Unity Chess Club @unitychessclub Channel on Telegram

Unity Chess Club



Unity Chess Club (English)

Are you a chess enthusiast looking to improve your skills and meet like-minded individuals? Look no further than Unity Chess Club! Our Telegram channel, @unitychessclub, is dedicated to creating a community of chess lovers who are passionate about the game and are looking to enhance their playing abilities. Unity Chess Club is a place where chess players of all levels can come together to share strategies, learn new techniques, and participate in friendly competitions. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the basics of chess or an experienced player seeking to refine your tactics, Unity Chess Club has something to offer everyone. Our channel provides a platform for members to engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive feedback from fellow chess enthusiasts. Additionally, we organize regular online tournaments and events to challenge our members and provide them with an opportunity to test their skills against others. Managed by a team of experienced chess players and coaches, @UnityChessManagement is dedicated to ensuring that Unity Chess Club remains a welcoming and supportive environment for all members. Our goal is to foster a sense of unity among chess players and create a space where everyone can learn, grow, and have fun together. Join Unity Chess Club today and become a part of our growing community of chess lovers! Whether you're looking to improve your game, make new friends, or simply share your passion for chess, Unity Chess Club is the perfect place for you. We look forward to welcoming you to our channel and helping you take your chess skills to the next level. Check us out at @unitychessclub and start your chess journey with us today!

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:13

Smagin - Hoi
Copenhagen 1993
White to move

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:06

Black is winning.

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:05

5.Na4?! Ra8! 6.Nxb6 Ra2 7.Nf3 Bxe4

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:04

Now White is unable to sustain all the exposed pawns on the fourth rank.

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:04

3...Rxd3 4.Nxe5 Rdd8

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:03

After 3.Nb5 exd4 Black is better, but the text practically loses a pawn.

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:02

2.fxe5 dxe5 3.Nf3?!

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:01

By exploiting the potential pin along the d-file, Black damages the enemy pawn structure.

Unity Chess Club

19 Feb, 09:01


Unity Chess Club

17 Feb, 17:46

Dervishi - Milov
Bratto 2003
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

17 Feb, 17:40

With threats on both flanks, White is clearly better.

Unity Chess Club

17 Feb, 17:40

4.Nbd2 Qxc3 5.Rac1 Qb4 6.Qf5

Unity Chess Club

17 Feb, 17:39

The only chance for counterplay.

Unity Chess Club

17 Feb, 17:38

1...Bb7 2.Qe3 Bxf4 3.Qxf4 Qd3

Unity Chess Club

17 Feb, 17:38

A pawn up, White should be happy to swap pieces, especially the active bishop on d6.

Unity Chess Club

17 Feb, 17:37


Unity Chess Club

16 Feb, 08:28

Cicak - Hellsten
Gothenburg 2006
White to move

Unity Chess Club

16 Feb, 08:21

Thanks to his extra pawn and active pieces, White is clearly better.

Unity Chess Club

16 Feb, 08:20

1...Qh5 2.Rd5 Qg6 3.Re1

Unity Chess Club

16 Feb, 08:19

Exploiting the fact that 1.Qd4! Nxh1? 2.Rg6! with mate, White secures a decent square for his rook.

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:19

Shirov - Salov
Buenos Aires 1994
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:11

Preparing ...Rbe6 with a clear initiative.

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:11

5.Rd2 Qb6 6.g4 Qb8! 7.Nd1 Qg3 8.Nf2 Rb6!

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:10

Now all Black's pieces are active, and the white king remains exposed.

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:10

2...Nxg3+ 3.hxg3 Rb8 4.Qd3 Rxb2

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:08

2.Nxb5 Re6 3.Qa3 Nxg3+ 4.hxg3 Rb8 5.Nc3 Ng4! White is also under pressure – Short.

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:07


Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:06

Creating new threats, such as ...Re6 and ...b5-b4, before White consolidates by Kf2 and Rhe1.

Unity Chess Club

07 Feb, 10:06


Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 11:02

Gelfand - Short
Brussels 1991
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:51

Black resigned.

Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:50

6.Rb8 Qg6 7.Qe8+ Ke6 8.Rc8! Rd7 9.Rxc4 Qxh6! 10.Qc8 Qf8 11.Qxa6

Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:49

5...Rb5 was the last chance – Yermolinsky, when White can keep attacking by 6.Rxb5 axb5 7.Qb8 Qd5 8.Rb1

Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:47

2.Qg4! Rc5 3.Bxg7 Qxd3 4.Qxh8+ Kd7 5.Rab1! Rc7?

Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:44

1....0-0? 2.Rac1 gxh6 3.Rxc4 , followed by 4 Rxc8 and 5 Qg4+
1...gxh6 2.Rac1 Qxd5 3.Bxc4 Qa8 4.Bd5! Qb8 5.Qxa6 Rxc1 6.Rxc1 yields White a clear advantage thanks to his active bishop and the strong passed pawn on a2.

Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:43


Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:43

A strong blow that prepares Rac1 with new threats and destroys Black's kingside before he castles into safety.

Unity Chess Club

06 Feb, 10:42


Unity Chess Club

05 Feb, 19:29

Yermolinsky - Manion
Chicago 1995

نوبت سفید

Unity Chess Club

05 Feb, 19:20

with equality.

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:46

Radulov - Bandal
Lugano Olympiad 1968
White to move

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:37

White resigned

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:37

9.Qe1 c3 10.Rb1 Nc5

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:36

Suddenly the c-pawn has turned into a major factor.

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:36


Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:35

For better or worse, the active 8 e5 had to be tried.

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:35

4.Re2 b5 5.axb5 axb5 6.Kh1 Bxc3 7.bxc3 Qxc3 8.Rxb5?

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:34

After breaking the white blockade, Black is able to move his queenside majority forward.

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:34


Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:33

3.Qxb4?! cxb4 the black knight enters on c5 with great effect.

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:33

2.Rab1 Qb4 3.Qf1

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:32

In order to undermine the enemy blockade by 2...Qb4.

Unity Chess Club

23 Jan, 14:32


Unity Chess Club

22 Jan, 18:57

Donner - Tal
Zurich 1959
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

22 Jan, 18:48

And Black soon won.

Unity Chess Club

22 Jan, 18:48

14.Rh2 Nxh2 15.Kxh2 f2 16.Bd3 Rf3!

Unity Chess Club

22 Jan, 18:47

Decisive. There followed:

Unity Chess Club

22 Jan, 18:47

11.Rf2 Qh5 12.Qc3 Bxh3 13.Nxh3 Ng4!

Unity Chess Club

22 Jan, 18:46

With the strong threat of 11...f2.

Unity Chess Club

22 Jan, 18:46

8.c5 bxc5 9.bxc5 dxc5 10.h3 Raf8!

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:40

Donner - Tal
Bled 1961
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:28

By now the powerful dark square blockade and the exposed black king outweigh the pawn.

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:28

4...Re8 5.e6! fxe6 6.Ne5 Qc7 7.Nxg6! Bg7 8.Ne5

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:27

This move is not just threatening a rook, but also enabling the tactical idea of e6 and Qf6.

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:26


Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:26

3...Qxb3? 4.Qh4! with a far improved version of the game

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:25

1...exf5 2.Nf3! Rxc2 3.Bd4 Qc6

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:24

Preparing a blockade by Nf3 and Bd4, even at the cost of a pawn.

Unity Chess Club

19 Jan, 18:24


Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:27

Karpov - Taimanov
USSR Spartakiad 1983
White to move

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:17

Parrying the threat of 9 Qh5. Thanks to his strong knight and the weak pawns on d4 and g3, Black has a more comfortable game.

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:17

7.Kg2 Re7 8.Rh1 Qg4!

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:16

Preparing ...Re7 with a more efficient defence of the f7-pawn.

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:16

4.Rf2 Rg6 5.Ref1 hxg3 6.hxg3 Qe6!

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:15

The simplest choice, creating a new weakness.

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:15

2.e5 Nd5 3.Bd2 h4!

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:14

Provoking the e4-e5 advance in order to install a blockade on d5.

Unity Chess Club

18 Jan, 11:14


Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 16:00

Konstantinopolsky - Kotov
Baku 1946
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:49

Attacking the weak b2-pawn with a strong initiative.

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:49

7...Rfe8 8.axb5 axb5 9.Ra1 Rxa1 10.Rxa1 Qe5 11.Rd1 b4! 12.Na2 Qe2

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:47

This time the attempt to grab a pawn by 7.axb5 axb5 8.Nxb5? Qb8! -+

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:46

6...Bd7 7.Qc2

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:42

6.axb5 axb5 7.Qxb5? Ba6 -+

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:41

4.Nxd6 Qxd6 5.a4 b5! 6.Nc3

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:40

Securing future play with ...b7-b5.

