والسُّهدُ في تِلكَ العُيُونِ يُقِيمُ !؟
يا نَومُ لا تَهجُرْ سَوَادَ عُيُونِها
فعُيونُها للعَاشِقِينَ نَعِيمُ.
Welcome to مَشاعّر (Emotions), a Telegram channel created by the user @ui_zo. This channel is a poetic sanctuary where you can find a collection of expressive phrases, daily reflections, and eclectic musings. It serves as a literary haven filled with thoughts, emotions, and love, as well as a repository of unsent messages and other literary gems. Whether you're seeking inspiration, comfort, or simply a moment of reflection, مَشاعّر is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the beauty of words. Join us and let your emotions flow freely in this virtual oasis of creativity. Remember, poetry has the power to touch hearts and souls in ways that words alone cannot. Discover the magic of language and emotions with مَشاعّر.
09 Jan, 19:50
25 Nov, 19:32
08 Nov, 19:29
05 Nov, 19:09
31 Oct, 10:54
25 Oct, 10:53
22 Sep, 11:40
21 Sep, 16:23
20 Sep, 13:48
20 Sep, 13:31