Welcome to the boyfis Telegram channel! Unfortunately, this channel is currently closed for new members. However, if you were lucky enough to be part of this exclusive group, you were in for a treat. The channel was created by @svtuw, a mysterious individual who shared deep and thoughtful messages with the members. The description of the channel reads 'i fall in luv with ur soul before ur too well tangled in my soul ♡ྀི'. It seems like the channel was a place for introspection, love, and maybe even a touch of romance. While we may not be able to access it now, we can only imagine the beautiful conversations and connections that were formed within this community. If you were part of boyfis, consider yourself lucky to have experienced such a unique and heartfelt space.
17 Jan, 07:10
17 Oct, 11:48
17 Oct, 11:48
17 Oct, 11:26
17 Oct, 11:09