أحدث المنشورات من SSB Pathshala (@ssbpatshala) على Telegram

منشورات SSB Pathshala على Telegram

SSB Pathshala

PPDT 8:00 AM
2,088 مشترك
1,395 صورة
10 فيديو
آخر تحديث 01.03.2025 02:39

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة SSB Pathshala على Telegram


Join for the session friends.

Jai Hind everyone
Friends try to join the session on time i.e. 9:30PM,
You'll surely learn some new things from the brilliant minds from India.

Join for ppdt

Join up for the PPDT session.

Join asap

Join up everyone for the session

Today there will be a session of PPDT at 9:30 pm ...join session timely who wish to join

SSB Pathshala pinned «From monday onwards we will start conducting sessions of GD and PPDT at 9:30 pm....»

From monday onwards we will start conducting sessions of GD and PPDT at 9:30 pm....