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:40

2.Rad1 Bd6 3.Nb5 a6!

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:40

Black has assessed that the d5-pawn can be safely blocked on d6, after which the pawn itself will restrict several of the white pieces.

Unity Chess Club

17 Jan, 15:39


Unity Chess Club

13 Jan, 19:16

Hellsten - Dworakowski
Hallsberg 1993
White to move

Unity Chess Club

13 Jan, 19:03

Black has a clear initiative.

Unity Chess Club

13 Jan, 19:02

6.a4 a6 7.Rb1 Rab8 8.Bd2 bxa4 9.Ra1 Ba8 10.Bxa4 Qc7 11.Ra2 Rb6 12.gxf5 exf5 13.Bc1 Nd5

Unity Chess Club

13 Jan, 19:00

Setting the pawn majority into motion.

Unity Chess Club

13 Jan, 18:59

2.Bc2 Nc6! 3.g4 Ne7 4.Kh2 Qc6 5.Ng3 b5

Unity Chess Club

13 Jan, 18:58

Preparing ...Nc6-e7-d5 with a blockade.

Unity Chess Club

13 Jan, 18:58


Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:52

Gligoric - Smyslov
Kiev 1959
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:37

Clearing the d1-h5 diagonal for the queen with excellent attacking prospects.

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:37

4.Rb7 Nc7 5.fxg4 Ne8 6.g5

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:36

3...gxf3 4.Rxf3 Bf4 5.Be3 , with ideas like Rg1+, White obtains a strong initiative.

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:35

2...fxg4 3.Ne4 Bf4

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:35

Winning the battle for the e4-square.

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:35


Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:34

Obviously 1...Rxf5 just helps White to accomplish his plan by 2.Ne4.

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:33


Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:32

Preparing a blockade on e4.

Unity Chess Club

12 Jan, 18:32


Unity Chess Club

11 Jan, 11:39

Petrosian - Simagin
Moscow 1956
White to move

Unity Chess Club

11 Jan, 11:31

White resigned.

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 19:11

Nimzowitsch - Capablanca
New York 1927
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:58

White converted his extra pawn into victory.

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:57

8...Ng6 9.Nhf5 Bh8 10.Nxh6+ Kh7 11.Nhf5

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:56

Now the e4-pawn has become weak, besides which Black has a constant problem with the passive knight on a6.

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:56

7.Bg3 fxg4 8.hxg4

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:56

6...fxg4 7.Nxg4! Qxf4 8.Qxe4+! Qxe4 9.Bxe4+ Kg8 10.Bg3 with a big advantage – Trifunovic.

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:54


Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:54

A key advance that gains space and softens up the pawn on e4.

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:54

2.Nd1 Ng8 3.Ne3 Qf6 4.Bg2 Rae8 5.Qe2 Ne7 6.g4!

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:52

Preferable was 1...Bf6 2.Ng2 Ng7 with just a slight disadvantage – Trifunovic.

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:52


Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:51

Preparing Nd1-e3 in order to exploit the blockading square on e3 in a more powerful way.

Unity Chess Club

09 Jan, 18:51


Unity Chess Club

08 Jan, 11:27

Reshevsky - Mecking
Sousse Interzonal 1967
White to move

Unity Chess Club

08 Jan, 11:11

White has a clear initiative.

Unity Chess Club

08 Jan, 11:11

8.Rh1 a5?! 9.Qc3 Qf6 10.Qc1 Qh6 11.Kg1 Bd7 12.g4

Unity Chess Club

08 Jan, 11:10

Black wisely tries to escape with his king, and he should have stuck to this plan on the coming moves.

Unity Chess Club

08 Jan, 11:09

6...Nd6 7.Kh2 Kf7!

Unity Chess Club

08 Jan, 11:09

Preparing g2-g4 in order to step up the pressure on the enemy kingside.

Unity Chess Club

08 Jan, 11:08

3.c4 b6 4.Qd2 Nf7 5.Bb2 Qh6 6.Rf2!

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 19:05

Portisch - Fischer
Sousse Interzonal 1967
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:54

Black resigned.

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:54

7.Rh3 h6 8.Rxh6+ gxh6 9.Qxh6+ Kh7 10.Qxf8+

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:53

Obviously both the queen and bishop were immune.

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:52


Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:52

This nice blow seals Black's fate.

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:52

4.Bxe6+ Kh8 5.Rg3! Qe7 6.Qg6!

