The Slaughter 710 is a Telegram channel dedicated to documenting the horrific massacre carried out by Hamas in Israel on October 7. This channel serves as a platform for those seeking accurate and up-to-date information on the tragic events that unfolded on that day. By providing real-time updates and firsthand accounts, The Slaughter 710 aims to shed light on the atrocities committed and honor the memory of the victims.
For individuals looking to stay informed, the main channel can be found at Additionally, it is highly recommended to join the backup channel at to ensure that you do not miss any important updates or news.
Join The Slaughter 710 today to show your support for the victims, stand against violence, and demand justice for those affected by this senseless act of brutality.
08 Feb, 10:37
01 Nov, 21:04
06 Oct, 22:35
06 Oct, 17:05
06 Oct, 16:54