Syroz is a Telegram channel that is dedicated to providing users with the latest news and updates in the world of technology. The channel is managed by the user @syrozzz, who is a tech enthusiast with a passion for sharing valuable information with others. Whether you are interested in the newest gadgets, upcoming software releases, or industry trends, Syroz has you covered. With regular posts and discussions, subscribers can stay informed and engaged with all things tech. If you want to be in the know and connect with like-minded individuals, Syroz is the perfect channel for you. Join today and start exploring the exciting world of technology!
08 Feb, 17:50
08 Feb, 08:57
07 Feb, 16:15
07 Feb, 16:08
06 Feb, 18:13
05 Feb, 14:57
04 Feb, 15:40
03 Feb, 14:20
03 Feb, 11:54
13 Jan, 12:01
08 Jan, 11:47
05 Jan, 14:07
28 Dec, 17:24
15 Dec, 15:57
10 Dec, 17:56
08 Dec, 17:59
08 Dec, 17:58
06 Dec, 17:54
05 Dec, 12:58
29 Nov, 13:55
27 Nov, 13:10
26 Nov, 16:07
25 Nov, 13:57
24 Nov, 13:17
23 Nov, 16:04
29 Oct, 16:24
13 Oct, 17:15
23 Aug, 17:10
14 Aug, 15:23
12 Aug, 13:00
12 Aug, 12:50