SSC Vocab GK Trick


SSC Vocab GK Trick

29 Sep, 09:10

Mains मे Paragraph वाले Questions मे 1-2 Question हमेशा Tone वाले मिल जाते है! ये कुछ Famous Tones है! Hindi Meaning और Basic Idea रहेगा तो मदद मिल जायेगी!!

1. Dogmatic
डॉगमैटिक (किसी विचारधारा पर अडिग रहना) Description: This tone asserts opinions as undeniable truths. Look for strong, absolute statements that dismiss opposing views.

2. Populist
जनवादी (जनता के विचारों को प्रमुखता देना) Description: This tone appeals to the common people, often oversimplifying complex issues. It may include rhetorical questions and a focus on collective values.

3. Speculative
अटकल लगाने वाला (संभावनाओं पर विचार करना) Description: This tone involves conjecture and hypothesis. Look for words like "might," "could," or "possibly," indicating uncertainty.

4. Introspective
आत्मविश्लेषी (आत्म चिंतन) Description: This tone reflects deep self-examination. It often includes personal thoughts and feelings, revealing inner conflict or insight.

5. Biased/Prejudiced/Partial
पक्षपाती (पूर्वाग्रह से भरा हुआ) Description: This tone shows favoritism. Look for language that unfairly supports one side while dismissing another, often laden with emotional language.

6. Sceptical
संदिग्ध (संदेह करने वाला) Description: This tone questions the validity of claims. Look for words that express doubt or disbelief, like "however" or "on the other hand."

7. Sanguine
आशावादी (सकारात्मक) Description: This tone is optimistic and cheerful. Look for hopeful language and a focus on positive outcomes.

8. Optimistic
आशावादी (सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण) Description: Similar to sanguine, this tone expresses confidence about the future. It often highlights opportunities and possibilities.

9. Pessimistic
निराशावादी (नकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण) Description: This tone focuses on negative outcomes. Look for language that emphasizes problems or worst-case scenarios.

10. Vitriolic/Vituperative
तीव्र आलोचनात्मक (कड़े शब्दों में आलोचना) Description: This tone is scathing and filled with bitterness. Look for harsh language and strong emotional reactions directed at someone or something.

11. Critical
आलोचनात्मक (विवेचनात्मक) Description: This tone evaluates or critiques something. Look for assessments, judgments, or points of improvement.

12. Applauding/Laudable
प्रशंसा करने वाला (समान्य रूप से सराहनीय) Description: This tone praises and commends. Look for positive language that highlights achievements or virtues.

13. Jocular/Humorous
मजेदार (हास्यात्मक) Description: This tone is lighthearted and fun. Look for jokes, puns, or playful language that aims to amuse.

14. Provocative
उत्तेजक (चिंतन को प्रेरित करने वाला) Description: This tone stirs thoughts or emotions. Look for statements that challenge norms or provoke strong reactions.

15. Suggestive/Didactic/Consultative/Instructional
सुझाव देने वाला (शिक्षाप्रद) Description: This tone provides guidance or education. Look for clear instructions, recommendations, or moral lessons.

16. Motivating/Inspirational
प्रेरणादायक (उत्साह बढ़ाने वाला) Description: This tone encourages action and positivity. Look for uplifting language that inspires readers to improve or take risks.

17. Angry/Indignant
गुस्से में (क्रोधित) Description: This tone expresses strong displeasure. Look for aggressive language or emotionally charged statements about perceived injustices.

18. Analytical
विश्लेषणात्मक (विवेचनात्मक) Description: This tone examines details critically. Look for data, logical arguments, and a structured approach to topics.

19. Commiserating
सहानुभूति देने वाला (दुख में शामिल होना) Description: This tone shows sympathy and understanding. Look for expressions of compassion and shared feelings of sorrow.

20. Narrative
कथाात्मक (कथा का स्वरूप) Description: This tone tells a story or describes events. Look for a chronological structure and personal experiences.

21. Cynical
निराशावादी (संशयवादी) Description: This tone expresses distrust in others' motives. Look for dismissive remarks about people's intentions and a general sense of skepticism.

