πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements @spoannouncements Channel on Telegram

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements


A read-only announcement channel for Cardano SPOs to receive key updates.

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πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements (English)

Are you a Cardano SPO looking to stay updated on key announcements and updates? Look no further than the IOG SPO Announcements channel on Telegram! This read-only channel is specifically designed for Cardano Stake Pool Operators to receive important updates directly from IOG (Input Output Global), the team behind Cardano's development. By joining this channel, you will be the first to know about any crucial information that may impact your operations as an SPO. Don't miss out on this valuable resource - join the IOG SPO Announcements channel today! And for even more exclusive content, make sure to sign up for the SPO Digest newsletter at https://services.iohk.io/register-for-the-spo-digest. Stay informed, stay ahead with IOG SPO Announcements channel!

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

06 Feb, 22:33

Please make this go viral 🫑 https://x.com/carloslodelar/status/1887296855085662537?s=46

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

06 Feb, 15:42

Reminder: The SPO Call starts in 15 minutes. See you there!


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

03 Feb, 16:31

Greetings SPOs! We will be holding an SPO Call this Thursday, February 6th at 16:00 UTC.

πŸ”Ή We'll hear updates from IO Engineering about post fork monitoring, performance and tracing, and core development priorities, among other topics.
πŸ”Ή Mike Ward, IO's CPO, will talk about IO's proposed product roadmap for Cardano and encourage you to contribute likewise through Intersect's Product Committee.
πŸ”Ή Charles Hoskinson will join us to discuss the ratification of the Cardano Constitution.

At the end we'll have a period for open discussion, so come with mics and minds primed. We look forward to speaking with you πŸ™‚

You can add the event to your calendar here: https://evt.to/euodumouw

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

17 Jan, 14:12

Join us at 19:00 UTC for an update and Q&A about the Plomin Hard Fork from Sam Leathers, Adam Dean, and Ryan Williams.


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

14 Jan, 20:55

Greetings SPOs! This is a reminder to upgrade to 10.1.4 and vote before the deadline for the Plomin Hard Fork gov action on Jan 24th.


Node 10.1.4 is a mainnet-ready release of the Cardano node that is capable of crossing the Plomin hard fork: https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-node/releases/tag/10.1.4

πŸ”Ή This upgrade adds safeguards at the mempool level to block specific types of transaction that could lead to a DoS attack following the hard fork.
πŸ”Ή 10.1.4 is required for stake pools and relays in order to mitigate the potential for such an attack.


Since the last hard fork (Chang), hard fork actions can't pass without your vote! There is documentation to support you in this:

πŸ”Ή ATADA's guide and scripts make voting very easy: https://x.com/ATADA_Stakepool/status/1870520133166514496
πŸ”Ή You can also see a more general guide here: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/cardano-cli/governance/submit-votes/

We expect to participate in a "Hard Fork Q&A" hosted by Intersect later this week, which we will repost here when details are shared. Don't hesitate to ask in IO's channels if anything remains unclear.

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

14 Jan, 18:09

Live now with Sam https://x.com/intersectmbo/status/1879227032242208926?s=46

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

10 Jan, 14:28

Here is the 10.1.4 update from ATADA https://x.com/ATADA_Stakepool/status/1877717214666617102

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

10 Jan, 13:25


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

09 Jan, 15:46

The SPO Call starts in 15m πŸ’ͺ


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

08 Jan, 19:13

If you're an SPO and also a dRep I think you might find this interesting https://x.com/benohanlon/status/1877065883262267548

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

08 Jan, 15:16


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

04 Jan, 03:03

Greetings SPOs! We will be holding an SPO Call this coming Thursday, January 9th.

πŸ”Ή We'll hear updates from IO Engineering and Intersect's hard fork working group, focused on readiness for the Plomin Hard Fork.
πŸ”Ή At the end we'll have a period for open discussion, so come with mics and minds primed. We look forward to speaking with you :)

You can add the event to your calendar here: https://evt.to/euuueehdw

We look forward to speaking with you!

