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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs
IT вакансии (IT Jobs) Узбекистана

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

14 Feb, 13:04


#backend #nodejs
We are looking for Strong Mid to Senior Engineers.

Who We Are:
We are building a Digital Workforce here at Numeo.ai, this is US based company. It is an AI first solution. Founders are located in Palo Alto and Seattle.

Independently develop and maintain backend services and Data pipelines, with some front-end work (HTML, CSS).
Design scalable, secure backend infrastructure.
Actively communicate progress and roadblocks with the team.

- 5+ years in software engineering
- Some experience with modern LLMs
- Strong Node.js expertise. Backend infrastructure(cloud) knowledge; basics in HTML and CSS.
- Proactive, takes full ownership, excellent communication skills.
- Experience with Cloud offerings. We use: GCP for compute and storage, Azure for inference, In-house GPU clusters for testing and experimentations

We offer:
- Remote, potential relocation to the US after 2 years.
- Above base salary with stock options.
Compensation: $1,500 + $2,000 deferred compensation

We are building a dream team and we want to ensure to bring high caliber engineers to the team. We need to understand your learning skills and the quality of your day to day work. Please, build a small test app that does the following (link: https://forms.gle/ymN92rr7M1ZgvoaZ9) and send us your resume with test project.

Send CV to: [email protected]

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

14 Feb, 12:04


Sector Soft Kompaniyasiga SOTUV MENEJERI qidirilmoqda!

Hudud: Toshkent
Yosh: 18-23 yosh
Daromad: 3.5 mln dan - 10mln gacha
Aloqa: @sectorsoft_hr_bot

Ish haqida ma'lumot:
Kompaniyalar uchun IT produklar sotish xizmat taklif qilish va offline yoki online uchrashuvlar o'tkazish kerak bo'ladi!

Tajribasi bor hodimlarni olamiz va B2B sotuvdagi kerakli bilimlarni o'rgatamiz!

- Kompaniya mahsulot va xizmatlarini korxonalarga (B2B) sotish
- Mijozlar bilan doimiy aloqada bo‘lish va ularni jalb qilish
- Savdo jarayonlarini boshqarish va mijozlarning talablariga mos xizmat ko‘rsatish
- Savdo strategiyasini amalga oshirish va natijalarni kuzatib borish

- B2B savdo bo‘yicha tajriba yoki o‘rganishga tayyorlik
- Samarali muloqot va mijozlar bilan ishlash qobiliyati
- Mas’uliyatlilik, tartib-intizom va natijaga yo‘naltirilganlik

Bog‘iboston ko‘chasi, 186-uy (IMPACTT), mo‘ljal: Mirobod tumani, Mirzo Ulug‘bek metro bekati

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

14 Feb, 10:53


#techsupport #windows #linux #cybersecurity
Datagaze - kiberxavfsizlik yo'nalishida 5+ yil tajribaga ega bo'lgan milliy kompaniya.

Loyiha: Datagaze DLP - tashkilotlarning korporativ tarmog'idan konfidensial ma'lumotlarning sizib chiqishini oldini olish va xodimlar faoliyatini nazorat qilish tizimi.

Lavozim: Texnik ko'makchi.

Vakolat: Mijoz tashkilotlar bilan ishlash. Tashkilot xodimlarini Datagaze DLP tizimi bilan ishlashga o'rgatish. Loyiha doirasida kerakli dasturlarni o'rnatish, sozlash va diagnostika qilish. Mijozlardan kelayotgan texnik yo'nalishdagi murojaatlar bilan ishlash.

- Windows OS texnik muammolarini diagnoz qilish. Windows OS loglari, fayl strukturalari, tizimli sozlamalari va xavfsizlik sozlamalarini bilish talab etiladi. Active Directory Domain Controller va Group Policy Objectlar haqida bilish qo'shimcha ustunlik beradi.
- Linux OS terminalida erkin ishlash, Linux OS loglari, fayl strukturalari, tizimli sozlamalari va xavfsizlik sozlamalarini bilish talab etiladi.
- Tarmoq texnologiyalari haqida boshlang'ich bilimlarga ega bo'lish, Linux/Windows OS birida tarmoq sozlamalarini yaxshi bilish talab etiladi.
- Tarmoq va tizim administratorligi bo'yicha boshlang'ich bilimlar bo'lishi maqsadga muvofiq.

