استفاده نشده یک ماه اشتراک داره
Pv : @zitamin
PARADOX is a Telegram channel created by @shotup, dedicated to providing users with a platform free from any illegal or offensive content. This channel strictly adheres to the guidelines set by @Telegram, ensuring that there are no posts containing pornography or rude material. As an official channel on Telegram, PARADOX prides itself on offering a safe and secure space for users to engage with each other. With a zero-tolerance policy towards spam and adult content, users can trust that they will only find high-quality and relevant posts on this channel. For those looking for a community that values respect and integrity, PARADOX is the ideal destination. Join today to be a part of a positive and engaging online environment. For advertising inquiries, please contact @ads_shotup.
31 Jan, 23:16
18 Nov, 17:10