U Z P E S | eFootball @uzpes Channel on Telegram

U Z P E S | eFootball


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U Z P E S | eFootball (English)

Are you a fan of eFootball? Looking for the latest updates, news, and information about the world of eFootball? Look no further than U Z P E S! This Telegram channel is your one-stop destination for all things eFootball, covering everything from the latest game releases to player updates and tournament news. UZPES has been delivering quality content since 2018 and continues to be a trusted source for eFootball enthusiasts worldwide.

In addition to regular updates, U Z P E S also offers advertising opportunities for businesses looking to reach a targeted audience of eFootball fans. For advertising inquiries, you can contact @uzpes_reklama.

Looking to connect with other eFootball fans? Join the U Z P E S group on Telegram at @PESUz_group. You can also check out the account shop at @UzPES_sale for exclusive eFootball merchandise.

Stay informed and up to date with the latest eFootball news by following the INFO BOT at @PESmobile_infobot. And if you'd like to support the channel, donations are welcome at @abdusalomov_01 | @umidmakhmudov.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of the vibrant eFootball community on U Z P E S. Join today and stay ahead of the game!

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 19:27



Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi 🏆
Oilamizga qoʻshiling🫂

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 18:49

Bechora Rodri

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 18:45

Tovuqlar Shaharliklarni cho'qib tashayaptiyu

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 18:42

Pep out boladimi deyman bu mavsum🤣

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 17:16

Yangi akk ochaverib charchab qolmayapsizlarmi ? 😁

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 15:57


Bizga qo'shiling




Bularning barchasi 🏆
Oilamizga qoʻshiling🫂

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 13:15



✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 08:18

Men oldim lekin😄

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 07:00

Mana bu monstr keb qosa bormi 🤩

Pes 2013 o'ynaganlar bormi?


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 04:18

Messini ushlay olmayotgan bo'lsangiz shu usuldan foydalaning aniq tushadi😁


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

23 Nov, 03:47

Songa endi yangi raqobatchi paydo boʻldi 👌

Lekin Son baribir boshqachadeee👀



U Z P E S | eFootball

22 Nov, 18:42

Tavakkal qilgingiz kelmasada endi


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

22 Nov, 17:38

Ron 👍
Suarez 🔥
Sorloth 🤩
Weghorst 😎


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

22 Nov, 11:30



✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

22 Nov, 10:24

Sizda ham shunday holatmi?

Menda ham shunday holat🤣


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

22 Nov, 06:32

Beckhamning stsi


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

22 Nov, 03:33

Mujik bo'l KONAMI 😀


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling

U Z P E S | eFootball

22 Nov, 02:19

Hammayoda menga Messi tushdi menga Neymar tushdi menga Suarez tushdi degan gaplar

Lekin sen bilan menga hech kim tushmadi do'stim

Hayrli tong

U Z P E S | eFootball

21 Nov, 16:24


U Z P E S | eFootball

21 Nov, 11:59

Ha Azizlar


✈️  Bizga qo'shiling



Bularning barchasi
Oilamizga qoʻshiling