Bandlik: Ofisda, 6/1 rejimda to'liq ish kuni.

Til: O'zbek va rus tillarini bilish talab etiladi.

Tajriba: 2+ yil ish faoliyati talab etiladi.

Maosh: $800+

Ish sharoiti: Unikal va qiziqarli loyiha, Toshkent markazida qulay va shinam ofis, o'z vaqtida maosh, yosh va do'stona jamoa, shaxsiy rivojlanish uchun imkoniyatlar va h.k.

Rezyumeni @ShavkatKhomidov ga yuboring!

Batafsil: Boshqa tafsilotlar yuzma-yuz suhbatda muhokama qilinadi.

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

13 Feb, 13:03


#remote #pm
Jafton.com is looking for a IT Project Manager (Remote)

Company: Jafton.com
Experience: 1–3 years
Employment Type: Full-time
Salary range: $1400 - $2000

About Jafton
Jafton is a leading IT outsourcing company specializing in software development, mobile applications, and AI solutions. With over 11 years of experience and a team of 120+ professionals, we have successfully delivered 200+ digital solutions across various industries. Headquartered in New York, with offices in Miami, Frisco, and Los Angeles, we provide top-tier remote development services worldwide. We focus on innovation, efficiency, and client success, making us a trusted technology partner for businesses of all sizes.

We are looking for an experienced IT Project Manager to join our team and drive the successful execution of innovative and interesting projects across various industries.

Key Responsibilities:
• Manage the full lifecycle of software development projects, ensuring timely delivery within scope and budget.
• Collaborate with development teams, stakeholders, and clients to define project requirements and priorities.
• Utilize Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, or other project management methodologies to optimize workflows.
• Identify potential risks, develop mitigation strategies, and proactively address project challenges.
• Ensure effective communication across all project phases, keeping stakeholders informed.
• Maintain high-quality standards in project execution and delivery.

• Strong technical knowledge and understanding of software development processes.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
• Proven experience managing IT projects (minimum 1.5 year).
• Solid understanding of project management methodologies (Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, etc.).
• Ability to oversee project scope, timelines, and budgets efficiently.
• Fluent in English (mandatory), Russian, and Uzbek (preferred).

What We Offer:
• Career growth and professional development opportunities.
• Exciting and diverse projects with innovative challenges.
• Fully remote work environment with flexible hours.
• Supportive and collaborative team culture.

Join us and become a key player in delivering world-class IT solutions!

If you are interested in our vacancy and open to considering our offer, please send your CV via Telegram: @Utkirbek_jafton

Note: Only candidates who meet the experience and language requirements will be considered. We look forward to your applications!

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

13 Feb, 12:01


#qa #tester #senior
We are looking for a Senior QA Engineer for Mimsoft!

If you have experience in establishing QA processes from scratch, setting up a QA department, and elevating quality assurance to a high level, this opportunity is for you!

• Build QA processes from scratch and develop an automation strategy
Develop and implement a test strategy
• Create and execute manual and automated tests
• Form and manage a QA team
• Integrate tests into CI/CD processes
• Identify, track, and collaborate with developers to fix bugs

• 5+ years of experience as a Senior QA Engineer
• Experience in setting up and managing a QA team
• Strong understanding of web and mobile application testing
• Experience with manual and automated testing (Selenium, Appium, Playwright, or others)
• Experience integrating tests into CI/CD and DevOps processes
• Skills in documenting workflows and creating test strategies
• Ability to work independently and understand business processes

What We Offer:
• Join a fast-growing startup with global ambitions
• Work on exciting projects in the food-tech industry
• Competitive salary & performance-based bonuses
• Career growth & professional development
• Collaborative & innovative work environment

Telegram: @mimsoftio
Job Type: Flexible (Part-time/onsite/remote)
Salary: Depends on the interview (1500$+)

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

13 Feb, 07:13


#fullstack #laravel #vuejs
GOOD ONE ищет Full stack разработчика или команду разработчиков (удаленная работа).