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:51

Returning the pawn

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:51

2.gxf3 cxb4 3.Rg1! f6

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:50

This just accelerates White's plan.
1...cxb4 2.axb4 Nd7! is a better try, speeding up his development.

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:49


Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:49

With focus on the enemy kingside. Now any capture on f3 will clear the g-file for the attack.

Unity Chess Club

02 Jan, 18:48


Unity Chess Club

01 Jan, 11:26

Savchenko - Zavgorodniy
Ilyichevsk 2006
White to move

Unity Chess Club

01 Jan, 11:06

Preparing Rb7 with a decisive advantage.

Unity Chess Club

01 Jan, 11:06

8.f3 h5 9.g5 f6 10.Kf1! fxg5 11.hxg5 Re6 12.Rdb1! Rxb1+ 13.Rxb1 Qf7 14.Qd5

Unity Chess Club

01 Jan, 11:04

Too optimistic. 7...Re8 was correct, enabling ...Rb8.

Unity Chess Club

01 Jan, 11:04


Unity Chess Club

01 Jan, 11:03

Preparing a consolidating f2-f3, as well as Rab1 with a fight for the b-file.

Unity Chess Club

01 Jan, 11:03

4...Rb8 5.g4 Rb3 6.Bd2 Qb7 7.Qd3!

Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:30

Lisitsin - Botvinnik
Leningrad 1932
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:21

With a sound extra pawn, White soon won.

Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:20

2...Qf7 3.h5 Be7 4.Nd5! Nxd5 5.Bxd5 Be6 6.h6! Bxd5 7.hxg7 Rg8 8.Qxd5

Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:19

Now a weak square has appeared on d5.

Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:18


Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:18

1...a5 2.0-0-0 leaves Black without reasonable moves.

Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:18


Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:17

By hitting the a7-pawn and hampering ...g7-g6, White provokes the undesirable ...c6-c5.

Unity Chess Club

03 Dec, 18:17


Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:17

Karlsson - Berg
Stockholm (blitz) 2005
White to move

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:07

White resigned.

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:07

4...Qd6! 5.Qf4 Rxh2+! 6.Kxh2 Rh8+ 7.Qh4 Rxh4+ 8.Bxh4 Qf4

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:05

4.Be3 d2! 5.Qcd2 Ne5 -+

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:05

Now the knight on g3 becomes exposed;

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:05

3.Qc1 Bc5+ 4.Kh1

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:04

Clearing the g1-a7 diagonal for the bishop.

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 11:00

2.f3 d3!

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 10:59

Provoking f2-f3 in order to soften up the dark squares around the white king.

Unity Chess Club

02 Dec, 10:59


Unity Chess Club

01 Dec, 17:37

Denker - Botvinnik
USA-USSR radio match 1945
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:40

Pavlovic - Stubberud
Gausdal 2007
White to move

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:31

Followed by ...Ne3, and White was in trouble.

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:30

6.b5 Nd4 7.Ra1 Bg4!? 8.Qxg4 Rxd2 9.Ra7 Nc2!

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:29

Black has the more active position. The game continued

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:29

4...Qf6 5.f4 Ra2

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:29

4.Qb3 Qf6 5.Qb2 Ra4 with a clear initiative.

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:28

2.e4 Bd7 3.Bxg7 Bxg7 4.Kh1

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:27

Provoking e3-e4 in order to restrict the bishop on g2 and gain control of the dark squares.

Unity Chess Club

30 Nov, 11:27


Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:52

Ladron de Guevara - Matamoros Franco
Campillos 2007
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:40

White soon won.

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:40

6...c4 7.Be4 Ke8 8.Qh5 gxf4 9.Rxf4 Qc5 10.Kh1 Kd7 11.Rxf7

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:38

The last piece joins in with decisive effect.

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:38


Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:38

As a result of Black's first move, 5...g6? now fails to 6.Bxg6 fxg6 7.Qxg6.

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:37


Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:37

One more provocative measure to soften up the black defence.

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:37

2.Rf3 Nd4 3.Bxd4 Rxd4 4.Rg3 Kf8 5.Qg4!

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:35

1...g6 was more solid, when White could try 2.Qh6 Bf8 3.Qh3 followed by Ne4, eyeing the new weakness on f6.

Unity Chess Club

29 Nov, 08:34


Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:20

Shneider - Komarov
Donetsk 1998
White to move

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:10

White resigned

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:09

11.Rg1 Qh4+ 12.Kf1 g6 13.fxe5 Qh3+ 14.Kf2 Qh2+ 15.Rg2 Qxe5 16.Ra2 Re8 17.Rc2 Bxf3!

