SM TRADER'S is a Telegram channel created for educational purposes in the field of trading. The channel, with the username @sm_traders, provides valuable insights and information on trading strategies and market analysis. It is important to note that SM TRADER'S is not a SEBI registered analyst and all posts on the channel are for educational purposes only. The channel emphasizes that it is non-advisory and discretionary, meaning that users should consult their financial advisor before making any investment decisions. It is also mentioned that the channel does not claim responsibility for any profit or loss incurred by users. With a focus on education and knowledge-sharing, SM TRADER'S aims to empower its members with the necessary information to make informed decisions in the trading world. Join SM TRADER'S today to enhance your trading skills and stay updated on the latest market trends and strategies.
25 Nov, 05:13
18 Nov, 03:48
11 Nov, 05:39
30 Oct, 05:52
28 Oct, 05:00
18 Oct, 05:29