Are you a student looking for a place to boost your productivity and motivation? Look no further than 'Study mood' - the ultimate Telegram channel for students who want to excel in their studies! This channel is a hub for resources, tips, and motivation to help you stay focused and achieve your academic goals. Whether you need study playlists, study tips, or inspirational quotes, 'Study mood' has got you covered. Join a community of like-minded students who are dedicated to their education and share your own study journey with others. 'Study mood' is not just a channel, it's a support system for students who are striving for success. Don't let procrastination and distractions get in the way of your academic achievements. Join 'Study mood' today and get ready to elevate your study game to the next level!
10 Jan, 05:47
09 Jan, 16:30
नकली नोट
अब बाजार में दिखने लगें हैं, जिन्हें आम आदमी को पहचान पाना मुश्किल सा है। केवल अंग्रेजी में लिखे भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक की वर्तनी (Spelling) में अंतर है,
RESERVE BANK OF INDIA की जगह RESARVE BANK OF INDIA रिजर्व शब्द में S के बाद E के स्थान पर A है।
कृपया 500 के नोट
के लेन-देन में सावधान रहें सतर्क रहें।
*🚨07 Jan, 10:15
05 Jan, 04:52
01 Jan, 14:13
30 Dec, 06:52
26 Dec, 05:28
23 Dec, 08:53
22 Dec, 18:23
22 Dec, 13:17
16 Dec, 07:07
04 Dec, 12:24
04 Dec, 12:23
30 Nov, 17:54
28 Nov, 08:43
23 Nov, 13:48
21 Nov, 06:37
20 Nov, 16:00
20 Nov, 14:09
16 Nov, 06:11
15 Nov, 06:39
14 Nov, 11:47
14 Nov, 11:08
31 Oct, 11:34
28 Oct, 15:03
28 Oct, 12:03
28 Oct, 06:31
27 Oct, 14:03
25 Oct, 06:54
10 Oct, 08:27
07 Oct, 06:52
04 Oct, 07:37
26 Sep, 06:57
23 Sep, 05:21
21 Sep, 16:32
21 Sep, 10:50
21 Sep, 10:22
21 Sep, 09:27
21 Sep, 07:29