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:07

. Clearing the e-file. There followed

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:07

7.gxh3 Qxh3+ 8.Kg1 Ng4! 9.Qf2 Nxf2 10.Kxf2 e5!

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:05

A decisive blow.

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:05

5...Nf6! 6.Qe1 Rxh3+!

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:04

The only defence to the threat of 5...Rxh3+, since 5.Bf1? Rxh3+ 6.gxh3 Bxf3+ -+

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:03

2.h3 Rg6 3.Kh1 Qg3 4.Rg1 Rh6 5.Rd1

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:02

Provoking a weakness in the enemy kingside to facilitate the attack.

Unity Chess Club

24 Nov, 19:02


Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:31

Agrest - Williams
Isle of Man 2004
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:19

With a clear grip on the dark squares, while Black's remaining bishop is horribly passive.

Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:19

4.Nxf6+ Bxf6 5.Bxf6

Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:18

3...f6 4.Bf4 Nd5 5.Bd6 Black admittedly ends up with a long-term weakness on e6, but at least his "good" bishop is still on the board.

Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:18


Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:17

More provocation.

Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:17

1...e6 2.Ne4 Nc7 3.Bg5!

Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:16

Provoking ...e7-e6 in order to soften up the dark squares in Black's camp and restrict his bishop on c8.

Unity Chess Club

23 Nov, 06:16


Unity Chess Club

12 Nov, 10:22

Sadler - Pelletier
German League (analysis variation) 2003
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

12 Nov, 10:06

With the double idea of 6...Rxc5 and 6...d3 followed by ...Qd4. Black went on to win.

Unity Chess Club

12 Nov, 10:06

4.Na4 axb4 5.Nxb6 Ra5!

Unity Chess Club

12 Nov, 10:05

Destroying the enemy queenside.

Unity Chess Club

12 Nov, 10:05

2.c5 b6 3.b4 a5!

Unity Chess Club

12 Nov, 10:05

1...h6 has the simple idea of 2.f4?? g6 , trapping the queen. White is left without a natural plan.

Unity Chess Club

12 Nov, 10:04


Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:25

Kachiani Gersinska - Cramling
France 2005
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:15

Preparing Ng3-f5. White is clearly better.

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:15

5.Re3 f6 6.Ne4 Kg7 7.Kg2!

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:14

In view of the threat 5 Ne4, the rook has to retreat.

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:14

2.Nd2 Re1 3.Rb3 Re2 4.Kf3! Re5

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:13

1...Ne7 can be met by 2.Qb6! , forcing a queen exchange and winning one of the pawns at b7 and d6.

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:13

Now that his plan no longer works, Black is limited to defensive actions. It also becomes evident that the ...g6-g5 advance has just produced weaknesses.

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:12


Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:12

Prophylaxis against the plan of 1...Ne7, heading for g6.

Unity Chess Club

11 Nov, 11:12


Unity Chess Club

10 Nov, 13:28

Karpov - Smyslov
USSR Team Championship 1972
White to move

Unity Chess Club

10 Nov, 13:17

Preparing ...Ng6-f4 with an even game.

Unity Chess Club

10 Nov, 13:17

2...Nbd7 3.Rac1 Nf8 4.Rfe1 Bd7 5.h3 Bc6

Unity Chess Club

09 Nov, 12:16

Andersen - Hellsten
Gistrup 1997
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

09 Nov, 12:10

White's attack has been neutralized.

Unity Chess Club

09 Nov, 12:10

4...Ne7 5.Ne4 Rg6

Unity Chess Club

09 Nov, 12:09

4.Nd4 Ne7 5.b3 Qb7! , heading for e4.

Unity Chess Club

09 Nov, 12:08

2.Rg2 Bf8 3.exf6 Rxf6 4.Nc5

Unity Chess Club

09 Nov, 12:08

In view of the coming Rc2-g2, Black protects the g7-pawn in advance and prepares a further reinforcement of the kingside by ...Bf8 and ...Ne7-f5.

Unity Chess Club

09 Nov, 12:07


Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:24

Cubas - Hellsten
Mendoza 2005
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:15

White keeps the initiative.

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:14

8...Rb2 9.Rxb2 Bxb2 10.Ra7

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:14

With the threat of 9 Re2+.

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:14

5.Ra7 Rf7 6.Ra8! gxf4 7.exf4 Bd4 8.Kf1!