SSC Vocab GK Trick

20 Aug, 10:59

पिछले सालों मे बार बार आये TOP 100 Fixed Prepositions!!
(1) Abide by - पालन करना
(2) Accuse of - आरोप लगाना
(3) Add to - जोड़ना
(4) Agree with - सहमत होना
(5) Aim at - लक्ष्य बनाना
(6) Apologize for - माफी मांगना
(7) Approve of - अनुमोदन करना
(8) Argue with - तर्क करना
(9) Arrive at - पहुंचना
(10) Assure of - आश्वस्त करना
(11) Blame for - दोष देना
(12) Belong to - संबंधित होना
(13) Benefit from - लाभ उठाना
(14) Boast of - गर्व करना
(15) Caution against - चेतावनी देना
(16) Compliment on - सराहना करना
(17) Comply with - पालन करना
(18) Congratulate on - बधाई देना
(19) Consist of - मिलकर बना होना
(20) Contribute to - योगदान देना
(21) Deal with - निपटना
(22) Depend on - निर्भर होना
(23) Differ from - भिन्न होना
(24) Distract from - ध्यान भटकाना
(25) Dream of - सपना देखना
(26) Engage in - संलग्न होना
(27) Excuse for - बहाना बनाना
(28) Focus on - ध्यान केंद्रित करना
(29) Forgive for - माफ करना
(30) Insist on - जोर देना
(31) Invest in - निवेश करना
(32) Judge by - मानदंड से आंकना
(33) Key to - कुंजी
(34) Laugh at - हंसना
(35) Lead to - परिणामस्वरूप होना
(36) Listen to - सुनना
(37) Look after - देखभाल करना
(38) Look at - देखना
(39) Look for - खोज करना
(40) Look forward to - बेसब्री से इंतजार करना
(41) Mention in - उल्लेख करना
(42) Neglect of - उपेक्षा करना
(43) Participate in - भाग लेना
(44) Pay for - भुगतान करना
(45) Prefer to - प्राथमिकता देना
(46) Provide with - प्रदान करना
(47) React to - प्रतिक्रिया देना
(48) Refer to - संदर्भित करना
(49) Relate to - संबंधित होना
(50) Rely on - भरोसा करना
(51) Result in - परिणाम होना
(52) Succeed in - सफल होना
(53) Suspect of - संदेह करना
(54) Tolerate of - सहन करना
(55) Trust in - विश्वास करना
(56) Turn to - पलटना
(57) Think of - सोचना
(58) Worry about - चिंता करना
(59) Agree to - सहमत होना
(60) Appoint as - नियुक्त करना
(61) Blame on - दोषारोपण करना
(62) Charge with - आरोप लगाना
(63) Concerned with - चिंतित होना
(64) Condemn for - निंदा करना
(65) Confide in - विश्वास करना
(66) Consent to - सहमति देना
(67) Correspond with - मेल खाना
(68) Decide on - निर्णय लेना
(69) Disapprove of - असहमत होना
(70) Distribute among - वितरित करना
(71) End up with - समाप्त होना
(72) Excuse from - छूट देना
(73) Fill with - भरना
(74) Grumble about - शिकायत करना
(75) Hope for - आशा करना
(76) Inquire about - पूछताछ करना
(77) Invest with - निवेश करना
(78) Listen for - सुनने का प्रयास करना
(79) Object to - आपत्ति करना
(80) Pay attention to - ध्यान देना
(81) Prefer over - पसंद करना
(82) Prohibit from - रोकना
(83) Quarrel with - झगड़ना
(84) Reconcile with - सुलह करना
(85) Result from - उत्पन्न होना
(86) Succeed to - उत्तराधिकारी होना
(87) Sympathize with - सहानुभूति रखना
(88) Think about - विचार करना
(89) Vie with - प्रतिस्पर्धा करना
(90) Yield to - स्वीकार करना
(91) Argue about - बहस करना
(92) Blame upon - दोष लगाना
(93) Care for - देखभाल करना
(94) Collide with - टकराना
(95) Commit to - समर्पित होना
(96) Compare with - तुलना करना
(97) Concentrate on - ध्यान केंद्रित करना
(98) Contrast with - विपरीत होना
(99) Devote to - समर्पित करना
(100) Excel in - उत्कृष्ट होना

SSC Vocab GK Trick

20 Aug, 06:13

पिछले सालों मे बार बार आये हुए कुछ Fixed Prepositions!!

