سمارت كلاس A2 @smart_class_a2 Channel on Telegram

سمارت كلاس A2


حل التمارين

سمارت كلاس A2 (Arabic)

تحتوي قناة سمارت كلاس A2 على حلول تمارين تهدف إلى مساعدة الطلاب على تحسين مهاراتهم في الفئة A2. إذا كنت تبحث عن طريقة فعالة لتعزيز فهمك وممارسة مهاراتك في هذا المستوى، فإن هذه القناة هي المكان المناسب لك. ستجد فيها تمارين متنوعة ومفيدة تغطي مختلف جوانب المنهج بطريقة سهلة ومفهومة. من القواعد إلى التركيبات اللغوية، ستجد كل ما تحتاجه لتحسين أدائك وتحقيق نتائج إيجابية. سجل الان في قناة "سمارت كلاس A2" وابدأ رحلتك نحو التفوق في دراستك وتحقيق النجاح.

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:17

In the first in the left image: people going to the camp.

And in the second image : people in the campground.

And in the third image: people outside the tent.

And in the fourth image: the man inside the tent.

And in the fifth image : there is Glasses - wallet - hat - notebook and pen - binoculars - camera -
mobile phone - earphone - boot

And in the last image : I see the countryside and I see that it is sunny.

تـــــــأكد من الحــــــل قبل الإجابـــــة

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:16

1 .Who went fishing? Mandy is the one who went fishing.

2 .Did Alex go hiking? Yes, Alex went for a hike with Linda.

3 .What did Kevin and Patty do? Kevin and Patty rode a bike and race.

4 .Who made a campfire? Dave and Mary made a campfire.

5 .Who took pictures of flowers? Ben and Lisa took pictures of flowers.

6. Did Emily ride in a boat? Emily didn't ride on a boat.

تـــــــأكد من الحــــــل قبل الإجابـــــة

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:16

1.What was your favorite vacation? Why was it your favorite vacation?
My favorite vacation was when I went to the US, and why was it my favorite? Because I've been to some WWE shows.

2.Did you ever go with a friend on their family vacation before?
No, I did not go with him.

3.Did a friend come with you on your family vacation?
No he did not come with me.

4. Where do you want to go on a vacation?
I want to go to Jeddah, because I love Jeddah.
تـــــــأكد من الحــــــل قبل الإجابـــــة

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:16

قسم المراجعة, نهاية الشابتر الثالث (الصوت)

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:09

On Sunday I did a pack for vacation.

On Monday I did leave for vacation to NY.

On Wednesday I did plan a trip to a beach in December.

On Friday I did come home from NY.

On Saturday I did unpack from vacation, BBQ, and picnic at Beth's.

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:08

قسم المراجعة, نهاية الشابتر الثالث (الكتابة)

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:04

1) traveled

2) came

3) left

4) bought

5) was

6) arrived

7) got

8) stopped

9) went

10) read

11) boarded

12) found

13) put

14) departed

15) were

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:03

1) sightsee

2) beach

3) usually

4) was

5) fifth

6) went

7) vacation

8) times

9) lake

10) friends

سمارت كلاس A2

04 Mar, 20:02

1) on vacation

2) would

3) walk

4) went

5) Some

6) was

7) going

8) fun

9) there

10) year

11) beach

12) My favorite vacation

13) there was

14) them





