هدف اینه که به خودتون باور پیدا نکنید، مبادا روزی دوباره همونقدر که برای آزادیِ من متحد شدید، یکپارچه برای دیگر حقوقمون باایستیم.
پن: میشه از این فرصت استفاده کرد و کسایی که ضد همبستگی ایرانیها فعالیت میکنن رو شناخت.
Toomaj is a popular Telegram channel run by the talented musician and artist Toomaj Salehi. With a strong presence on various social media platforms, Toomaj shares his latest music and updates with his fans. The channel provides links to his SoundCloud, YouTube, and Instagram accounts, where followers can enjoy his music and stay updated on his latest projects. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to Toomaj's music, this channel is a must-follow for anyone who appreciates great music and artistic talent. Don't miss out on the latest from Toomaj - join the channel today!
03 Jan, 10:14
26 Dec, 08:01
23 Dec, 06:09
05 Dec, 10:42
02 Dec, 18:26
21 Nov, 15:28
19 Nov, 17:06
12 Nov, 18:11
20 Oct, 16:07
01 Sep, 07:42
26 Aug, 20:50
16 Aug, 11:16
15 Aug, 08:41
25 Jul, 07:35
23 Jun, 07:35
23 Jun, 07:19
22 Jun, 10:57
11 Jun, 21:47
23 May, 10:00
09 May, 12:46
06 May, 16:38
08 Mar, 10:36
19 Oct, 08:18
24 Oct, 15:25
24 Oct, 15:25
06 Oct, 07:55
06 Oct, 07:15
06 Sep, 13:41
11 Aug, 16:47
11 Aug, 16:47
29 Jul, 08:02
28 Jul, 14:26
18 Jul, 07:32