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

02 Jan, 14:13


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

27 Dec, 22:58

dRep Twitter Space going live in 3 minutes https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1gqxvNaNzawxB

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

12 Dec, 15:01

The SPO call starts in one hour ⏰ See you there!


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

10 Dec, 16:23

Good news everyone! We will be holding an SPO call this Thursday, December 12th, 16:00 UTC πŸŽ„

πŸ”Ή We'll hear updates from IO Engineering and Intersect's hard fork working group and Parameters Committee.
πŸ”Ή We'll also have a brief review of last week's constitutional convention and the sections of the draft constitution most relevant to SPOs.

At the end we'll have a period for open discussion, so come with mics and minds primed. You can add to your calendar here: https://evt.to/euahmsmaw.

We look forward to speaking with you :)

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

02 Dec, 14:00

Hi SPOs! We will not be having the SPO call at the regular time this week due to the constitutional convention.

However, look out for further announcements about virtual events this week and a potential reschedule of the SPO call to some Thursday later in December.

It's an exciting time for Cardano. We wish the delegates luck as they deliberate on the constitution this week.

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

15 Nov, 18:05

Your assistance please! Pick up a shovel (be nice!) and let's see if we can't help them understand there is demand. https://x.com/ATADA_Stakepool/status/1857456356736856422

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

07 Nov, 15:09

ICYMI - Today's SPO call is happening now.

This is an hour earlier than normal for people in regions that follow daylight savings.


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

05 Nov, 21:32


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

05 Nov, 13:05

Community voted to NOT increase K? https://x.com/GovActions/status/1853775746445238548

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

04 Nov, 15:01


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

07 Oct, 16:54

If you believe in better representation for Cardano, do you think proximity bias is a problem worth solving? Is it a priority?

I invite you to join the forum discussion where I'm proposing we co-author an improvement proposal with the Cardano community across Japan, USA, UK, and Latin America.

Bonus: You can now download the framework of ecosystem roles, relationships, and sector definitions we used to create the Ecosystem Maps. I've published this in the forum post. These definitions were validated by 20 Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in Cardano.

Forum post: https://forum.cardano.org/t/human-interoperability-metadata-standards-and-ecosystem-maps-do-we-need-a-set-of-metadata-standards-and-definitions-for-defining-ecosystem-roles-relationships-and-sectors/135155/39

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

04 Oct, 11:56

The Intersect Cardano Product Committee is running this survey with the aim to gather initial input which will help create a Cardano roadmap proposal. Please respond to it. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBcVsUDfT1yTccitYGgupeNHe33AkuAbCREgeKbIjAht8AjA/viewform

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

30 Sep, 16:26

IOG's October SPO Call occurs this Thursday, 15:00 UTC

πŸ”Ή At this SPO call we're introducing a new open discussion segment; topic: "SPO interest group at Intersect: imagine a focused institutional vehicle for serving the SPO community, by and for SPOs and their partners, what could that look like?"

πŸ”Ή We'll also hear updates from IO Engineering and Intersect's hard fork working group and Parameters Committee.

You can add the call to your calendar here: https://evt.to/egeoeueaw

We look forward to speaking with you!

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

27 Sep, 22:59

Greetings SPOs! We're doing an open discussion segment at the SPO call this coming Thursday.

Topic: "SPO interest group at Intersect: imagine a focused institutional vehicle for serving the SPO community, by and for SPOs and their partners, what could that look like?"

What good could it do? What challenges would it face? Maybe it could help aggregate and support a lot of the existing work and sub-communities out there?

The full details for this call will be out Monday, but wanted to give you a heads up to get the thoughts flowing. Have a good weekend! πŸ’ͺ

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

07 Sep, 07:29

Question: https://x.com/benohanlon/status/1832317082211320252?s=46

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

05 Sep, 14:56

SPO Call starting in 5 minutes πŸ’ͺ


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

03 Sep, 13:19

IOG's September SPO Call occurs this Thursday, September 5th.

πŸ”Ή At this SPO call, we'll review the hard fork and the past few days of proceeding into the Conway era, discuss with Intersect's Hard Fork Working Group, and look forward into the SPO role in bootstrapping Cardano governance going ​forward.