• PHP7 и выше
• Laravel/Lumen
• Опыт работы Vue
• PostgreSQL
• Axios
• Mixins
• Использование системы контроля версий git
• Базовое знание и опыт использования ОС Linux

Опыт и навыки:
• Опыт работы в SaaS проектах
• Опыт работы в команде
• Умение работать с чужими кодами
• Поддержка текущего проекта
• Разработка новых сервисов
• Рефакторинг кода
• Знание русского и узбекского языков

• Возможность выделять не менее 30 часов в неделю!
• Участие в планировках
• Проект международный, сумма договаривается индивидуально с разработчиком в зависимости от объем задач.

• Телефон: +998993117311
• Телеграм: https://t.me/goodone7311

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

12 Feb, 08:57


#iOS #fulltime #remote
We are looking for an excellent iOS Developer to join our team to work on skin & hair analysis applications

Position: Strong Junior or Middle iOS Developer

Chowis Company Ltd., South Korea

Salary: $1000+ USD (negotiable after final interview)

• 1+ years of professional experience;
• Proficient in Swift and UIKit
• Apple’s design principles and application interface guidelines.
• Knowledge of OOP, SOLID, MVVM, MVP
• Experience with RxSwift/RxCocoa, CoreData, Snapkit, Factory, Git
• Ability to write clean code.
• Good communication skills (Mid-level English speaker).

Benefits and Working Conditions:
• Fulltime job
• Work from home
• Flexible working hours
• International working experience

To apply, use the following form:


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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

12 Feb, 07:26


#junior #java
Josbter.hr kompaniyasi Java backend developer vakansiyasini e'lon qiladi

- Java backend bo‘yicha 1 yil tajriba
- Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker, REST API-lar bilan ishlash
- Xavfsiz avtorizatsiya va API nazorati
- Java (JDK 17 afzal), Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security
- PostgreSQL bilan ishlash
- Redis orqali keshlash, RabbitMQ bilan mikroxizmatlar aloqasini ta’minlash
- RESTful API yaratish va integratsiyalar
- Telegram botlar ishlab chiqish
- Texnik hujjatlarni ingliz tilida tushunish

- Raqobatbardosh maosh
- Rasmiy bandlik
- Rivojlanish va o‘quv kurslari
- Team-building tadbirlari
- Do‘stona jamoa

Ish vaqti: 6 kun | 10:00 – 19:00 | Offline
Manzil: Toshkent, Yunusobod
Oylik maosh: 3 – 7 mln (tajribaga qarab belgilanadi)

Rezyumeni @mirjahon_uralov ga yuboring!

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

11 Feb, 12:14


#middle #fullstack #laravel #vue
"FOREACH SOFT" is looking for Middle/Senior Full Stack(Laravel+Vue) developer

- Fluent in English
- Minimum 2 years of professional experience
- PHP, Laravel
- Javascript, VueJs

Work Conditions:
- 5/2 work week
- Official employment

What We Offer:
- Competitive compensation ranging from $1200 to $3000+ per month
- Remote work
- Opportunities for professional advancement and growth within the team

Send your CVs to @hr_foreach

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UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs

11 Feb, 11:05


#ментор #cybersecurity
Tramplin IT Akademiyasi Kiberxavfsizlik bo'yicha mentor qidirmoqda!

Part time, moslashuvchan jadval.
Maosh: 5 mln so'mdan 20 mln so'mgacha

- Soha bo'yicha ta'lim berish.


-Kali Linux Tool lari bilan ishlay olish
-AD va infrastructure hacking bo'yicha bilim
- TCP/IP satck ni tushuning
-Burp Suite, Metasploit, NetExec, BloudHound kabi instrumentlar bilan ishlash tajribasi.
-Kamida 6 oylik ish tajribasi yoki valid Bug Bounty submission

Plus bo'ladi:
- Mobile hacking
- BSCP, CRTP, OSCP kabi tan olingan sertifikatlar

Resume: @BotirZokirovich

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