اقتباسات أجنبية Einglish♡ Telegram-Beiträge
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Zuletzt aktualisiert 06.03.2025 10:01
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Der neueste Inhalt, der von اقتباسات أجنبية Einglish♡ auf Telegram geteilt wurde.
لا عَزيز يُنسَى وَلو مَرَّ عَلى غِيابهُ الفُ سَنة .
No dear one is forgotten, even if a thousand years pass since his absence.
No dear one is forgotten, even if a thousand years pass since his absence.
كُنْ راضيًا وَاترك هُمومَ الأسَى
.Be content and leave the worries of sorrow.
.Be content and leave the worries of sorrow.
الصَافن ع الدَرب بِعيونه تِلگه أعزاز
.The one who is pure on the path, his eyes are precious to him.
.The one who is pure on the path, his eyes are precious to him.
يَا بَهْجَة الرُوح وَكل مَسراتهَا
.O joy of the soul and all its delights.
.O joy of the soul and all its delights.
بنات شوفو هاي القناة تنشر شغلات كلش حلوة 🤎
بنات شوفو هاي القناة تنشر شغلات كلش حلوة 🤎
دقيقة بشكلٍ مُفرط، تؤذيها التفاصيل.
Overly precise, hurt by details.
Overly precise, hurt by details.
دفءٌ عَلىٰ دفء وكأنهّا ابنة الشَّمسُ.
Warmth upon warmth, as if she were the daughter of the sun.
Warmth upon warmth, as if she were the daughter of the sun.