a blanket octopus unfurling itself, revealing its colors 🌳 Join Money Secrets-> Mindset
The unseen world
13 Oct, 05:26
I'm looking for 50 people who want to take action and become the best versions of themselves within the next 90 days.
If this is you, then...
The unseen world
13 Oct, 04:04
Chairs are for noobs
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The unseen world
12 Oct, 04:04
There is a better way to eat a pomegranate
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The unseen world
11 Oct, 04:04
Oscillation in an elastic medium
When striking the tuning fork, vibrations arise inside, they are almost invisible, only slightly audible. As soon as the horns of the tuning fork are submerged in water, a whole storm is born. 🌳 Join Money Secrets-> Mindset
The unseen world
10 Oct, 04:04
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The unseen world
09 Oct, 04:04
making rubber band guns is a popular hobby in japan. here's one with a magazine 🌳 Join Money Secrets-> Mindset
The unseen world
20 Sep, 10:07
firestorms appear after the raging forest fires in california. 🌳 Join MindSet
The unseen world
19 Sep, 10:07
The skies over Los Angeles during U.S. Independence Day celebrations 🌳 Join MindSet