❗️Access Time ❗️
➭ The time interval between the instance at which data is called from a storage device and the instance when delivery begins.
❗️Accumulator ❗️
➭ A local storage area called a register, in which the result of an arithmetic and logic operation is formed.
❗️Active Cell ❗️
➭ It refers to the currently selected cell in a spreadsheet. It can be identified by a bold outline that surrounds the cells.
❗️Active Window ❗️
➭ It is the currently focused window in the current window manager.
❗️Access Time ❗️
➭ The time interval between the instance at which data is called from a storage device and the instance when delivery begins.
❗️Accumulator ❗️
➭ A local storage area called a register, in which the result of an arithmetic and logic operation is formed.
❗️Active Cell ❗️
➭ It refers to the currently selected cell in a spreadsheet. It can be identified by a bold outline that surrounds the cells.
❗️Active Window ❗️
➭ It is the currently focused window in the current window manager.