আপনি কি হ্যাকিং শিখতে চান? আপনি কি নিজের দক্ষতা বৃদ্ধি করতে চান? তাহলে 'TNL AKASH 007' নামক টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেলটি আপনার জন্য একটি অত্যন্ত উপকারী স্থান। এই চ্যানেলে 'হ্যাকিং শিখুন ফ্রিতে' নামক কন্টেন্টে আপনি নিজের দক্ষতা বৃদ্ধি করতে পারবেন। এছাড়া, এই চ্যানেলে 'Help Centre' নামক সেকশনে আপনি যেকোনো সমস্যা বা প্রশ্ন সহ যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন।nnচ্যানেলের এডমিন @akashgamerking, @freeallhack, এবং @tnlakash007 আপনাদের সমস্যা সমাধানে সাহায্য করতে সচেতন। তাদের উপকারিতা দিয়ে আপনি শতভাগ কার্যক্ষম ও তথ্যবান হতে পারবেন।nnতাহলে, 'TNL AKASH 007' চ্যানেলে যোগ দিন এবং নিজের দক্ষতা বৃদ্ধি করুন এবং Help Centre থেকে সহায়তা পান। আপনার কাজে সুবিধা ও নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য 'TNL AKASH 007' চ্যানেলটি আপনার সাথে সবসময়।
11 Jan, 17:00
07 Jan, 19:58
06 Jan, 19:04
01 Jan, 19:47
26 Dec, 10:41
Design a modern and visually appealing logo featuring the name 'TNL AKASH007' in bold, futuristic fonts. Include a central anime-style boy character with spiky hair holding a gaming controller, surrounded by glowing neon blue and orange geometric shapes. Use a dynamic and vibrant color palette of black, blue, orange, and yellow. Ensure the background has subtle digital patterns to emphasize a gaming and tech theme. Incorporate triangular neon shapes in the background for added depth and contrast. The overall design should resonate with a gaming enthusiast audience and convey a high-tech, energetic feel.
23 Dec, 19:35
22 Dec, 04:03
13 Dec, 14:16
12 Dec, 10:49
11 Dec, 21:06
11 Dec, 10:30
28 Nov, 00:52
A bold and vibrant gaming logo featuring an eagle with its wings fully spread, surrounded by electric lightning bolts. The eagle is illuminated with glowing orange and red fire effects, giving a fierce and energetic look. Below the eagle, a metallic plaque with intricate golden borders displays the text 'TNL-4.6K' in bold white letters with a red outline. The background is a deep blue gradient, emphasizing the glowing and electrifying elements of the design.
27 Nov, 16:28
25 Nov, 15:29
A strong and stylish logo is placed in the center. The logo reads "TNL Akash 007", where the word "TNL" is boldly preceded by a wing symbol extending to the left. The wings are designed in bright red and white, symbolizing mobility. The "Akash 007" piece is designed in a combination of dark blue and red, evoking a futuristic and cyberpunk style.
Background Details:
The background is deep and mysterious, with a human face vaguely visible. It adds a personal touch and mysterious atmosphere to the design. Japanese or Chinese characters are spread across the background in neon lights. Some other small graphic elements such as: "ERROR 404" and various design patterns are placed in the background, which gives the design a cyberpunk and modern style.
Color and Lighting:
The dominant colors of the design are bright red, blue and white. The background is black and dark, with bright rays of neon lights used. A glow effect has been added to the logo, which makes the design more attractive
24 Nov, 17:57
24 Nov, 06:33
22 Nov, 06:16
21 Nov, 20:06
18 Nov, 06:13
16 Nov, 06:35
50 LMP
04 Nov, 05:47
03 Nov, 03:22
02 Nov, 17:25
25 Oct, 23:59
24 Oct, 05:10
20 Oct, 05:58
19 Oct, 18:00
17 Oct, 03:44
16 Oct, 05:11
"<b><a href='https://t.me/"+request.chat.username+"/"+request.message_id+"'>ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ɪᴅ:</a></b> <code>" +
request.message_id +
"</code>\n<b><a href='tg://user?id="+user.telegramid+"'>ʏᴏᴜʀ ɪᴅ:</a></b> <code>"+user.telegramid+"</code>\n<b><a href='https://t.me/"+request.chat.username+"'>ᴄʜᴀᴛ ɪᴅ:</a></b> <code>" +
request.chat.id +
parse_mode: "html",
reply_to_message_id: request.message_id
10 Oct, 16:54
def download_instagram_reel(url):
data = bunchify(HTTP.get(f"https://nodejs-1xn1lcfy3-jobians.vercel.app/v2/downloader/instagram?url={url}").json())
if data.get("status") == True and isinstance(data.get("data"), list) and len(data.get("data")) > 0:
reel = data.get("data")[0]
if reel.get("type") == "video" and reel.get("url"):
return reel.get("url")
return None
text = message.text
if text == "/start":
bot.sendMessage("Welcome! Send me an Instagram reel URL to download and send back to you.")
raise ReturnCommand()
if text.startswith("https://www.instagram.com/reel/"):
processing_message = bot.sendMessage("Processing the Instagram reel URL...")
reel_url = download_instagram_reel(text)
if reel_url:
bot.deleteMessage(chat_id=u, message_id=processing_message.message_id)
bot.sendVideo(video=reel_url, caption=f"Instagram Reel Downloaded From @{Bot.info().username}")
bot.editMessageText(message_id=processing_message.message_id, text="Failed to download the Instagram reel. Please try again later.")
except Exception as e:
bot.editMessageText(message_id=processing_message.message_id, text="Failed to download the Instagram reel. Please try again later.")
bot.sendMessage("Please send a valid Instagram reel URL to download and send back to you.\nExample: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CulCHoUp70k")
09 Oct, 06:24
var spl = message.split("/")
var lin = spl[3]
var id = lin.split("?")[0]
"https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=" +
id +
"&key=your api&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics,status",
success: "/n"
🎖 Command:- /n
❤️ BJS:-
var yt = JSON.parse(content)
var pub = yt.items[0].snippet.publishedAt
var chid = yt.items[0].snippet.channelId
var title = yt.items[0].snippet.title
//var des = yt.items[0].snippet.description
var tumb = yt.items[0].snippet.thumbnails.maxres.url
var chnlnam = yt.items[0].snippet.channelTitle
var kids = yt.items[0].status.madeForKids
var privacy = yt.items[0].status.privacyStatus
var views = yt.items[0].statistics.viewCount
var like = yt.items[0].statistics.likeCount
var comment = yt.items[0].statistics.commentCount
var txt = ⚡️ <b>Title:</> <i>${title}</>
👀 <b>Total Views:</> <code>${views}</>
👍 <b>Total Likes:</> <code>${like}</>
💬 <b>Total Comments:</> <code>${comment}</>
☣ <b>Video Status:</> <i>${privacy}</>
👦 <b>Video For Kids:</> <i>${kids}</>
💹 <b>Channel Name:</> <i>${chnlnam}</>
🆔 <b>Channel ID:</> <code>${chid}</>
photo: tumb,
caption: txt,
parse_mode: "html",
disable_web_page_preview: true
06 Oct, 18:45
06 Oct, 00:34
03 Oct, 06:08
03 Oct, 05:32