Are you interested in expanding your knowledge about the events of July 7th? Look no further than the Telegram channel '7/7' curated by user @schlack2. This channel serves as a platform to discuss and commemorate historical events that occurred on July 7th throughout history. From significant milestones to lesser-known occurrences, '7/7' aims to educate and engage its members in a meaningful dialogue about the past. Whether you are a history buff or simply curious about the events on this specific date, this channel is the perfect place for you. Join us on '7/7' as we delve into the rich tapestry of history and uncover the stories that have shaped our world. Who is it? '7/7' is a community of individuals passionate about history and eager to learn more about significant events that took place on July 7th. What is it? It is a Telegram channel that provides a platform for discussion and reflection on historical events that occurred on this specific date. Join us on '7/7' and let's explore the past together.