و رضيت انــه و بچــه گلبي
ايهاب عيال
Welcome to سُگ̷ر̷ٵ̷ٵ̷ي̷ةة, a Telegram channel that promises to add excitement to your life! The title of the channel translates to 'The Secret of Being Boring is that You Say Everything!' If you're tired of the mundane and want to spice things up, this channel is perfect for you. Get ready to explore a world of fun and entertainment where you can share your thoughts and experiences without holding back. Let your creativity and imagination run wild as you connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate your uniqueness. Join us at سُگ̷ر̷ٵ̷ٵ̷ي̷ةة and unlock the secrets to living a more fulfilling and exciting life. Don't miss out on the opportunity to break free from boredom and embrace the thrill of self-expression. Say goodbye to monotony and hello to a world of endless possibilities with سُگ̷ر̷ٵ̷ٵ̷ي̷ةة!
02 Feb, 11:14
02 Feb, 11:14
30 Dec, 07:19
24 Nov, 07:15
24 Nov, 07:15
26 Oct, 18:41
08 Oct, 17:21
04 Oct, 11:22
04 Oct, 11:22
04 Oct, 11:22
04 Oct, 11:22
09 Sep, 23:33