Welcome to 'No shitty Thoughts! / Yes.' - the Telegram channel where you can share all your thoughts, no matter how messed up they may seem. Are you tired of filtering out your ideas or feeling like you can't express yourself freely? Well, this is the place for you. 'No shitty Thoughts! / Yes.' encourages you to embrace your raw, unfiltered self and share your most controversial, funny, or downright bizarre thoughts with a community that understands. Who is it for? This channel is for anyone who wants a safe space to let loose and be themselves without fear of judgment. It's for the rebels, the outcasts, the comedians, and the deep thinkers. If you have something to say but feel like you can't say it anywhere else, this is your home. What is it? 'No shitty Thoughts! / Yes.' is a platform for self-expression, connection, and a good laugh. It's a place where you can find like-minded individuals who appreciate the beauty in imperfection. This channel is not about perfection or conformity - it's about embracing the messy, chaotic, and sometimes nonsensical side of life. Join us at '@shittyythoughts0' and start sharing your fucked up thoughts today. Remember, there are no shitty thoughts here - only the freedom to be yourself. Welcome to the community where authenticity reigns supreme.
24 Nov, 06:15
05 Nov, 04:08
25 Oct, 17:23
18 Oct, 16:56
06 Oct, 18:18
10 Sep, 06:40
25 Aug, 04:55
23 Aug, 15:01
20 Aug, 20:00
17 Aug, 09:23
16 Aug, 15:14
14 Aug, 18:17
07 Aug, 12:26
06 Aug, 12:00
28 Jul, 05:36
26 Jul, 16:32
23 Jul, 04:34