restart egnore it after that all fine
• Ported from Sweet
• System R/W
• Decrypted
• clean flash is a MUST
• you need to login to your google account first to install apps or apply a password for lock screen

. @Super_Cat07
•@GXC2356 for kernel
. @Yar_Zloy for ported it to sweet
. @Yooussefmohamed
. To me All of u out there there and there and everywhere

By : Skeptron
Follow @vayu_port
Join @vayu_port_discussion
Vayu port channel

17 Jan, 06:13


#HyperOS #global #Pure #Vayu #Bhima #Port #A15
HyperOS Global| | Android 15.
Updated: 17/1/'25

▪️Download: MediaFire

. Updated base
. Fixed bhima certification
. Fixed normal bugs
. Skyline kernel by default
. Many more I can't remember

. Leica cam fix (click here)
. 120hz after reboot
. BT audio issue like every other port
. Need root and hide root properly for pass play integrity
. Report bugs you find in the support group

• Ported from Redmi Note 13R (breeze)
• System R/W
• Decrypted
• clean flash is a MUST
• you need to login to your google account first to install apps or apply a password for lock screen

• @GXC2356 for kernel

By Skeptron
Follow @vayu_port
Join @vayu_port_discussion
Vayu port channel

17 Jan, 04:57


ID it is