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:12

It doesn't seem right to abandon the seventh, but there weren't many moves to choose from.

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:12

3...bxc4 4.bxc4 Rb3

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:12

Some more prophylaxis in order to cover the sensitive second rank. Meanwhile, Black is just playing with one rook, since the one on f8 is tied to the defence of f5.

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:11

1...b5 2.axb5 axb5 3.Rcc2!

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:10

A "mysterious" rook move, realizing that Black's only viable plan is ...b6-b5.

Unity Chess Club

08 Nov, 07:10


Unity Chess Club

07 Nov, 08:26

Seirawan - Van Haastert
Dutch Team Championship 2007
White to move

Unity Chess Club

07 Nov, 08:17

White has just a slight edge – Korchnoi.

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 09:07

Kasparov - Kramnik
Las Palmas 1996
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:55

Heading for d6 with a decisive attack.

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:54

8...Kf8 9.Nb5!

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:53

With the simple idea of 9 Qe8+ taking the f7-pawn.

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:53

5.h5 Rc7 6.Qf3 Rc5 7.Qf5 Qa3 8.Qd7!

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:52

The beginning of a flawed plan. More solid seems 4...b5 5.h5 Bxd4! 6.Rxd4 Qb6 , followed by ...Qe6.

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:51


Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:51

Opening a new front on the kingside.

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:50

1...Rc1 2.Kg2 Rxd1 3.Rxd1 Rc5 4.h4!

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:49

Preparing 2 Kg2, in order to avoid any surprises along the back rank, and put the king on a square of opposite colour to the black bishop.

Unity Chess Club

03 Nov, 08:49


Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:46

Gheorghiu - Petrosian
Bagneux 1982
White to move

Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:38

Black resigned.

Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:37

4.Qc5 Ra2 5.Ra8 Qxa8 6.Bxa8 Rxa8 7.Qxe5 Bc6 8.Qc7

Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:36

3...Qc2 4.Qg3 Ra1 5.Rxe8 Qxd1 6.Qxg6!! White forces mate – Botvinnik.

Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:35


Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:35

Further prophylaxis, against any checks along the g1-a7 diagonal and the first rank.

Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:34

2.Rb8 Qa4 3.Kh2!

Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:34

1...Qg5? 2.Qxg5 hxg5 3.Rb8 +-

Unity Chess Club

02 Nov, 18:33


Unity Chess Club

30 Oct, 17:04

Ivanov - Magerramov
Riga 1980
White to move

Unity Chess Club

30 Oct, 16:51

Thanks to his space advantage and superior bishop, White is considerably better.

Unity Chess Club

30 Oct, 16:50

2...Nhf6 3.Kg2 Rec8 4.Ra4 Nc5 5.Rc4

Unity Chess Club

30 Oct, 16:50

From now on Black's bishop remains a "bad" one, and the knight on h7 proves misplaced.

Unity Chess Club

30 Oct, 16:49

1...Nh7 2.h4!

Unity Chess Club

30 Oct, 16:49

Preparing h2-h4 in order to prevent the plan of ...Nh7 and ...Bg5 with a favourable bishop exchange.

Unity Chess Club

30 Oct, 16:47


Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:28

Korchnoi - Hernandez
Groningen 1997
White to move

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:20

White resigned

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:20

8.Rb1 Rb8 9.h4 Rb7 10.Kh2 Kxd6 11.g4 Nc3 12.Ra1?! Nb5! 13.Rd1 Ra7 14.h5 g5! 15.Kg2 Ra2 16.Be2 Rxc2

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:17

Thanks to his strong passed pawn and the weakness on d4, Black is clearly better despite being the exchange down. The game continued:

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:16

5.Qxh4 Rxh4 6.g3 Rh8 7.cxb4 axb4

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:16

After the successful restriction Black can get on with his own play.

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:15

2.Re3 Rf4 3.Be2 Qh4 4.Bf3 b4!

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:14

Preparing 2...Rf4 in order to stop the enemy plan of Re3-f3.

Unity Chess Club

29 Oct, 18:14


Unity Chess Club

28 Oct, 18:14

Tolush - Botvinnik
Moscow 1945
Black to move

Unity Chess Club

28 Oct, 18:06

White soon won.

Unity Chess Club

28 Oct, 18:06

8...Rxc2 9.Nf6+ Bxf6 10.exf6 Rxb2 11.fxg7

Unity Chess Club

28 Oct, 18:05

With the devastating threat of Nf6+.