πŸ”Ή The agenda will include panelists from the IO Engineering and Intersect's Hard Fork Working Group. We encourage you to come with your thoughts and questions as we will take time for discussion on each topic. This is a chance to come talk with these teams, to build understanding and relationship.

Add the call to your calendar here: https://evt.to/eedmdhgdw

We look forward to speaking with you!

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

02 Sep, 18:27

Cardano node v.9.1.1

Greetings SPOs, as we recently shared, the hard fork working group identified that ledger state snapshots break ledger replay in the Conway era under mainnet conditions.

πŸ‘‰ We now have a hotfix in v.9.1.1.

If you restart your node with node version 9.0.0 or node version 9.1.0 following the Chang hard fork, you must replay the chain from the genesis block each time it restarts. This can take around 90 minutes.

The hotfix (node version 9.1.1) will prevent nodes from replaying from Genesis and instead replay as normal. If an upgrade is made from an earlier version than node 9.0.0, then one replay from Genesis will be required, but the node will behave normally.

Actions and notes:
- Action: It is recommended that you avoid restarting your node until this hotfix is applied (including automated restarts). Tool providers may stagger node restarts until they have upgraded to maintain adequate service.
- Node v.9.1.1 is available at: https://bit.ly/NV911
- Details of the hotfix and other possible mitigations can be found in the following document: https://bit.ly/MCLSD

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

02 Sep, 00:07

Issue notice - Greetings SPOs! And congrats on a successful hard fork.

πŸ‘‰ Be aware that Intersect's hardfork working group has identified that ledger state snapshots break ledger replay in the Conway era when nodes have transitioned from Babbage under mainnet conditions.

If you restart your node before 12:00 UTC on 2nd September 2024, you should be unimpacted. After that time, if you restart, you will need to replay from genesis.

A hotfix (version 9.1.1) is in preparation to avoid this and will be made available once testing has been completed - likely in the coming hours. The hotfix will avoid nodes having to replay from genesis, and instead replay as normal. Some relays, and any other nodes on scheduled automatic restarts, may be impacted if restarted prior to upgrading to the hotfix.

Actions and notes:
- Action: It is recommended to avoid restarting your node until the hotfix is released. The hotfix, node version 9.1.1, will be available in the coming hours via
- Notes: For anyone with automated restarts (such as relays) it’s advisable to consider changing your restart to before 12:00 UTC on 2nd September 2024, or after upgrading to hotfix 9.1.1

Information about the hotfix will be published here as soon as it is released. For technical support or queries, head over to our hard fork working group Discord channel:

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

29 Aug, 13:52

Chang technical Q&A starting in a few minutes πŸ’ͺ

Join here: https://meet.google.com/sxj-hwjj-sin
See the meeting agenda here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D1OnjiDW2plyX-Qu63u0VVApunMNx3gkATI9a6IilvA/edit

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

28 Aug, 17:25

Chang technical Q&A

Join IO Engineering an other members of the HFWG Thursday at 2pm UTC for a final technical Q&A covering what to expect leading up to the hardfork, providing support, and reiterating what anyone not yet caught up with the rest of the ecosystem should do to prepare for the Chang Hard Fork.

ICYMI πŸ‘€ - Intersect's Hard Fork Working Group has set the hard fork date: September 1st.

The agenda for this event is as follows:

Network update (10m)
- HF lead up and event, what to expect
Review of upgrade info for devs (15m)
- costplan and reference scripts
- plutus v1/v2 // v3
- migrating from v2 to v3 + CIP 69
Structured Q&A (15m)
Closing (5m)

We hope to see anyone at this call who is catching up or is just interested in engaging with the HFWGβ€” all systems go!

πŸ”Ή Add the event to your calendar here: https://evt.to/eehgiouiw
πŸ”Ή Info + links for devs here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D1OnjiDW2plyX-Qu63u0VVApunMNx3gkATI9a6IilvA/edit?usp=sharing

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

24 Aug, 22:10

Greetings! πŸ‘‹ re: Open office session and preprod fork.

