🇮🇷 شیرگاهیا is a Telegram channel that aims to provide entertainment and informative content for its followers. Unfortunately, due to the distribution of criminal content, the channel has been temporarily blocked until further notice by the judicial authorities. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Stay tuned for updates on the situation and we hope to resume our regular programming soon.
31 Jul, 09:43
29 May, 10:00
29 May, 03:59
29 May, 03:50
29 May, 03:36
29 May, 03:34
28 May, 14:12
28 May, 07:04
28 May, 03:35
28 May, 03:29
27 May, 19:46
27 May, 19:36
27 May, 18:06
27 May, 18:04
27 May, 18:01
27 May, 17:58
27 May, 17:55
27 May, 17:53
27 May, 16:44