1. Look after - देखभाल करना (take care of)
2. Look for - खोजना (search for)
3. Look into - जांच करना (investigate)
4. Look out for - सावधान रहना (be careful)
5. Get on - चढ़ना (board)
6. Get off - उतरना (descend)
7. Get in - अंदर आना (enter)
8. Get out - बाहर आना (exit)
9. Take after - प्रभावित होना (resemble)
10. Take off - उतारना (remove)
11. Take on - स्वीकार करना (accept)
12. Turn down - अस्वीकार करना (reject)
13. Turn up - बढ़ाना (increase)
14. Put off - टालना (postpone)
15. Put on - पहनना (wear)
16. Pick up - उठाना (lift)
17. Pick out - चुनना (select)
18. Bring up - बढ़ाना (mention)
19. Bring about - कारण बनना (cause)
20. Come across - प्राप्त करना (find)
21. Come along - साथ आना (accompany)
22. Come in - अंदर आना (enter)
23. Come out - बाहर आना (emerge)
24. Go on - जारी रखना (continue)
25. Go off - विस्फोट करना (explode)
26. Go in - अंदर आना (enter)
27. Go out - बाहर आना (exit)
28. Give up - आत्मसमर्पण करना (surrender)
29. Give in - समर्पण करना (submit)
30. Give out - वितरित करना (distribute)
31. Take away - दूर करना (remove)
32. Take up - शुरू करना (begin)
33. Take in - समझना (understand)
34. Turn against - विरुद्ध करना (oppose)
35. Turn to - सहायता लेना (seek help)
36. Put away - संग्रह करना (store)
37. Put aside - अलग रखना (reserve)
38. Pick at - आलोचना करना (criticize)
39. Bring down - कम करना (decrease)
40. Bring together - एकत्र करना (unite)
41. Come together - एकत्र करना (unite)
42. Get along - सहयोग करना (cooperate)
43. Get through - पूरा करना (complete)
44. Give back - वापस करना (return)
45. Give away - दान करना (donate)
46. Take over - नियंत्रण करना (assume control)
47. Take part - भाग लेना (participate)
48. Turn out - उत्पादित करना (produce)
49. Put through - जोड़ना (connect)
50. Bring up to date - अद्यतन करना (update)

SSC Vocab GK Trick

17 Jul, 06:50


SSC Vocab GK Trick

27 Jun, 00:21

1. Aplomb - आत्मविश्वास
Trick - आपके अंदर लोंबड़ी जैसा आत्मविश्वास है।
Synonyms: Self - Confidence Pride, Jubris, Vanity, Haughtiness, Self-assurance

Antonyms - Awkwardness, Chagrin, Confusion, Discomfiture, Embarrassment,

(Steno 2022)
(17 November 2022, Shift 2)

SSC Vocab GK Trick

21 Jun, 10:58

🟢 Idiom "Your guess is as good as mine".

Meaning: To admit that you do not know the answer to a question or solution to a problem.


When Jane asked me how to fix the error, I shrugged and said, 'Your guess is as good as mine'.

SSC Vocab GK Trick

13 Jun, 05:29

50 golden preposition for exams

approve - of
Conform-  to
Guilty - of
Atone - for
Avail - of
Chance - of
Refrain-  from
Born-  in
Indifferent - to
Siphoned - off
Reconcile - to
Compliment -  on
Satisfied - with
Wait - for(person)
Liable -to(authority)
Commensurate - with
Bear - with
Beware - of
Exempt - from
Trust - in (person)
Digress - from
Subsist - on
Congratulation - on
Fond - of
Fondness - for
Prevent - from
Endow - with
Marry - to
Assure - of
Assent - to
Submit - to
Insist - on
Annoyed - at(something), with(someone)
Angry - at(something), with(someone)
Agree - to(proposal,plan), with (someone)
Get rid - of
Disappointed - with
Grateful - to
Between -For two person
Among  - three or more person
Surprised - at
Married - to
Teeming - with
Averse - to
Addicted - to
Ignorant - of
Contemporary - of
Died - of (disease), from(some cause), for(purpose)
Dispense - with
Desire- for
Desirous - of
Arrive - at time
A lot-  of
Beset- with