Solitary Individual (@solitaryindividual) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Solitary Individual टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Solitary Individual
...Follow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow,
Though thou be black as night
And she made all of light,
Yet follow thy fair sun unhappy shadow...

–reliquiae from a curious idler–
1,606 सदस्य
1,200 तस्वीरें
36 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 23:04

समान चैनल

The Apollonian 2
2,003 सदस्य
Der Schattige Wald 🇬🇱
1,147 सदस्य
Oltre la Morte
1,060 सदस्य

Solitary Individual द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Solitary Individual

20 Dec, 20:55


I try to reckon it up, but I cannot discover how it is possible that we who so greatly honour boundless wealth, who, to speak more truly, make it a god, can fail to receive into our souls the kindred evils which enter with it. There follows on unmeasured and unchecked wealth, bound to it and keeping step for step, as they say, costliness of living; which, when wealth opens the way into cities and houses, enters and settles therein. When these evils have passed much time in our lives, they build nests, the wise tell us, and soon proceed to breed and engender boasting, and vapouring, and luxury; no spurious brood, but all too truly their own. For this must perforce be so; men will no longer look up, nor otherwise take any account of good reputation; little by little the ruin of their whole life is effected; all greatness of soul dwindles and withers, and ceases to be emulated, while men admire their own mortal parts, and neglect to improve the immortal.

[On the Sublime, Sect. XLIV]
Solitary Individual

20 Dec, 20:21


Those who are unversed in wisdom and virtue and spend all their days in feastings and the like, are borne downwards, and wander so through life. They never yet raised their eyes to the true world above them, nor were lifted up, nor tasted of solid or pure pleasure; but, like cattle, looking down, and bowed to earth and to the table, they feed and fill themselves and gender; and in the greediness of these desires they kick and butt one another with horns and hoofs of iron, and kill because they cannot be satisfied.

[Plato, Republic, ix. 586 A.]
Solitary Individual

14 Dec, 17:05


Socrates and his students, an early thirteenth-century miniature from Seljuk manuscripts.
Solitary Individual

09 Dec, 18:10


There is no aid for me on earth, and I know not how to ask it from Heaven!
Solitary Individual

01 Dec, 17:42


It is sometimes said, doubtless without any understanding of the real reason, that today men live faster than in the past, and this is literally true; the haste with which the moderns characteristically approach everything they do being ultimately only a consequence of the confused impressions they experience.

If carried to its extreme limit the contraction of time would in the end reduce it to a single instant, and then duration would really have ceased to exist, for it is evident that there can no longer be any succession within the instant. Thus it is that ‘time the devourer ends by devouring itself’, in such a way that, at ‘the end of the world’, that is to say at the extreme limit of cyclical manifestation, ‘there will be no more time’; this is also why it is said that ‘death is the last being to die’, for wherever there is no succession of any kind death is no longer possible. As soon as succession has come to an end, or, in symbolical terms, ‘the wheel has ceased to turn’, all that exists can not but be in perfect simultaneity; succession is thus as it were transformed into simultaneity, and this can also be expressed by saying that ‘time has been changed into space’.
{. . .}
The conclusion may be drawn that it is quite useless to look for anything that might be a ‘fourth dimension’ of space under the conditions of the present world, and this has at least the advantage that it cuts short all the ‘neo-spiritualist’ divagations briefly referred to earlier, but is it necessary also to conclude that the absorption of time by space must necessarily take the form of the addition of a supplementary dimension to space, or is that too only a ‘figure of speech’? All that it is possible to say about this is that when the expansive tendency of space is no longer opposed and restrained by the compressive tendency of time, then space must naturally, in one way or another, undergo a dilatation such as will raise its indefinity to a higher power; but it should scarcely be necessary to add that this occurrence cannot be represented by any image borrowed from the corporeal domain.
Indeed, since time is one of the determining conditions of corporeal existence, it is evident that its suppression is by itself sufficient to cause everything to be taken right out of the world; the being is then in what has been called elsewhere an extra- corporeal ‘prolongation’ of the same individual state of existence as that of which the corporeal world represents but a mere modality: this also serves to indicate that the end of the corporeal world is by no means the end of the said state of existence considered in its integrality.
Furthermore, the end of a cycle such as that of the present humanity is really only the end of the corporeal world itself in quite a relative sense, and only in relation to the possibilities that have been included in the cycle and so have completed their development in corporeal mode; but in reality the corporeal world is not annihilated, but ‘transmuted’, and it immediately receives a new existence, because, beyond the ‘stopping-point’ corresponding to the unique instant at which time is no more, ‘the wheel begins to turn again for the accomplishment of another cycle’.

[René Guénon, 'Time Changed Into Space', in The Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times]
Solitary Individual

29 Nov, 19:01


Only God Can Make a Tree
[From the book Behind the Dim Unknown]
Solitary Individual

29 Nov, 19:00


“Who is it that has created the heavens and the earth, and sends down for you [life-giving] water from the skies? For it is by this means that We cause gardens of shining beauty to grow - [whereas] it is not in your power to cause [even one single of] its trees to grow! Could there be any divine power besides God? Nay, they [who think so] are people who swerve [from the path of reason].”
Solitary Individual

24 Nov, 09:55


The Yucca Flower and the Pronuba Moth
[From the book Behind the Dim Unknown]
Solitary Individual

24 Nov, 09:54


“The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory. Verily He is Oft-Forbear, Most Forgiving.” . . .
Solitary Individual

19 Nov, 22:01


Wonders and Problems at Time of Birth
[From the book Behind the Dim Unknown]