TradeLikeBerlin is a Telegram channel that aims to empower individuals to become successful traders, rather than just call copiers. The channel provides trades with detailed logic behind each recommendation, helping followers understand the reasoning behind the trade suggestions. The ultimate goal is to help members achieve financial freedom by equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed trading decisions. Join TradeLikeBerlin today and start your journey towards becoming a confident and independent trader. Don't be a slave to calls and tips - learn to trade like a pro!
06 Dec, 09:57
06 Dec, 09:54
02 Dec, 06:09
30 Nov, 17:49
30 Nov, 17:48
29 Nov, 05:43
29 Nov, 04:25
29 Nov, 03:52
28 Nov, 09:21
28 Nov, 09:21
28 Nov, 09:09
28 Nov, 08:50
22 Nov, 08:05
22 Nov, 06:46
22 Nov, 04:50
22 Nov, 04:48
22 Nov, 04:35
21 Nov, 14:28
21 Nov, 14:27
21 Nov, 11:12
19 Nov, 14:15
19 Nov, 14:05
19 Nov, 14:02
19 Nov, 07:27
19 Nov, 07:08
19 Nov, 06:11
15 Nov, 17:06
15 Nov, 17:02
15 Nov, 16:58
15 Nov, 13:37
14 Nov, 12:05
14 Nov, 10:11
14 Nov, 10:05
14 Nov, 08:09
14 Nov, 06:33
13 Nov, 12:02
13 Nov, 11:58
13 Nov, 08:38
13 Nov, 08:37
13 Nov, 07:18
13 Nov, 07:15
13 Nov, 07:13
13 Nov, 06:42
10 Nov, 01:19
10 Nov, 00:30
09 Nov, 18:45
06 Nov, 18:41
06 Nov, 04:28
06 Nov, 04:05
06 Nov, 04:04
05 Nov, 09:58
05 Nov, 08:50
05 Nov, 08:49
05 Nov, 06:58
02 Nov, 15:48
30 Oct, 04:36
29 Oct, 17:17
29 Oct, 17:17
29 Oct, 17:15
29 Oct, 17:03
29 Oct, 16:55
29 Oct, 09:50
27 Oct, 15:26
27 Oct, 09:04
25 Oct, 14:30
25 Oct, 14:29
25 Oct, 08:08
25 Oct, 07:42
25 Oct, 06:20
25 Oct, 06:19
25 Oct, 05:35
22 Oct, 09:57
22 Oct, 09:50
22 Oct, 08:01
22 Oct, 07:25
22 Oct, 07:24
22 Oct, 06:37
22 Oct, 05:59
18 Oct, 08:12
18 Oct, 05:26
18 Oct, 05:24
18 Oct, 05:20
18 Oct, 04:30
17 Oct, 17:45