Welcome to 'فتيات من أرض بغداد' Telegram channel, a place where you can connect with like-minded individuals and share your experiences, thoughts, and aspirations. This channel is dedicated to the women of Baghdad, celebrating their strength, resilience, and beauty. Whether you're from Baghdad or simply admire the rich culture and history of this land, you'll find a community of supportive and inspiring women here. Join us as we uplift each other and showcase the power of sisterhood. 'فتيات من أرض بغداد' is more than just a channel; it's a movement towards empowerment and self-expression. Connect with us today and be a part of something truly special. Remember, 'لا تحزن.. سيرحل كُل أمر قد هزم إبتسامتك يوماً ما 💪🏽'. For further information and to stay updated, feel free to reach out to us on our bots: @Souhb_12_bot and @Souh11_bot.
25 Oct, 13:48
12 Sep, 16:50
07 Sep, 16:52
07 Sep, 16:49
04 Sep, 17:06
04 Sep, 16:57
04 Sep, 16:55
04 Sep, 16:53
27 Jul, 16:21
23 Jul, 16:28
23 Jul, 13:28