Mendol Steaky Rice @steakyrice Channel on Telegram

Mendol Steaky Rice


Sharing is Caring
For permission

Contact @mendolbot
Arsip @arsteaky

Mendol Steaky Rice (English)

Are you a food enthusiast looking for delicious meal inspiration? Look no further than the Mendol Steaky Rice Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @steakyrice, is dedicated to sharing mouth-watering recipes and culinary delights with its members

Mendol Steaky Rice believes that sharing is caring, which is why they are committed to providing a platform where food lovers can come together to exchange ideas, recipes, and tips. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, this channel has something for everyone

Members of Mendol Steaky Rice can expect to find a wide variety of recipes for steaky rice dishes, along with helpful cooking techniques and ingredient recommendations. From classic favorites to innovative creations, there is no shortage of culinary inspiration to be found on this channel

If you're interested in joining the Mendol Steaky Rice community, simply click on the following link to request permission: For any inquiries or assistance, you can reach out to @mendolbot or check out the archive at @arsteaky. Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with fellow foodies and elevate your cooking game with Mendol Steaky Rice!

Mendol Steaky Rice

05 Feb, 06:08

We expect it to go well-known furthermore
thanks to all of our efforts and whole-carry.

The series has been released from episodes 1 to 25, and it will be deployed and published one episode every day for a period of 25 days.

    Don't miss any of the episodes we'll be
    uploading. Concentrate your attention
    on the act of viewing.

          ( .. )    I.    FORMS & ACTORS CARDS.

We invite everyone who want to attend to celebrate the start of publishing of our series. Regarding the key message that we emphasise, please read the regulations before filling out the form. We have prepared everything for this opening, and we are pleased to inform that the first episode has been published!

    Appropriate for the presence of warmth
        in each scene. (I, @FoundSolaceBot.)


Mendol Steaky Rice

01 Jan, 12:43

Semoga bisa makin rajin upload freebies😁

Mendol Steaky Rice

01 Jan, 12:42

Selamat tahun baru, Mendol!

Mendol Steaky Rice

18 Dec, 02:47

Terakhir, maaf @mendolbot kalo bales chat suka 50 abad. Kalo ada keperluan penting yang harus segera dibales boleh chat ke @adidrobot aja, kawan-kawan (insyaaAllah balesnya ngga 50 abad, tapi 10 tahun)

Mendol Steaky Rice

18 Dec, 02:44

Sekalian, karena banyak yang nanya masalah PP di channel ini, saya mau info kalo Mendol ngga open PP ya, ges. Ini channel saya bikin buat share-share material ajaa, kalo misal kalian lihat ada forward message BA itu dari BA saya hehehehehe

Barang kali mau mutualan BA @beaverz😁🤟

Mendol Steaky Rice

18 Dec, 02:33

Photo Template
By Madrid of steakyrice

- Free for personal use and commercial use (cek ini dulu
- Free recolor



Mendol Steaky Rice

23 Nov, 10:59

Guys, ada yang open class for icons kah? Temen saya ada yang nyari

Mendol Steaky Rice

04 Nov, 21:23

Open animbor katalog sama custom emoji aja. Estimasi pengerjaan 1-7 hari tapi bisa inrush, bisa replace shape juga (buat katalog). Results di @verchives

Kalo mau order chat ke @callbeaverz yaa. Balesnya slow respon. Nanya ke @beaverzbot

Mendol Steaky Rice

03 Oct, 03:40

Timbul-timbul (3D)
By Madrid of steakyrice

- Free for personal use and commercial use (cek ini dulu
- Free recolor



Mendol Steaky Rice

03 Jul, 03:26

Cium Cium PNG by PurePNG



Mendol Steaky Rice

03 Jul, 03:22

Step 4 (Final)

Jika sudah selesai, klik ‘create QR code’ untuk melihat hasil dan ‘download PNG’ untuk mengunduh hasil QR. Uudaah

Mendol Steaky Rice

03 Jul, 03:22

Step 3 (Customize new QR)

Setelah itu silahkan customize warna dan bentuk QR sesuai yang kalian mau.
- Set color: mengatur warna
- Add logo image: menambahkan logo di tengah QR
- Customize design: mengatur bentuk QR
Disarankan, warna yang digunakan untuk QR tidak terlalu cerah agar QR tidak mengalami kendala saat discan.

Mendol Steaky Rice

03 Jul, 03:22

Step 2 (Insert your text)

Buka web customize QR Code, di sini saya pakai Pilih ‘text’ di bagian menubar web, harus pilih text karena yang mau dijadikan QR berupa tulisan. Jika yang mau dijadikan QR adalah link, bisa pilih URL.

Kemudian masukkan text yang di dapat dari @QRcodegen_bot (untuk membuat QRIS).

Mendol Steaky Rice

03 Jul, 03:22

Step 1 (Convert QRIS ke text)

Start bot @QRcodegen_bot. Lalu masukkan QRIS yang ingin diconvert dan bot akan mengirimkan balasan berupa text. Nah, text inilah yang akan dicopy dan diginakan untuk membuat bentuk QR baru.

Mendol Steaky Rice

10 May, 09:31

Hi hai hey Mendol! Kalian lagi butuh materials yang kayak gimana nih?