Wuncaki telfonimizan ovozini balan qb ewtamz🙂↔️
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Quloqqa nauwnik tiqamz diyomima end
Wuncaki telfonimizan ovozini balan qb ewtamz🙂↔️
Wuncaki telfonimizan ovozini balan qb ewtamz🙂↔️
Hullas biz kelajakdi kasbimiz ucun tayyorgarlikni boshladik
Avvalo oddiy plastilindan yasab korishshi maqul kordim chunki xam qulay xam uvol qsilayam unca pul kuymidi😂 wunicun probaga oddi plastlindan yasimza
Avvalo oddiy plastilindan yasab korishshi maqul kordim chunki xam qulay xam uvol qsilayam unca pul kuymidi😂 wunicun probaga oddi plastlindan yasimza
Ma ewitadga music la haqda qisqaca🙂↔️
Mundo qz bolaga oxwab narmalni music ewtmimane🤣
Mundo qz bolaga oxwab narmalni music ewtmimane🤣
Quloqqa nauwnik tiqamz va musiqa sadosi ostida xizmatkorlik iwlarini ociq deb elon qlamz🙂↔️
My birthday is coming up soon and what I'm looking forward to🫠🫶
(Ps: If you live far away, you can send it to me by mail. 🤣)
(Ps: If you live far away, you can send it to me by mail. 🤣)
The most nervous and enjoyable time of our lives begins with breakfast with classmates.🤣
My interest in life is fading more and more. I can't stand hearing teachers talk from early in the morning, mumbling of others.
I just want to turn up the volume on my AirPods and dive into my fantasy world.🫠
I just want to turn up the volume on my AirPods and dive into my fantasy world.🫠
Maybe I'm not preparing for the IELTS exam like others, or I don't have enough knowledge to get into the institute. But I can honestly say that I have no desire for such a life.😂
I don't usually dream, but sometimes you have to, right? So my dream, my desire, is this profession.
Can you tell me what you get out of it?
I don't have any specific goals in mind for this profession. I just want to enjoy my work and live a fulfilling life.
The material side?
🫴Why are we getting married? 😂
Many girls now ( I'm studying for my dreams, for my career, to be able to support myself financially in the future.)I'm not saying their ideas are wrong, because I have similar desires right now.
But you know, I prefer to lean on my spouse. 🤣 Hey, isn't that what makes life interesting?🤣
I don't usually dream, but sometimes you have to, right? So my dream, my desire, is this profession.
Can you tell me what you get out of it?
I don't have any specific goals in mind for this profession. I just want to enjoy my work and live a fulfilling life.
The material side?
🫴Why are we getting married? 😂
Many girls now ( I'm studying for my dreams, for my career, to be able to support myself financially in the future.)I'm not saying their ideas are wrong, because I have similar desires right now.
But you know, I prefer to lean on my spouse. 🤣 Hey, isn't that what makes life interesting?🤣