Últimas publicaciones de Shiesty’s Diary (@shiestyscalls) en Telegram

Publicaciones de Telegram de Shiesty’s Diary

Shiesty’s Diary
Owner: @Jordan_0x
1,106 Suscriptores
315 Fotos
107 Videos
Última Actualización 01.03.2025 09:29

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El contenido más reciente compartido por Shiesty’s Diary en Telegram

Since ive made 7 figures in this space i’m thinking about reviving this channel to share what ive been up to and doing recently in terms of trades - insider info and opportunities in general🤝

We’re back lads

Shiesty’s Diary pinned Deleted message

Longed Solana here at around 93 - TP 102

Solana kinda retired me so I took a huge break

Will start using this channel more

Not necessarily for memecoins but also for future plays since I havent lost a trade in months, and other defi related stuff

Hey btw, been a while

Is friendtech still a thing?

Saw some big wallets aping $INCH earlier. Looks like a good spot to enter. Cross chain bot.



Perps for Shibarium

Will run to around 10m + when the chain is live imo

Currently at 2.4M



Also, im gonna be early on Shibarium, will be much more hyped than Base

Scouting dog coins rn

Holding up really well, this is a long term play and I believe it will rip soon