The IO Engineering team, along with some other members of Intersect's Hard Fork Working Group (HFWG), are having an open office session, Monday 3-3:45pm UTC, to provide support and answer questions about upgrades for the Chang hard fork. Some additional reminders:

πŸ”Ή Mainnet hard fork target: September 1st. Intersect announced on Friday that based on consensus of the HFWG, the Mainnet hard fork target has been moved to September 1st.

πŸ”Ή Preprod forked-- We do recommend using Preview to test features before they get to Mainnet, but if you planned to test on Preprod instead, now is the time! πŸ™‚

πŸ”Ή If you'd like to review the recording and notes from our past developer readiness walkthroughs, you can do that here:

Add Monday's open office session to your calendar here: https://evt.to/eeosdmahw

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

22 Aug, 17:18

Join the live AMA now with the Hard Fork Working Group and let's get ReadyforChang! https://x.com/IntersectMBO/status/1826666746226331671

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

22 Aug, 15:05

Do we need a set of standards for defining ecosystem roles, relationships and sectors?

Would this be worthy of writing a Cardano Problem Statement?


πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

20 Aug, 18:38

The target for mainnet hardfork is Tuesday 27th August, with a final go/no go decision scheduled for early Friday 23rd August. https://x.com/IntersectMBO/status/1825946121765896609

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

30 Jul, 15:23

ICYMI - IOG's August SPO Call occurs this Thursday, August 1st at 3pm UTC

πŸ”Ή At this SPO call, we'll talk the 9.1 release, upgrades, and ecosystem readiness for Chang, how governance turns on for SPOs with the first and second hard forks, and the latest across core development.

πŸ”Ή The agenda will include panelists from the IO Engineering and Intersect's Parameters Committee and Hard Fork Working Group. We encourage you to come with your thoughts and questions as we will take time for discussion on each topic. This is a chance to come talk with other SPOs and with these teams, to build understanding and relationship.

You can add the call to your calendar here: https://evt.to/eeuiehgsw. We look forward to speaking with you!

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

26 Jul, 17:27

ICYMI - Gov parameter settings report

The Gov Advisory Group of the Parameter Committee released their report about the governance parameter settings: https://x.com/AdamRusch/status/1816505319926755838

If you'd like to join IOG for next week's SPO call, where we will discuss this report, the 9.1 release, and more, you can add that to your calendar here: https://evt.to/eeuiehgsw

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

26 Jul, 14:58

Wondering where we are at with Babel Fees for #Cardano? https://x.com/rom1_pellerin/status/1816846763162231025

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

25 Jul, 15:12

Node version 9.1.0 is ready for mainnet! πŸ₯³

This release includes the Conway genesis file required to cross the Chang hard fork boundary, as well as a number of bug fixes and enhancements to the CLI and API.

We strongly encourage SPOs and other critical node users (exchanges, explorers, wallets, etc.) to upgrade to this version of the node. An update proposal to trigger the Chang hard fork will be submitted when sufficient SPOs and exchanges have upgraded to this version.

Whereas the Conway genesis file was optional in 9.0.0, in 9.1.0 it is required at startup, making it an ideal measure of the readiness of SPOs for the hard fork. However, if you are not a block producing node, 9.0.0 is sufficient to pass the hard fork boundary, as long as you add the latest configuration files provided with the 9.1.0 release yourself.

Parameter settings - The Conway genesis file includes the parameter settings recommended to us by the community-led Gov Advisory Group of the Parameters Committee. They are preparing a report which we encourage you to read. It will be reshared in this channel when published.

πŸ”Ή The necessary Conway genesis and other configuration files can be found here (https://book.play.dev.cardano.org/environments.html).

πŸ”Ή Watch this page to track ecosystem readiness for the hard fork (https://docs.intersectmbo.org/cardano/cardano-hardforks-and-upgrades/chang-upgrade/chang-upgrade-1-readiness).

πŸ”Ή Find the 9.1.0 release here (https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-node/releases).

πŸ₯ IOG SPO Announcements

25 Jul, 10:14

ICYMI - The weekly Chang development Q&A starts in a few hours at 2pm UTC.

This one will likely be short and sweet, at the scale of 10-20 minutes depending on how many questions we have. It's an open door if there's anything you'd like to ask. We hope to see you there!
