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⚡️Where Myth Meets History — Tartaria, the Old World, and other historically engaging topics.
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अंतिम अपडेट 16.03.2025 23:28

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06 Oct, 14:43


The Master Builders of Medieval Europe

Did you know medieval castles were traditionally painted white? In this article, we dig into the journey of the formidable men who infiltrated medieval Europe to become the first British Knights of the Realm.

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Only at 🔱 tartariabritannica.com


05 Oct, 13:01


The Giant of St. Germain: Folklore or Hidden History?

Could the tomb of Isoret in St. Germain be a clue to a hidden part of history? In the 17th century, respected anatomist Jean Riolan the Younger claimed to have uncovered the remains of a giant. Riolan wasn’t known for making wild claims, so could there be something to this discovery?

📰 Click the link to read more ➤

Only at 🔱 tartariabritannica.com


01 Oct, 15:07


The Garden of Eden: A Paradise Lost

What if the Garden of Eden wasn’t just a distant memory, but a place that still exists at the edge of the known world? Our latest article dives into the depiction of Eden on the Hereford Mappa Mundi, exploring how this biblical paradise—complete with Adam, Eve, the Tree of Knowledge, and the rivers of life—symbolized the perfect creation lost.

From Augustine to Milton and Dante, Eden has shaped our understanding of humanity’s origins. But could this paradise still be out there? Join us as we unravel the mysteries and historical speculations that surround Eden’s location—from Mesopotamia to the Persian Gulf, and even the legendary Hyperborea.

📰 Ready to explore the lost paradise? Click to uncover the secrets of Eden!

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29 Sep, 10:07


Origins of the Alans from Scythian Culture

What happened when the fierce nomads of the Eurasian steppes were forced to flee? This week, we explore the origins of the Alans, descendants of the Scythians known for their legendary horsemanship and resilience.

As the Scythian empire fell, the Alans adapted, battling the Huns and leaving their mark on the Roman and Byzantine Empires. Discover how these warriors shaped European nobility and forged a lasting legacy.

📰 Join us every Sunday on a journey through the hidden past of the Alans ➤

Only at 🔱 tartariabritannica.com


28 Sep, 12:39


Albion, the Giant King of Briton

What if we told you Britain’s first king was a giant? In our latest article, we’re diving into the legend of Albion, the giant ruler who once reigned over the island. With roots tracing back to the god Poseidon and a dramatic showdown with Hercules, his story is one of power, intrigue, and ancient battles.

Drawing from sources like Holinshed’s Chronicles and Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, we’ll explore how Albion became a symbol of Britain’s ancient past and how his legacy continues to influence British culture today.

📰 Ready to learn more about this epic figure? Click the link and uncover the secrets of Albion, the giant king of Briton ➤

Only at 🔱 tartariabritannica.com


26 Sep, 09:47


The Hidden Hand: Exploring Medieval Censorship

How much of what we know about history is really true? Our latest article uncovers how powerful institutions have shaped our understanding of the past by suppressing and altering information, including Tartaria.

From the brutal suppression of the Cathars in the Albigensian Crusade to the tragic loss of knowledge with the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, we reveal how alternative voices were silenced throughout history.

Let’s uncover the truths that have been buried for too long!

📰 Click the link to read more ➤

Only at 🔱 tartariabritannica.com


25 Sep, 11:49


🦅 The White Griffin 🦅

Did you know the white griffin is more than just a mythical creature? It’s a powerful symbol of purity and nobility, deeply rooted in history and legend. From its role as a sacred protector in ancient texts to its modern resurgence as an emblem of lost knowledge, the white griffin stands as a testament to hidden stories waiting to be rediscovered.

In our latest article, we explore the origins and significance of this majestic creature. Learn how it became a symbol of the once-great Tartarian Empire, stood against the knights of the old realm, and inspired our own banner as a beacon of hope and truth.

📰 Click the link and dive into the captivating story of this legendary beast ➤

Only at 🔱 tartariabritannica.com


24 Sep, 15:54


Tartaria and its buried past. Using Aether and frequencies within Nature.

Rumble Link👇

24 Sep, 09:01


The Ingenious Creator of the Hereford Mappa Mundi

Welcome to the beginning of our Mappa Mundi series!

Step into the world of Richard of Haldingham and Lafford, also known as Richard de Bello—the mastermind behind the Hereford Mappa Mundi. He wasn’t just a cartographer; he was an artist, a scribe, and a visionary who, around 1300, transformed a piece of cowhide into a map that still fascinates us today.

But who was Richard, really? How did his life lead him from Lincoln Cathedral to Hereford, and what secrets does his story hold? In this first article, discover the hidden clues about his identity, his mysterious connection to Bishop Swinfield, and the legacy of this incredible medieval mapmaker.

📰 Curious? Click to uncover the story of Richard de Bello and his extraordinary creation ➤

Only at 🔱 tartariabritannica.com


22 Sep, 22:21


King Arthur and the Autumn Equinox: A Tale of Light and Darkness

As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, we find ourselves at the cusp of the autumn equinox—a time of perfect balance between light and dark. But did you know this seasonal shift is echoed in one of King Arthur’s most forgotten legends? It’s a tale of courage and the quest to restore what was lost, a story as timeless as the changing of the seasons.

Long ago, Mabon ap Modron, the “Son of the Great Mother,” was stolen from his mother when he was just three days old. His loss plunged the world into darkness, much like the coming of winter after the equinox. To restore harmony, King Arthur and his loyal knights embarked on an epic journey to find the lost child and bring balance back to the land.

Guided by the ancient wisdom of the Blackbird, the Stag, the Owl, the Eagle, and the mighty Salmon, Arthur’s quest led him to a mysterious fortress “where neither day nor night touch.” It was here, in the heart of darkness, that Arthur and his knights fought to free Mabon, restoring light and hope to the world.

This story isn’t just a myth—it’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments, balance and light can be restored. As we celebrate the autumn equinox, let’s take a moment to reflect on Arthur’s timeless quest. Share this story with those who seek balance in their lives, and let’s inspire each other to find light even when the days grow dim.

This season, may we all be like King Arthur: unyielding in our search for harmony, and always ready to bring a little more light into the world.

🔱 @TartariaBritannica