🖤جــآدِهے غَــم🖤 is a Telegram channel that focuses on sharing deep and emotional thoughts. The channel title translates to 'Serious Sorrow' in English, indicating that the content shared on this channel is likely to be poignant and reflective. The channel description urges followers to follow their hearts when faced with decisions between moving forward or staying still, as the heart will always lead them in the right direction. The channel creator, @hs07hs, asks for support and encourages followers to join the channel and spread the word to their friends. If you appreciate deep and meaningful content, 🖤جــآدِهے غَــم🖤 is the perfect channel for you to explore and connect with others who share similar sentiments.
17 Jul, 14:59
19 Jun, 04:03
06 Jun, 08:26
13 Apr, 03:47
05 Apr, 05:29