👱🏻♀Ꮁᴩуᴨᴀи Ꭰхᴛᴀᴩᴏи Ꭲᴇᴧᴇᴦᴩᴀʍ ᴋи 88 дхᴛᴀᴩᴀй ҳᴀʍᴀɯ бᴇ ᴨᴀᴩᴇнᴀн, ᴛᴏᴋᴀ 200 нᴀɸᴀᴩ қᴀбуᴧ ʍᴇᴋнʍ ❤️,
👜Ꮁᴩуᴨᴀ чᴀᴄᴛныйяй ᴨᴏдᴀᴛ ɜᴀяɸᴋу ᴋнᴇн Қᴀбуᴧᴛᴏн ʍᴇᴋнʍ!🌚 🚷👇
Welcome to 'ХОҲАРОН ВА БАРОДАРОН' channel, managed by user @umar_va_susan! This channel is dedicated to sharing the best music videos of both local and international artists. Here you can discover new music and enjoy your favorite songs all in one place. Our goal is to reach 3k subscribers in this channel, so join us on this music journey with love and passion for music. Don't miss out on the latest music clips and hits, come and join us in 'ХОҲАРОН ВА БАРОДАРОН' today! 🎶🎵
08 Feb, 18:28
08 Feb, 18:28
08 Feb, 04:52
08 Feb, 04:52
07 Feb, 17:38
07 Feb, 17:38
28 Oct, 20:50
28 Oct, 18:24
28 Oct, 18:24
27 Oct, 18:05
27 Oct, 18:05
14 Aug, 00:32
09 Aug, 06:24
03 Aug, 15:40
02 Aug, 09:49
31 Jul, 14:38