No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes. @shittyythoughts0 Channel on Telegram

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.


Hope, smile, eat, care, sex, money, curiosity, diplomatic, smart work, sarcastic, funny,
Ugly, stupidity

Share ur fucked up thoughts here


No shitty Thoughts! / Yes. (English)

Welcome to 'No shitty Thoughts! / Yes.' - the Telegram channel where you can share all your thoughts, no matter how messed up they may seem. Are you tired of filtering out your ideas or feeling like you can't express yourself freely? Well, this is the place for you. 'No shitty Thoughts! / Yes.' encourages you to embrace your raw, unfiltered self and share your most controversial, funny, or downright bizarre thoughts with a community that understands. Who is it for? This channel is for anyone who wants a safe space to let loose and be themselves without fear of judgment. It's for the rebels, the outcasts, the comedians, and the deep thinkers. If you have something to say but feel like you can't say it anywhere else, this is your home. What is it? 'No shitty Thoughts! / Yes.' is a platform for self-expression, connection, and a good laugh. It's a place where you can find like-minded individuals who appreciate the beauty in imperfection. This channel is not about perfection or conformity - it's about embracing the messy, chaotic, and sometimes nonsensical side of life. Join us at '@shittyythoughts0' and start sharing your fucked up thoughts today. Remember, there are no shitty thoughts here - only the freedom to be yourself. Welcome to the community where authenticity reigns supreme.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

18 Dec, 09:18


No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

24 Nov, 06:15

Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

24 Nov, 01:54


No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

11 Nov, 16:48


No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

05 Nov, 04:08

I think somehow we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

25 Oct, 17:23

In 1871, lawyer Clement Vallandigham was defending a client accused of murder.

In demonstrating how the victim might have accidentally shot himself, he accidentally shot himself.

He died. His client was acquitted.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

20 Oct, 10:58

Sapiens and Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari.epub

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

18 Oct, 16:56

Sometimes, things don't go as planned. It's called life.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

06 Oct, 18:18

The Psychology of Money - Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness.pdf

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

10 Sep, 06:40

The Y chromosome is degenerating and if it continues at the same rate it will disappear in 4.6 million years.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

04 Sep, 04:08

We choose our destiny in the way we treat others.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

01 Sep, 02:50

Smile, breathe, and go slowly.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

30 Aug, 19:44

Take it easy — but take it.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

25 Aug, 04:55

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

23 Aug, 15:01

In 2001, Saddam Hussein offered $94 million in humanitarian aid to Americans living in poverty.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

20 Aug, 20:00

As far as your self-control goes, as far goes your freedom

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

17 Aug, 09:23

The only person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does anything.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

16 Aug, 15:14

Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning...

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

14 Aug, 18:17

Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

07 Aug, 12:26

There is over 400,000 pounds (181,436.948 kilograms) of man-made trash and debris on the moon, including 96 bags of urine, feces, and vomit.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

06 Aug, 12:00

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

05 Aug, 18:09

Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

28 Jul, 05:36

The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

26 Jul, 16:32

Stupid is Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing in lies.

No shitty Thoughts! /? Yes.

23 Jul, 04:34

You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.