Der neueste Inhalt, der von Siddharth Agarwal Classes auf Telegram geteilt wurde.
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
14 Feb, 11:20
Reminder. CA Inter Audit class LIVE tomorrow (Saturday) @ 8am (New chapter 11 starts.). SIDDHARTH SIR.
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
13 Feb, 12:13
Important. CA Inter Law class on SUNDAY @ 8am, not tomorrow (General Clauses Act 1897 starts). SIDDHARTH SIR.
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
12 Feb, 12:54
Important. CA Inter Audit class LIVE resumes from SATURDAY @ 8am (Ethics ch-11). CA Inter Law class on FRIDAY @ 8 am (General Clauses Act 1897). SIDDHARTH SIR.
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
11 Feb, 15:17
Congratulations 🎊👏
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
11 Feb, 12:15
Reminder. Tomorrow Wednesday (12th Feb) LIVE class resumes. CA Inter Law @ 8am (LLP) CMA Inter Law @ 2pm (Nego) SIDDHARTH SIR
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
08 Feb, 13:13
Important. Wednesday (12th Feb) LIVE class resumes, after Festival. CA Inter Law @ 8am (LLP) CMA Inter Law @ 2pm (Nego) SIDDHARTH SIR
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
07 Feb, 01:59
100 % in 250 pages.
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
05 Feb, 00:54
LAW 2.0 100% पढ़ो, Summary नहीं | (Study 100%, not Summary)
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
04 Feb, 06:12
Law 2.0 | Don’t Miss it | CA Siddharth Agarwal
Siddharth Agarwal Classes
03 Feb, 05:40
CA Inter Audit Books are in print and likely to come to us this week. Till that time, I have put first 2 chapters Notes and QnA on Telgram for your use. SIDDHARTH SIR